
1.先用了NPOI,去做,HSSFWorkbook 里面有一个Copy方法,但这个只支持office2003。
var fs = new FileStream("c://pivotGrid.xls", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs);
var sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0) as HSSFS
var fs2 = new FileStream("c://test3.xls", FileMode.Create);
var workbook2 = new HSSFWorkbook();
sheet.CopyTo(workbook2, "a", true, true);
public class POIUtils {
* 把一个excel中的cellstyletable复制到另一个excel,这里会报错,不能用这种方法,不明白呀?????
* @param fromBook
* @param toBook
public static void copyBookCellStyle(HSSFWorkbook fromBook,HSSFWorkbook toBook){
for(short i=0;i&fromBook.getNumCellStyles();i++){
HSSFCellStyle fromStyle=fromBook.getCellStyleAt(i);
HSSFCellStyle toStyle=toBook.getCellStyleAt(i);
* 复制一个单元格样式到目的单元格样式
* @param fromStyle
* @param toStyle
public static void copyCellStyle(HSSFCellStyle fromStyle,
HSSFCellStyle toStyle) {
* Sheet复制
* @param fromSheet
* @param toSheet
* @param copyValueFlag
public static void copySheet(HSSFWorkbook wb,HSSFSheet fromSheet, HSSFSheet toSheet,
boolean copyValueFlag) {
mergerRegion(fromSheet, toSheet);
for (Iterator rowIt = fromSheet.rowIterator(); rowIt.hasNext();) {
HSSFRow tmpRow = (HSSFRow);
HSSFRow newRow = toSheet.createRow(tmpRow.getRowNum());
* 行复制功能
* @param fromRow
* @param toRow
public static void copyRow(HSSFWorkbook wb,HSSFRow fromRow,HSSFRow toRow,boolean copyValueFlag){
for (Iterator cellIt = fromRow.cellIterator(); cellIt.hasNext();) {
HSSFCell tmpCell = (HSSFCell);
HSSFCell newCell = toRow.createCell(tmpCell.getCellNum());
copyCell(wb,tmpCell, newCell, copyValueFlag);
* 复制原有sheet的合并单元格到新创建的sheet
* @param sheetCreat 新创建sheet
* @param sheet
public static void mergerRegion(HSSFSheet fromSheet, HSSFSheet toSheet) {
int sheetMergerCount = fromSheet.getNumMergedRegions();
for (int i = 0; i & sheetMergerC i++) {
Region mergedRegionAt = fromSheet.getMergedRegionAt(i);
* 复制单元格
* @param srcCell
* @param distCell
* @param copyValueFlag
public static void copyCell(HSSFWorkbook wb,HSSFCell srcCell, HSSFCell distCell,
boolean copyValueFlag) {
HSSFCellStyle newstyle=wb.createCellStyle();
copyCellStyle(srcCell.getCellStyle(), newstyle);
if (srcCell.getCellComment() != null) {
// 不同数据类型处理
int srcCellType = srcCell.getCellType();
if (copyValueFlag) {
if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(srcCell)) {
} else if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
} else if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
// nothing21
} else if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
} else if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR) {
} else if (srcCellType == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) {
} else { // nothing29
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitT
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.E
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.E
using System.R
namespace UnitTestProject1
public class UnitTestExcel
public void TestMethod1()
Excel.Application app = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook workbook1 = app.Workbooks._Open("C:\\a.xlsx", Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing
, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing
, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
Excel.Worksheet sheet1 = workbook1.Worksheets["Sheet1"] as Excel.W
Excel.Workbook workbook2 = app.Workbooks._Open("C:\\a1.xlsx", Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing
, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing
, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
Excel.Worksheet sheet2 = workbook2.Worksheets["Sheet1"] as Excel.W
sheet2.Copy(Type.Missing, sheet1);
workbook1.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
workbook2.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
阅读(...) 评论()IExtendPropertySheet 接口
.NET Framework (current version)
此 API 支持 .NET Framework 基础结构,不适合在代码中直接使用。
AspNetMMCExt(在 AspNetMMCExt.dll 中)
public interface IExtendPropertySheet
