
为啥现在很多Amazon卖家都用AMZSharp 而不再用AMZTracker了?_百度知道
为啥现在很多Amazon卖家都用AMZSharp 而不再用AMZTracker了?
两者功能一样,AMZSharp 一个月9.9刀,,AMZTracker一个月 50刀,,我问你,你用哪个???
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一心,一亿。最高可享欧洲站收款零费率,PingPong欧洲站上线时,对所有用户的重磅回馈。AMZSharp - Best Free Software To Skyrocket Your Amazon Sales.
Sell More On Amazon!
Best Software To Skyrocket Your Amazon Sales.
Your Simple Solution To Quickly Sell More on Amazon. Let's build the websites that builds your business.
What we can do for your businesses?
Dominate the largest retail search engine.
Amazon Keyword Search Rankings Tracker
Track Your Competitor's Actual Sales Volume
Keyword Research
Dynamic Super URL to improve Keyword Rankings
Monitor the Buy Box on your listings, and get automatic alert emails if a hijacking is detected.
Email Campaign to Get More Review and Feedback
Get Verified Purchase Reviews for your listing
Negative Review and Feedback Notifications
Optimize Your Product Listings With Our On Page Analyzer
Plus a lot more!
Need a high capacity, customized plan ? Get in Touch, we will tailor you one.
Keyword Rank Tracking
If you have been selling your products within Amazon or in the Kindle Store, then you already know how valuable a keyword rank tracker will be. Keyword Rank Tracking is user friendly tool that will show daily rankings for your products for any keywords you choose
With this all-encompassing SEO tool for Amazon and Kindle sellers, you will know which keywords are generating traffic for your product and where you are ranking for each of them.
Track Competitor Sales
Find out how many units your competitors are selling!
Track on Actual Sales Volume for Any Product on Amazon. Whether sourcing a new product or spying on a competitor, our accurate inventory tracking tool provides you with available inventory, daily sales, total revenue and more. This will then allow you to see which types of products you should be investing in and which of your competitors is getting it right and should be emulated!
Listing Hijack Alerts
Monitor the Buy Box on your listings, and get automatic alert emails if a hijacking is detected.
Protect your listings from hijackers so you do not lose valuable sales and profit.
Negative Review Alerts
Get email notifications when someone leaves a negative review on your products. Respond and resolve them before losing sales.
Track new reviews every day, and get alert emails so you can promptly deal with any negative reviews.
Amazon Product Promotions
Improve sales and conversion rate through promotional giveaways. 1200K+ active Amazon shoppers would love to purchase your product at a discount
Dynamic Super URL SEO Tool
Easily improve your keyword rankings. It has been determined that your listing will receive a boost in rankings when someone first types your keywords into the Amazon search bar and then scrolls through the results and then clicks on your product and buys it.
The Dynamic Super URL mimics this process, making it appear to Amazon as if the customer searched for your keyword. Generate them on-demand with a single click.
So, You do not want to miss out on this next level rank boosting tool.
On Page Analyzer
THREE TIMES as many buyers search for products to buy on Amazon, rather than Google. So you need to optimize your Amazon listings for site’s search algorithms in just the same way that you might optimize for Google.
As a seller on Amazon, You need to have a genie in the bottle called the “On Page Analyzer”, which offers concrete tips on how to better move your inventory. Even if you think you’ve got a complete page but aren’t sure why it’s not attracting buyers, the “On page analyzer” will point out things you might have missed, like incomplete product descriptions, a lack of features, missing images and many, many more.
Choose a plan and sign up now.
Keywords Tracking
Email Count
Sales Tracking
Buy-Box Alerts
History Price Monitor
Negative review tracking
Hijacking Alerts Products
Product Promotion
Automatic Promotion
On Page Analyzer
Dynamic Super URLs
Start Free Trial
Keywords Tracking
Email Count
Sales Tracking
Buy-Box Alerts
History Price Monitor
Negative review tracking
Hijacking Alerts Products
Product Promotion
Automatic Promotion
On Page Analyzer
Dynamic Super URLs
Start Free Trial
Keywords Tracking
Email Count
Sales Tracking
Buy-Box Alerts
History Price Monitor
Negative review tracking
Hijacking Alerts Products
Product Promotion
Automatic Promotion
On Page Analyzer
Dynamic Super URLs
Start Free Trial
What our customers say
Dominate the largest retail search engine.
"I have tried so many amazon seller tools to improve my sales on Amazon before. like AMZtracker,Feedback Genius,Review kick etc... after all,they are okay,But a little expensive."
Amazon Seller
"I have to say, AMZSharp has excellent customer service and I can't tell you how awesome it is that you are willing to help out the aspiring and new business owners. You have me as a loyal customer for the foreseeable future."
Amazon Seller
"I have to say, AMZSharp has excellent customer service and I can't tell you how awesome it is that you are willing to help out the aspiring and new business owners. You have me as a loyal customer for the foreseeable future."
Amazon Seller
"I have to say, AMZSharp has excellent customer service and I can't tell you how awesome it is that you are willing to help out the aspiring and new business owners. You have me as a loyal customer for the foreseeable future."
Amazon Seller
"I have to say, AMZSharp has excellent customer service and I can't tell you how awesome it is that you are willing to help out the aspiring and new business owners. You have me as a loyal customer for the foreseeable future."
Amazon Seller
"I have to say, AMZSharp has excellent customer service and I can't tell you how awesome it is that you are willing to help out the aspiring and new business owners. You have me as a loyal customer for the foreseeable future."
Amazon Seller
"AMZSharp is a great site for helping find profitable product lines as well as researching the data in real time to determine how best you can capitalize in your own selling."
Brian Ricks
FBA Master
Frequently Asked Questions
We created AMZSharp to be the leading toolkit for Retailers and Brand Owners on Amazon. Our wide range of research software offers you the latest data to help you sell more products and skyrocket your rankings on Amazon.
We offer a no questions asked refund policy for the first month of service. You can try us risk free.
Ranking data is kept for one year. Sales tracking data is kept for one month.
We offer fast and professional support. If you have any questions or issues, contact us via email at
or via our in-app support chat.
We search the top 19 pages of Amazon. This is equivalent to the top 300 products.
Keyword rankings are updated once a day. Sales Ranks are updated once a day.
You are free to change your products and keywords as often as you like.
You can have as many products as you like on your account. However, the keywords associated with the products is limited by your subscription level.
Yes. If you add a parent product to AMZSharp, all the child products (or variations) are automatically tracked too.
Yes. You can cancel or change your subscription at any time.
We look forward to hearing from you!
In most cases, we can reply within a few minutes, and in any case, we'll write back within 24 hours.
Las Vegas, NV 89126(home of the greatest people in the world)
Register Now我们公司做亚马逊欧洲站和美国站,领导让我用AMZSharp监控,Listing的关键字排名变化。_百度知道
数据应该是准确的,可以自己手动搜索一下看看亚马逊排名 和网站数据是否一致。自己添加产品后,为产品添加要查询的关键字就OK。


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