rise out off Tyrants 有玩这个的吗

Rise of Nightmares
&点击进入下载&  原名:&Rise&of&Nightmares  地区:&北美  首发:&  发行:&SEGA  年龄:&17岁以上  人数:&1人&  游戏简介&  本作是一款用KINECT体感进行操作的恐怖游戏。玩家将采用第一视角扮演和妻子一起旅行的男主角,在妻子被疯狂科学家掳走之后,借用各种道具打倒异形和僵尸,为救出妻子,逃出生天而努力。&  游戏截图&&&
原名:Rise of Nightmares
TGBUS Corporation, All Rights Reserved周末杂谈:梦想之翼,私服以及其他
■ 裁员和私服
半个月前,我们报导了《战场争锋》(Battle Nations)在运营五年后最终关服的事件。
他们还表示,King之前收购了Seattle studio,这是一家市场营销咨询公司。之后整个King的客服和营销事物将逐步转移到Seattle studio上。
也许Z2的裁员和《战场争锋》的关服、《暴君崛起》(Rise of Tyrants)的糟糕表现并没有直接关系。King早就准备好整合资源,裁掉冗余部分,让Z2这样的小工作室专注游戏开发。
■ 梦想之翼
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Includes 20 Steam Achievements
Title: Tomb of Tyrants
Genre: , ,
Release Date: 25 Jun, 2015
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Recent updates
I am doing some floor restruct I want to move toward all floors offering a single, unique type of minion or trap. There are only a few floors that break this rule, but changing them will also affect other floor requirements. So here's what's changed so far:
Alchemist now requires Cellar + Study and produces Mad Scientist
Laboratory now requires Alchemist + Catacombs and only produces Flesh Golem
Overlook now requires Lode + (Portal OR Dwelling); this will also change later, though (because it currently produces two different units depending upon other floors)
Vibrant Vein is no longer parallel or mutually exclusive to the L it now requires Lode + Study and produces Stone Golems
If you had the Lode unlocked before, you will automatically have the now separate Vein prophecy unlocked. Many players have stated in the past that they hated having to choose between the Vein and the Lode, but mostly because the two were so similar and it was easy to choose the &wrong& one for
I believe this change should help rectify this while also fulfilling my goal of giving every floor a unique minion (rather than both producing the Goblin Miner).
As some of you may know from the community forums, streams, or direct conversations with me, I am preparing for another big opt-in beta period to try out some major changes and additions. Before I dive into that, I want to make sure that the current standard release is in a good place. To that end, I am re-organizing some of the floor/prophecy tree for consistency, making some UI and usability improvements, and working on general stability. While I continue with these things, I am also trying out some mechanical changes that are less volatile or inter-dependent than the big stuff I have planned.
This update contains two such changes: traps can now trigger during combat and support abilities no longer take up a combat slot.
The trap change means that traps can now harm minions (although minions will not trigger the traps), and allows you to have battles on trapped floors without losing the effects of the trap. The best use of this would be to place minions who are immune to that trap (either due to damage resistances or due to defense type) on that floor. The only downside is that you may have to babysit these floors a little more than a typical floor, because new minions will not come in to supplement those who perish there.
The support change is even more significant: all support abilities are now in the &special& ability spot, and will always apply when a character is in combat, regardless of slot. Before, players had to make a trade-off between an extra attack or having a support role in their line-up, and I think the advantage of the support role wasn't always obvious compared to having an additional attack, somewhat discouraging this synergy. This is a non-trivial change, and I will need to gather more feedback on this, but I definitely think it will motivate players to build more effective bands of minions.
Because it has been over a month since the last release and there are some significant underlying changes, I am especially concerned with stab please let me know (here, in the forums, via personal message, etc.) if you experience any issues at all!
I know it's been a very slow summer for me and the game, but I am continuing to listen and work on improving it. I hope you'll all keep sharing your thoughts and suggestions on how things are going and where you'd like them to head. Thanks again for all of your support!