IExtendPropertySheet 类型公开以下成员。
名称说明基础结构。 向属性表添加页。基础结构。 确定对象是否需要页。 接口和 Microsoft 管理控制台 (MMC) 编程的更多信息,请参见
中的“MMC Programmer's Guide”(MMC 程序员指南)。受以下版本支持:4.5、4、3.5、3.0、2.0Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008(不支持服务器核心角色), Windows Server 2008 R2(支持带 SP1 或更高版本的服务器核心角色;不支持 Itanium)
.NET Framework 并非支持每个平台的所有版本。有关支持的版本的列表,请参阅。
1500 个剩余字符
© Microsoft 2018在java中如何读取Excel中第二个sheet表对象中数据_百度知道
* &p&标题:readExcel&/p&
* &p&描述:读取Excel文件数据&/p&
* @param excelfilePath Excel文件路径
* @param startRow
* @param startCol
* @return List&ArrayList&String&&
* @throws IOException
* @throws BiffException
public List&Map&String, Object&& readExcel(String excelfilePath,int startRow, int startCol)
throws IOException, BiffException {
// 读取xls文件
InputStream ins = new FileInputStream(excelfilePath);
// 设置读文件编码
WorkbookSettings setEncode = new WorkbookSettings();
Workbook rwb = Workbook.getWorkbook(ins, setEncode);
List&Map&String, Object&& alldata = new ArrayList&Map&String, Object&&();
Map&String, Object& data =
// 获得当前Excel表共有几个sheet
Sheet[] sheets = rwb.getSheets();
// 获得表数
int pages = sheets.
// 将excel表中的数据读取出来
// 在从Excel中读取数据的时候不需要知道每个sheet有几行,有那多少列
for (int i = 0; i & i++) {
//这里读取excel中每个sheet的数据,Sheet sheet = rwb.getSheet(i); 读取第二个sheet就是getSheet(1);
Sheet sheet = rwb.getSheet(i);
int cols = sheet.getColumns(); // 列
// 读取每一行对应的列数目
// 循环读取每一行的全部列数目的内容
int rows = sheet.getRows(); // 行
for (int r = startR r & r++) {
data = new HashMap&String, Object&();
// 行循环,Excel的行列是从(0,0)开始
for (int c = startC c & c++) {
Cell excelRows = sheet.getCell(c, r);
data.put(&bgbh&, excelRows.getContents());
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Cloud Authentication
Counterfeit Protection
Trusted Platform Module
Product Parametric Search
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This family of operational amplifiers provides input offset voltage correction for very low offset and offset drift, with a gain bandwidth product of 10 MHz.
Ultra-Low Quiescent Current
A small LDO with immense functionality. The MIC5306 provides ultra-fast transient response and high PSRR while operating with an ultra-low quiescent current.
The new DSC6000 family is the industry's smallest MEMS MHz oscillator with the lowest power consumption over full frequency range of 2 KHz to 100 MHz.
GigEpack Ethernet Products
Advanced design techniques ensure reliable operation under extreme conditions while stripping away complexity and advancing ease-of-use, the GigEpack provides three key elements: Certified Products, free drivers and copy-ready evaluation boards, and Microchip&s free LANCheck&&design check service. Together, they ensure interoperability, rapid development and robust board design.
Microchip's strong brand name and expertise in USB solutions is demonstrated yet again with the UTC2000. We deliver a simple and easy solution to implement the revolutionary USB-C& connector in practically any consumer, industrial or automotive application.
The HV9805 features a PFC boost converter with valley/ZCD switching that reduces system cost by lessening the thermal and optical design requirements. The linear post-regular provides True DC lighting with no flickering and the configurable to SEPIC technology supports lower LED string voltage.
The MEC14XX family is one of the first to support both the Intel& Corporation&s new Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (eSPI) and the existing Low Pin Count (LPC) interface.
Manufactured with SuperFlash& technology that provides the industry's fastest erase times, the SST26WF080B (8 Mbit) and SST26WF040B (4 Mbit) are approximately 300 times faster than competitive devices.
MTCH10x: Direct Mechanical Buttons Replacement
In a hardware-only configuration, these 2, 5 and 8 channel capacitive touch controllers replace mechanical buttons with a simple digital output, making it easy to add proximity and touch detection to any application.
