
作者: 用户投稿
2022-05-18 08:15:22
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关于”读书的故事“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The story of reading。以下是关于读书的故事的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:The story of readingI have a good habit, that is, I like reading, is my best friend, reading can bring me happiness, make me grow up in wisdom, the world is an ocean of knowledge, my bookcase, there are many books, I like to have "children's Encyclopedia", "scientific knowledge", "Fairy tale", comic painting and biography of celebrities, each book has a different story, I am very curious about the story in the book, so I Reading every day is my good habit. I must insist on it.中文翻译:我有一个好习惯,那就是我喜欢看书是我最好的朋友,读书能给我带来快乐,使我在智慧中成长世界是知识海洋我的书柜,有很多书,我喜欢有《儿童百科全书》、《科学知识》、《童话》,漫画和名人传记每本书都有不同的故事,我在书中的故事很好奇,所以我每天看书这是我的好习惯,我一定要坚持。万能作文模板2:读书的故事Teachers don't teach us everything in class or even after class. Therefore, we should read books. For example, we can learn more about Chinese history by reading books.We can learn knowledge from books. In addition, we can read books when we have time to relax. We can read novels or story books.These books are always interesting. They can make us relax. So reading is very important because it can give us more knowledge and help us relax.中文翻译:老师不会在课上甚至课后教我们所有的东西,因此,我们应该读书,例如,我们可以通过读书来了解更多的中国历史,我们可以从书中学习知识。此外,我们可以在有时间的时候看书来放松,我们可以读小说或故事书,这些书总是很有趣的它能使我们放松,所以阅读很重要,因为它能给我们更多的知识,帮助我们放松。满分英语范文3:读书的故事Wang Yanan sleeps in a three legged bed. When Wang Yanan was a child, he was ambitious and liked to study in high school. In order to get more study time, he specially sleeps a wooden leg saw bench in his bed, and a three legged bed reads very late every night.When you go to bed, you almost fall into a somersault, and the short legs toward the inclined direction of the bed pass by. He wakes up all of a sudden He got out of bed immediately. It rained cats and dogs.He never stopped reading every night. He got excellent grades every year. He was known as the "hero" in his class.He studied hard since childhood. Later, he became an outstanding economist.中文翻译:王亚楠三条腿的床睡觉王亚楠小时候胸怀大志,喜欢读高中,为了获得更多的学习时间,专门在自己的床上睡了一条木腿锯板凳,一张三条腿的床每天晚上读到很晚,累了,睡觉的时候你睡觉后几乎一头栽跟头,床向倾斜方向的短腿过去了,他一下子就醒了,他们马上下床,倾盆大雨,天天晚上看书,从未停止过一次成绩,他每年都取得优异成绩,被誉为班上“英雄”的他从小就努力读书,后来,终于成了杰出的人物经济学家。


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