[Edit: I forgot to mention, originally, that the game is currently on sale for its deepest discount to date. If you have, by any chance, owned the game for less than a couple of weeks and put in less than two hours (I think these are the limits), but feel like you would still enjoy it, you can request a refund and re-purchase at the lower price. Due to some changes in my personal life, it is unlikely that future discounts will be quite this low, so now is the time to abuse the system! ]
Stone Golem (tough, worker construct with explosion weakness)
Separate Vein prophecy (this floor was previously tied to unlocking the Lode)
Traps now track and report kills
Removed support slot, moving these abilities into an always-on special slot
Traps can now trigger during battles
Traps can now harm minions
Floors provide more trap information in their tooltips (damage, cooldown, and kills)
Vibrant Vein now 4 tiles tall, requires Lode + Study
Alchemist now produces Mad Scientist, requires Study + Cellar
Laboratory now only produces Flesh Golem, requires Alchemist + Catacombs
Overlook now requires Lode + (Portal OR Dwelling)
Reduced leveling-oriented prophecy goals
Trap codex damage now uses verbose tooltips--like character abilities
Abilities that boost recovery rates now have their own verbose tooltip, rather than using the default format
Merged characters now retain the old character's slot assignment (or absorb that of the mergee, if the original was unassigned)
Clicking on the &Heroes are nearing your Sanctum& message will jump to the floor where this is occurring
Minor changes and edits for epilogue and codex text
Melee attackers are now always rendered in front of defenders (because this looks better)
On some systems, controller polling would cause a momentary stutter every 20-30 seconds
Crash involving specific actions during the tutorial
Crash associated with merging and replacing a character assigned to a slot
Epilogue kill count was including those killed by the destruction of the previous dungeon
Inconsistency with support abilities that reduced melee or ranged damage (by slot and not by damage type)
Abilities that buffed recovery rates were not always being used
Glitch with some melee animations that caused them to end and jump back very abruptly
A couple of trap icons were being misplaced in the Codex
I have been doing a lot of traveling this month--and that will continue for the next couple of weeks--, but I still read all of your suggestions and bug reports, and this update represents an accumulation of responses.
Now that the mechanics have settled in the wake of the last beta period, I am working to improve clarity across the board: new tutorial entries and help topics, better tooltips, and more intuitive controls. There is a small start here, and certainly more to come, but this is an area where player input is especially critical, so I would love to hear your thoughts!
There is a conspicuous lack of content in this update, and there are a couple of reasons for that: one is that I have begun working on assets for the next beta period (which will be content heavy), and the other is that I am planning to restructure some of the existing prophecies, so I am withholding a couple of things in case I need to offset a prophecy removal or two with new stuff. I wish this were a more interesting update, but I'll try to get you all some new toys soon.
Thank you for your reports, suggestions, and especially your patience this time around. I finally licked an issue with the launcher on systems with pre-existing, strictly conflicting Java installations, and while it may not have affected many people, it felt like a huge weight off my shoulders, and I'm very thankful to those players who helped test a number of experimental builds in my search to resolve this longstanding problem. Thanks everyone!
More verbose descriptions for many usables (these are automatically generated)
The same improvement has been applied to tooltips for abilities and effects in the codex
Character placement tooltips also carry these longer ability descriptions
Codex help topics for each resource and anchor stones
Minions can now be unassigned from a floor by dragging them off the dungeon (previously, this could only be done by replacing them or clicking their status icon)
There were a couple of prophecies with a &traps triggered& requirement that did not also require a trap floor to activate
Numerous minor adjustments to existing tooltip text and icons
Several small performance improvements
The game is more likely to drop resources that you are low on
The game drops fewer tiles when you are close to building a new floor (that is, if you have one queued and currently meet the resource requirements for it)--this and the above will likely require additional input and tweaking
The game avoids dropping an item if you already have a max-level version of it
The Tyrant now has
he was always armor-based, but this should make it more apparent that he is affected by armor-related abilities and effects
The message log no longer displays a tooltip for the currently selected message when you hover over it
Many early prophecies, their goals, and their requirements were re- many &spend resource& goals were changed to &gather&s (which are much easier early on), and some character pack dependencies were altered to make them rarer relative to floors and items (which are more important to a budding Tyrant)
Removed category icons from prophecy popup message portraits
Under some configurations, the launcher could crash on systems with a conflicting Java installation (game's .jar had to be loaded directly by the player, ugh!)
&If you want something done right& achievement could become perpetually un-earnable if it was first done while playing without a Steam connection
Some character ability targets/effects were wrong
Quicksilver Quaff's range buff wasn't being applied properly (damage was buffed in codex, but was not actually being used in combat)
Characters should only move up in combat if there are no damage-dealers and their current ability does not deal damage
A couple of specific and obscure combat situations could cause the game to crash
Character images in prophecy message icons were being cut off
Tooltips for dragging/dropping characters were not very consistent
Hovering over a combat slot could render a recently deceased assignee
About This Game
Claim and defend the titular Tomb against waves of greedy adventurers by matching tiles to construct and fill your deadly dungeon with traps, minions, and more!
In an unorthodox blend of Tetris and Dungeon Keeper, clearing tiles rewards you with resources and space for vertical expansion, putting distance and dangers between invading hero-types and your squishy Tyrant.