Long-range and low-power LoRa& Sub-GHz, 915 MHz module for IoT networks.
CrytpoAuth-XPRO-B Board
ATCryptoAuth-XPRO-B, The CryptoAuth XPRO version B board is an extension to prototype with secure elements (ECC, SHA, AES) on any Xplained Pro microcontroller board
Search for Microchip products by groups and parametric values.
PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit (DV320032)
This kit delivers the hardware and software needed to develop digital audio docking applications with USB or Bluetooth connectivity. Preloaded demo code enables audio streaming via USB or Bluetooth.
The OS81118 is a highly integrated Intelligent Network Interface Controller (INIC) for MOST150. It supports optical or coaxial physical layer networks and contains USB, MediaLB&, I2C, Streaming, SPI and GPIO interfaces.
MCP73871 Fully Integrated Linear Solution
The MCP73871 device is a 1A fully integrated linear solution for system load sharing and Li-Ion / Li-Polymer battery charge management with AC-DC wall adapter and USB port power sources selection. It's also capable of autonomous power source selection between input or battery.
CAN FD Transceiver Family
The CAN Flexible Data Rate (CAN FD) Transceiver family helps CAN systems meet the physical layer requirement for CAN FD systems, and is one of only a few CAN FD transceivers approved by auto OEMs.
The MEC14XX family is one of the first to support both the Intel&&Corporation&s new Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (eSPI) and the existing Low Pin Count (LPC) interface.
The TC7106A 3½ digit LCD direct-display drive analog-to-digital converters allow existing TC7106-based systems to be upgraded. Each device has a precision reference with a 20ppm/&C max temperature coefficient. This represents a 4-7 times improvement over similar 3½ digit converters.
The LAN9352/LAN9352i is a high-performance, small-footprint, full-featured 2-port managed Ethernet switch and is application-optimized for consumer, embedded and Industrial designs.
MCP2561/2 FD
This is a second generation high-speed CAN transceiver that guarantees Loop Delay Symmetry in order to support higher data rates required for CAN FD. Maximum propagation delay was improved to support longer bus length. The device meets the automotive requirements for CAN FD bit rates exceeding 5 Mbps.
Class B Safety Software Library
Microchip has developed a library of low-level software routines and hardware peripherals that simplify meeting IEC 60730 requirements for Class B Safety. Each product family (PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC& DSC and PIC32) has functions specifically designed to work efficiently with the available resources.
dsPIC33EP "GS" Family for Digtal Power Applications
This family delivers the performance needed to implement more sophisticated non-linear, predictive & adaptive control algorithms at higher switching frequencies. These advanced algorithms enable power supply designs that are more energy efficient & have better power supply specifications.
WCM and ECM Development Kits
Microchip's WCM (Wi-Fi& Client Module) and ECM (Ethernet Client Module) development kits are designed to enable you to quickly and easily connect an embedded system to a cloud-based server, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). This will reduce the learning curve and help you get connected to the cloud quickly.
Smart Lights are Better Lights
Microchip's PIC& microcontrollers with intelligent analog integration like the PIC16F176X family make it possible to get advanced features such as digital control to smooth dimming, as well as color temperature tuning, usage-based lifetime prediction and networked communication for monitoring and control.
PIC24F 16-bit microcontroller featuring integrated Hardware Crypto module and eXtreme Low Power. This family also includes 256 KB Flash, 16 KB RAM, USB, LCD and advanced peripherals. The combination of features makes the part ideally suited for low-power embedded security applications.
The OS82150 extends the usage of coaxial cabling to powerful infotainment networks based on MOST150 technology.
Is Your Medical Device Design Secured?
Is your medical device design truly secured? Microchip's full line of security products, including MCUs, wireless products and software libraries, can secure your medical device designs from the ground up.
The MCP39F511 is a highly integrated, single-phase power-monitoring IC designed for real-time measurement of input power for AC/DC power supplies, providing power and energy values. It includes dual-channel delta sigma ADCs, a 16-bit calculation engine, EEPROM and a flexible 2-wire interface.
