
浙江没有完全系统的语言分类,但是每个地区都有每个地区的语言。杭州话、宁波话、绍兴话、温州话、湖州话,台州话。每个地区里面又有不同的语言。以绍兴话为例,绍兴越城区的和绍兴县的人都说绍兴话, 其余区县的又有区县的语言,诸暨话、上虞话、新昌话、嵊州话。而且这些语言有时并不能在互用。比如绍兴人、上虞人听不懂新昌话。又以新昌为例,每个镇又有每个乡镇的话。当然这些乡镇语言之间只是大同小异。所以在浙江,不同区域的语言差别是很大的。基本上从浙北到浙南,就是一个语言蜕变的过程。第一天当领班怎么说话1、先介绍一下自己;2.在未当领班前做过类似行业的体会;3.融洽大伙的关系,可称大家为兄姐或弟妹;4.提要求,对工作认真、服务态度等方面加以强调。说得好吗如有问题另聊。找领导办事如何说话找领导办事要真诚说出你的请求就好了,不要浮夸自大等。还有,你求别人办事,那肯定要表达出自己的诚心,要有重视和诚恳态度的。此外,要学会和领导拉近距离:怎样拉近彼此的距离。交谈的内容尽量选择对方感兴趣的话题。比如与对方的工作或生活有关的话题,或者是说对方目前比较关注,比较困扰,或者是比较得意的话题等,对方就会更加专注地与你交谈,保证沟通的畅通无阻。古代人说话能听懂吗上古汉语是秦汉之前的时期,假如你穿越去了汉朝或者秦朝,只会听到老先人们一口越南腔调的话,根本听不懂。中古汉语是隋唐宋这一时期,类似于现在的广东福建汉语方言,个别能听懂。近代汉语就是明清时期,类似于现在的南京方言。
This article summarizes some of collecting special dialect vocabulary usage Shangyu, Shangyu of Wu dialect and Mandarin words in the vocabulary word-a few notable differences, including word-morpheme words Shangyu sequence change, adjectives and verbs overlapping forms of words in the suffix "head h2013-05-23 12:21:38
This article summarizes sifting through some shangyu dialect special vocabulary usage, and explore the Wu dialect and Putonghua in Shangyu dialect of the glossary term for the several notable differences in the structure, including shangyu words in terms of quality, and orderly exchange of adjective2013-05-23 12:23:18
This article collected has induced some shangyu dialect special glossary usage, discussed in the Wu dialect the shangyu speech with the standard spoken Chinese in the glossary construction word several remarkable similarities, constructed the word morpheme including the shangyu speech in the forewor2013-05-23 12:24:58
Shangyu, look this article summarized some dialect vocabulary usage of special, discussion of shangyu in Wu dialect and Putonghua vocabulary word formation for several notable differences, including sequence change of structure words in shangyu pigment, overlapping forms of adjective and verb, lexic2013-05-23 12:26:38
This article searching summarized a number of special shangyu dialect vocabulary usage, shangyu dialect and Putonghua in the discussion on the Wu dialect words on word-formation of several different places, including sequence change of structure words in shangyu pigment, overlapping forms of adjecti2013-05-23 12:28:18


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