A unique blend of tower-defense strategy, simulation, RPG, and puzzling!
Slick, simple, and frenetic matching mechanics, where reflexes and planning are both rewarded!
Lovingly pixeled characters, settings, and items!
Single-sitting sessions with long-term unlocks, gradually taking your game from newbie-friendly to deep and cerebral!
Tons of diverse floors, items, minions, heroes, and more, to discover and exploit--And more to come!
Tactically emergent gameplay, spawning new strategies and builds as your game evolves!
Frequent updates and direct responses to player feedback!
Tomb of Tyrants is a mechanically refined and creatively flexible title with a lot of room for expansion. It may no longer be an Early Access title, but it remains in a very active development cycle, which has drastically improved mechanics and more than doubled the game's content since release! I, Jake Huhman, have been listening and responding to your posts, screenshots, reviews, and friend requests, because I want the community to continue to hold tremendous influence over the game's future! Thank you for all of your comments, suggestions, and support!
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
OS: Windows XP or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
OS: 10.7 or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
OS: 10.7 or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or Later
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Pixel Shader 2.0
Storage: 200 MB available space
Additional Notes: Java 1.6
More like this
Very Positive
(152 reviews)
Great casual take on Dungeon Keeper-style games.Actually fixes some of the issues Dungeon Keeper had - such as being able to repel all invasions by picking up every creature you had and dropping them on the invaders. By limiting space per room, a slightly more complex approach is required - bearing in mind this is still very much a casual game.The writing is dead-on so far, albeit limited to flavour text. Really captures the spirit of the first DK games. Not too in-your-face, witty, and happily evil.Pixel art does a lot with a little. Pretty impressive stuff.Options are meaningful & useful, which is often overlooked in indie games.Developer is responsive and active.At sale price there is basically no reason not to buy this, it's an excellent game.At full price, I would say it is fairly priced.Maybe needs to be rebalanced to be a little bit more difficult - some items feel too powerful, and the winning tactic for me is simply to place two creatures on every available floor, each of which deals a different type of damage. In this way, a bunch of low-level dungeon denizens can easily defeat a larger clump of heroes.I think the reason some items feel too powerful is that they cast indiscriminate spells, they affect literally every creature in the game - in a game where some creatures have 5 or 6 health at level 10, a spell that can deal 2 damage to all enemies and at the same time restore 2 health to all allies is a bit much.It's also easy to resurrect units - having 2 different ways to resurrect units means that the only way they usually 'permadie' is if you're not paying any attention, which to be fair does happen a lot what with everything else that's going on.edit: - also, I should mention that some things are difficult to understand, and the tutorial is a bit confusing. I put this down to the pixel art style, which makes some of the text difficult to work out. I still don't understand the corruption mechanic fully after ten hours with the game. You are left to experiment a bit, if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, the game might not be for you.None of these minor issues take away from the fact that this game is a pleasure to play, and the dev has done a great job.
I've sunk like way too many hours into this thing to not recommend this.
There's so much going on in this game. If there ever was a hardcore puzzle game, this is it.
A criminally unkown puzzle game, Tomb of Tyrants is a suberb puzzle action dungeon matching game. It's a melding of many genres that works out surprisingly well! It's not too difficult at the moment, but playing it and watching the fights was, to me, oddley relaxing. Very fun although some unlocks may be grindy. Most certainly worth the price.
I generally like match-3 with twists, and base-builders, and thought this would be an interesting mix.
However, in implementation it just isn't fun.
You really don't spend a lot of time on base building, more on keeping it up by keep matching.
I found the matching portion rather boring, and too little time to pay any attention to the dungeon and its defenses.
So I'd just play matching, adding levels whenever I can until levels exhausted, then eventually a wave overtakes me, and game over.