This is a 3-Phase brushless gate driver with power module & 5 &A (typ) sleep-mode current. It integrates three half-bridge drivers to drive external NMOS/NMOS transistor pairs configured to drive a 3-phase BLDC motor, a comparator, a voltage regulator to provide bias to a companion microcontroller & power monitoring comparators.
The dsPIC33E family of digital signal controllers (DSCs) features a 70 MIPS dsPIC& DSC core with integrated DSP and enhanced on-chip peripherals. These DSCs enable the design of high-performance, precision motor control systems that are more energy efficient, quieter in operation.
The new PIC24F "GB4" family expands Microchip's eXtreme Low Power portfolio and includes an integrated hardware crypto engine with both OTP and Key RAM options for secure key storage, up to 256 KB of Flash memory and a direct drive for segmented LCD displays, in 64-, 100- or 121-pin packages.
Single-Burner Induction Cooktop Reference Design
This cost-effective single-burner induction cooktop reference design is a fully functional single-burner unit that achieves greater than 90%* efficiency and consumes less than 0.5W power during standby. The user interface implements mTouch& sensing solutions.
Smartphone Accessory
New accessories are emerging in sports/fitness, wellness, financial transactions markets. Microchip's accessory development kits make it easy to development your accessory products with fast time-to-market!
MTCH10x: Direct Mechanical Buttons Replacement
In a hardware-only configuration, these 2, 5 and 8 channel capacitive touch controllers replace mechanical buttons with a simple digital output, making it easy to add proximity and touch detection to any application.
Microchip's strong brand name and expertise in USB solutions is demonstrated yet again with the UTC2000. We deliver a simple and easy solution to implement USB-C in practically any application, whether consumer, industrial, or automotive.
Long-range and low-power LoRa& Sub-GHz, 915 MHz module for IoT networks.
Software Tools for PIC(R) MCUs and dsPIC(R) DSCs
Hardware Tools for PIC(R) MCUs and dsPIC(R) DSCs
Software Tools for AVR(R) and SAM MCUs/MPUs
Hardware Tools for AVR(R) and SAM MCUs/MPUs
Design and Simulation Tools
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Visit the Microchip forums to get more information on frequently asked questions or to engage with the community. You can pose your own questions and receive feedback.
PICKIT(TM) 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer
The MPLAB&&PICkit& 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer allows fast and easy debugging and programming of PIC&&and dsPIC&&flash microcontrollers. With an additional micro SD card slot and the ability to be self-powered from the target, you can take your code with you and program on the go.
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Status: In Production
80MHz/105DMIPS, 32-bit MIPS M4K(R) Core
USB 2.0 On-The-Go Peripheral with integrated PHY
10/100 Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII Interfaces
2 x CAN2.0b modules with 1024 buffers
8 Dedicated DMA Channels for USB OTG, Ethernet, and CAN
5 Stage pipeline, Harvard architecture
MIPS16e mode for up to 40% smaller code size
Single cycle multiply and hardware divide unit
32 x 32-bit Core Registers
32 x 32-bit Shadow Registers
Fast context switch and interrupt response
256K Flash (plus 12K boot Flash)
64K RAM (can execute from RAM)
8 Channel General Hardware DMA Controller
Flash prefetch module with 256 Byte cache
Lock instructions or data in cache for fast access
Programmable vector interrupt controller
Fast and Accurate 16 channel 10-bit ADC,
Max 1 Mega sample per second at +/- 1LSB, conversion available during SLEEP & IDLE
RUN, IDLE, and SLEEP modes
Multiple switchable clock modes for each power mode, enables optimum power settings
8 hardware breakpoints (6 Instruction and 2 Data)
2 wire programming and debugging interface
JTAG interface supporting Programming, Debugging and Boundary scan
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor - allows safe shutdown if clock fails
2 Internal oscillators (8MHz & 31KHz)
Hardware RTCC (Real-Time Clock and Calendar with Alarms)
Watchdog Timer with separate RC oscillator
Pin compatible with 16-bit PIC(R) MCUs
