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Beijing on September 26, according to the voice of China "emperor a entertainment platform" report, which phone can never like samsung Note7 and so strongly linked to the word "bang", due to the foreign market Note7 battery chip existence question, after global recall, samsung, insisted in mainland China sales of Note7 with different suppliers, will not be problems.
And since launch on September 1, legal channels version Note7 spate of bombings in the before one Fried, two Fried by samsung said "heated" outside, the two days and three four Fried Fried and. Legal channels Note7 really like samsung said, without any problems? Why today samsung didn't make any explanation?
Now, as said in the movie "mobile phone like grenades", is no longer a joke, in overseas, samsung Note7 phone explosion due to the cell chip defects already has more than 30, airlines passengers on the plane shall be forbidden to use Note7 mobile phone, samsung also notice, recall the global 2.5 million sets of products and make an apology.
But all this has nothing to do with China's mainland Note7. Released by samsung electronics, the problem batteries are manufactured by the supplier to SDI, and domestic sales Note7 batteries are provided by Chinese enterprises to ATL, so there is no safe hidden trouble, can be at ease use.
But legal channels Note7 users back to Mr Suffering is not the case, he told reporters that in jingdong buy products just after half a day, the phone after the first charge explosion. "Only in the afternoon I receive new phone, charge for the first time, I received about 50% of the electricity mobile phone, and then play to 11% at four o 'clock in the morning and started to charge, because I was stay up late to pick up, filled with six o 'clock in the morning, I picked it up and look at its appearance, I haven't picked it up and see the operation, watched less than 30 seconds, it's the black smoke in the spray directly to the my hand, hot I, then phone, blew up."
, says Mr Back because of the sudden, he instinctively saved the effort, to spread to combustion in the own value of nearly 20000 computer, hand is also very hot. "Then I quickly threw the phone go out, just at the computer, I tried to move it by hand to burn my desktop instead of computers, but in the process of moving and put my middle finger very hot again, had to give up, is very hot, but I don't need to go to a doctor ok I rough skin, now have to print, no blisters."
So, back to Mr Admitted that he had no thought of, because samsung says Note7 pictures is very powerful in the propaganda, commitment to see legal channels version product no explosion hazard, to make the purchase. And your product just finished buy and then Fried. He questioned the samsung but don't recall products, domestic sales is the policy of discrimination. "Before I have long known that samsung has exploded, the news that the recall, but samsung said legal channels are safe, have no problem, so I will go to buy, the results did not think I bought 13 hours also sent a few minutes, filled with explosive. Samsung from character to the screen door, have special recall system for the Chinese market, this is the discrimination policy, and as such a big market, this is not a large enterprise responsibility to this."
To prove his purchase is legal channels version Note7, back to Mr Presented the jingdong and issuing invoices to the reporter in jingdong receiving records, according to 5 PM on September 25th successful receiving, and back to six o 'clock in the morning, says Mr Charge for the first time, mobile phone exploded.
According to back Mr Images show, he buys is a star Note7 black legal channels version, production date is in September, after the explosion of mobile phone front has two obvious black sear, and online picture is more similar to foreign users Note7 explosion.
Jingdong also confirmed to reporters that a product is, indeed, their sales, and after-sales service should be responsible by samsung.
Abroad, there have been similar to Note7 car suddenly lit a fire happens, such as back to Mr Think samsung should make a positive response to many domestic mobile phone explosion, pause before out the sales products. At the same time, he is willing to give the product to the third party surveyor for testing. "I welcome any fair test to detect, samsung's detection is certainly not alone, they had offered to take the phone, give me the money first, then discuss the follow-up, I said they should be responsible, I appeal is to suspend sales first, pull clean you, otherwise you this is all irresponsible, because today you are Fried in my desk, very hot for me by the hand, may be tomorrow (others). This is not compensate how many money can solve the problem, step back, if all can't, so samsung will acknowledge receipt this incident and I are investigating, it can't be dumb ah."
From legal channels Note7 first Fried until today, has passed a week, samsung announced in addition to the first explosion was "external heating", did not respond to other events, today, the reporter once again dial telephone of samsung electronics, head of public relations, he told the reporters, samsung don't have any response, details will be made by public company to deal with ".
As emperor a entertainment platform reporters went to press, have not yet received the samsung more reply, legal channels Note7 appeared and foreign sales of similar situation, and is the fourth, in mainland China sales Note7 is as safe as samsung said? To this, the voice of China also will continue to focus on.


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