Serial Communication Modules allow flexible UART/SPI/I2C(TM) configuration
Device Overview
& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&
Additional Features
80MHz/105DMIPS, 32-bit MIPS M4K& Core
USB 2.0 On-The-Go Peripheral with integrated PHY
10/100 Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII Interfaces
2 x CAN2.0b modules with 1024 buffers
8 Dedicated DMA Channels for USB OTG, Ethernet, and CAN
5 Stage pipeline, Harvard architecture
MIPS16e mode for up to 40% smaller code size
Single cycle multiply and hardware divide unit
32 x 32-bit Core Registers
32 x 32-bit Shadow Registers
Fast context switch and interrupt response
MCU System Features
256K Flash (plus 12K boot Flash)
64K RAM (can execute from RAM)
8 Channel General Hardware DMA Controller
Flash prefetch module with 256 Byte cache
Lock instructions or data in cache for fast access
Programmable vector interrupt controller
Analog Features
Fast and Accurate 16 channel 10-bit ADC,
Max 1 Mega sample per second at +/- 1LSB, conversion available during SLEEP & IDLE
Power Management Modes
RUN, IDLE, and SLEEP modes
Multiple switchable clock modes for each power mode, enables optimum power settings
Debug Features
8 hardware breakpoints (6 Instruction and 2 Data)
2 wire programming and debugging interface
JTAG interface supporting Programming, Debugging and Boundary scan
Other MCU Features
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor - allows safe shutdown if clock fails
2 Internal oscillators (8MHz & 31KHz)
Hardware RTCC (Real-Time Clock and Calendar with Alarms)
Watchdog Timer with separate RC oscillator
Pin compatible with 16-bit PIC& MCUs
Serial Communication Modules allow flexible UART/SPI/I2C& configuration
Part Family
Max CPU Speed MHz
Program Memory Size (KB)
Auxiliary Flash (KB)
Temperature Range (C)
-40 to 105
Operating Voltage Range (V)
2.3 to 3.6
Direct Memory Access Channels
10/100 Base-TX Mac
Number of Ethernet Ports
Number of USB Modules
USB Interface
FS Device/Host/OTG
Number of CAN modules
Type of CAN module
Max ADC Resolution (Bits)
Max ADC Sampling Rate (ksps)
Input Capture
Standalone Output Compare/Standard PWM
Max 16-bit Digital Timers
Parallel Port
Number of Comparators
Internal Oscillator
8 MHz, 32 kHz
Max I/O Pins
Select type
Development Environment
Demo & Evaluation Boards
PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II ( DM )
The PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II provides the easiest and lowest-cost method to experience 10/100 Ethernet development with PIC32 microcontrollers. Combined with Microchip’s free TCP/IP software, this kit gets your project running quickly. The PIC32 microcontroller has an available CAN 2 0b peripheral and USB host/device/OTG. This starter kit features a socket that can accommodate various...
Graphics Display Prototype Board ( AC164139 )
The Graphics Display Prototype Board (set of three) provides an easy path to integrate a graphics LCD panel of developer&s choice to one of the following platforms.
PIC24FJ256DA210 development board (DM240312)
Graphics LCD Controller PICtail& Plus SSD1926 Board (AC)
PIC32 I/O Expansion Board ( DM320002 )
The Starter Kit I/O Expansion Board provides Starter Kit and Starter Board users with full access to MCU signals, additional debug headers, and connection of PICtail Plus daughter cards. MCU signals are available for attaching prototype circuits or monitoring signals with logic probes. Headers are provided for connecting JTAG tools or Microchip tools using the 2-wire (ICSP) interface....
M2M PICtail Daughter Board ( AC320011 )
Microchip’s Machine-to-Machine (M2M) PICtail Daughter Board (part # AC320011) based upon u-blox GPS and GSM/GPRS modules makes it easy to create low-cost M2M applications with location-awareness capabilities. The daughter board can be interfaced with Microchip’s ...
Emulators & Debuggers
MPLAB PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debugger ( PG164140 )
Fast programming, increased functionality, at the same price.
The MPLAB(R) PICkit(TM) 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer allows fast and easy debugging and programming of PIC(R)&,& dsPIC(R), and CEC flash microcontrollers, using the powerful graphical user interface of MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), version...
MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger ( DV164045 )
The MPLAB(R) ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is Microchip’s fastest, cost-effective debugging and programming tool for PIC(R) Microcontrollers (MCUs), dsPIC(R) Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), and CEC flash microcontrollers. This speed is provided by a SAME70 MCU with 300 MHz, 32-bit MCU with 2MB of RAM and a high-speed FPGA to yield faster...
PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger ( PG164130 )
Microchip’s PICkit(TM) 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer uses in-circuit debugging logic incorporated into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer. In-circuit debugging offers these benefits:
Minimum of additional hardware needed for debug
Expensive sockets or adapters are not required...
MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger ( DV164035 )
&The MPLAB ICD 3 is a mature product. For new designs, consider using the MPLAB ICD 4 ()
MPLAB(R) ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger System is Microchip's most cost effective high-speed hardware debugger/programmer for Microchip Flash Digital Signal Controller (DSC) and microcontroller...
MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator System is Microchip’s next generation high speed emulator for Microchip Flash DSC(R) and MCU devices. It debugs and programs PIC(R) and dsPIC(R) Flash microcontrollers with the easy-to-use but powerful graphical user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE), included with each kit.
The MPLAB REAL ICE probe is connected...
Debug Features:
Runtime watch:SupportedNative Trace:TrueInstruction trace:Supported
MPLAB PICkit 4 In-Circuit Debugger ( PG164140 )
Fast programming, increased functionality, at the same price.
The MPLAB(R) PICkit(TM) 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer allows fast and easy debugging and programming of PIC(R)&,& dsPIC(R), and CEC flash microcontrollers, using the powerful graphical user interface of MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), version...
MPLAB ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger ( DV164045 )
The MPLAB(R) ICD 4 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is Microchip’s fastest, cost-effective debugging and programming tool for PIC(R) Microcontrollers (MCUs), dsPIC(R) Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs), and CEC flash microcontrollers. This speed is provided by a SAME70 MCU with 300 MHz, 32-bit MCU with 2MB of RAM and a high-speed FPGA to yield faster...
PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger ( PG164130 )
Microchip’s PICkit(TM) 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer uses in-circuit debugging logic incorporated into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer. In-circuit debugging offers these benefits:
Minimum of additional hardware needed for debug
Expensive sockets or adapters are not required...
MPLAB PM3 Universal Device Programmer ( DV007004 )
The MPLAB& PM3 Universal Device Programmer is easy to use and operates with a PC or as a stand-alone unit, and programs Microchip's entire line of PIC& devices as well as the latest dsPIC& DSC devices. When used standalone, data can be loaded and saved with the SD/MMC card (not included).
&&PartNo: PIC32MX775F256H
&&PartNo: PIC32MX775F256H
MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger ( DV164035 )
&The MPLAB ICD 3 is a mature product. For new designs, consider using the MPLAB ICD 4 ()
MPLAB(R) ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger System is Microchip's most cost effective high-speed hardware debugger/programmer for Microchip Flash Digital Signal Controller (DSC) and microcontroller...
MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator System is Microchip’s next generation high speed emulator for Microchip Flash DSC(R) and MCU devices. It debugs and programs PIC(R) and dsPIC(R) Flash microcontrollers with the easy-to-use but powerful graphical user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE), included with each kit.
The MPLAB REAL ICE probe is connected...
Software Libraries
DSP Library for PIC32
The PIC32 DSP library consists of a set&of functions applicable to many multimedia application areas. Most of the&functions, like vector operations, filters, and transforms, are commonly...
PIC32 Peripheral Library
The PIC32 Peripheral Library provides a set of functions for setting up and controlling the operation of all the peripheral modules available in the PIC32 devices. The...
Code Examples
Similar Devices
Flash (KB)
Device Weight (g)
Shipping Weight (Kg)
Lead Count
Package Type
Package Width
Solder Composition
JEDEC Indicator
China EFUP
To see a complete listing of RoHS data for this device, please
Shipping Weight = Device Weight + Packing Material weight. Please
office if device weight is not available.
Package Type
Temp Range
Packing Media
Package Type
Temp Range
Packing Media
5K Pricing


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