Much more fun in concept. (1/5 stars)
Again, I'm not entirely sure how much this exactly counts as a Tower Defense, but the general principle is still there, and it's a pretty unique game, so I don't mind talking about it. Ever since Dungeon Keeper came out back in the 90s, there have been a few games trying to capture the appeal that duology had: Evil Genius, Dungeons, War for the Overworld are some examples. Tomb of Tyrants isn't exactly on the scope of those, but it goes about the idea in a novel way.You play as the titular Tyrant, one of many black-hearted individuals trying to rebuild a dungeon out of the ruins left after the last one failed. By sifting through their old horde he can build rooms and hire minions to prepare for the inevitable band of heroes marching in to chop off his head. You do this with a little match-three (or four, in this case) off to the side of the dungeon, where you gather several different kinds of resources. You can move them up, down, to the side and drop them as you please, so you're pretty open as far as moves go. You'll definitely need that freedom, as you require free space in the horde to spawn rooms. As the game goes on and you build more rooms you get more resource drops, but this also makes it more difficult to make new rooms, so it's a trade-off.Gathering resources can also buff your minions and debuff heroes, and you need to pay to spawn new ones if they die, so there's always some use for them. One complaint I have there though is that your attention is naturally focused on the board and not your minions fighting, so it's hard to take in stuff like with Dungeon Keeper. Beyond assigning guys to a room or using items you can acquire throughout the games it's pretty hands-off as far as the actual dungeon goes, and if even one hero gets down to your Tyrant that's often game over, since he's a bit of a wimp. This is an endless game, so there's always going to be another Tyrant hanging around, and in each run you'll have mini-quests called prophecies, which unlock new rooms or items you can co some even fortify floors so that they and their minions endure for the next game.I'm not the biggest fan of match-three games, and it seems like how much you'll get out of this depends on that, since the whole game is based around it, and it doesn't seem like the dungeon aspect changes very much. All the same though, it's not a bad game, so long as you understand you're just playing for endurance. The developer is also quite active with it, balancing and adding things, and answering people's questions on the forums. He's trying to get it ported to Android at the moment, and it seems like it would be a much better mobile Dungeon Keeper than EA's offering in that regard.
Tomb of Tyrants is an original, expansive, and engaging game.I was a kickstarter for this game, so I've seen a lot of its growth. I love it, I've loved it since I started playing it, and its only gotten better. If you think it looks interesting and you're on the fence, here are three things you should know about this game:1) the game, at its most basic, is really fun. It has all the benefits of an arcade game, but since content can carry over from one session to the next, the difficulty isn't punishing. You can play it lightly, but you can also let yourself get sucked in. Either way, the game is rewarding.2) The developer, Jake Huhman, is really invested in this game and its player base. His updates are well timed, and are simultaneously helpful and creative. He consistently fixes bugs and problems, but he also spends time on the game's aesthetic, and he continues to add fresh and innovative content.3)There is so much to this game. Like really, SO much. If you like depth in your games, this game has a lot of content, a lot of skills that you can hone, and nearly infinite replayability. I've unlocked everything available as of writing this review, and I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of what's possible in this game. I'm still learning how to optomize my minions, how to build strategies around room combinations, and I'm always struggling to get better at the core mechanic of Match-4 gameplay. I enjoy depth in my games, and exploring this one has been extremely fun. But when I don't want to think about any of that - when I just want to play a light, low-stress, high-reward arcade experience, Tomb of Tyrants still delivers, and I don't feel like I'm playing it 'wrong' for doing that.
I'm not really sure what to say about this game, there's a lot to go on about.First off, I want to say that I gotta commend Jake (dev) for his work. I'm sure you guys have noticed that there's suddenly been negative reviews, but if you read them, a lot of them are not based on game faults, but on people who have preferences that didn't align with the game's direction, rather than stuff like game breaking bugs. Like:&I don't really like how (blank) is like (blank), I'd like it to be more (blank).&You'll also notice that Jake actually replies to most (if not all) of these reviews, even if the review is really poor and doesn't really even say why the person rated it poorly. He appologetically understands if someone doesn't like the game, and asks for ideas of what he could do to make the game more enjoyable. I just want to say that not many devs take the time to actually go as far as Jake does. He's also known for being extremely active on the forums and going into depth with players, debating how to change things. As games go, you actually feel like you're part of the game's development when you join the community.On top of that, the updates are plentiful and almost every single one has had tasty game content. The game BEGS for a mobile port, at least at some point. It's got the addicting feel of Candy Crush, but for more serious gamers than what toilet-break mobile games give you. Jake has mentioned wanting to do this, so that's good. The game is packed to bursting with unlockable contents, and gives you reason to play over and over again. You get to keep content you unlock, even if you die. So at first, the game is actually really simple and straightforward. As you play more and more, you unlock tons of creatures/floors/traps/items/etc, to make them game become deeper. So as you become more comfortable and familiar with how the game works, the game broadens itself to continue giving you a challenge, and stuff to do. At nearly 30 hours, I haven't unlocked everything. In fact, I recently wiped ALL my progress to start completely over, just to experience the massive changes the game has made recently, with a fresh attempt.The game is pixel graphics. It was a chosen art direction, and despite how many people look at pixel games and go, &Oh man it looks so bad! ?????? graphics!&. It's not like that, maybe a long time ago, when pixel graphics were the only option, compared to modern gaming, that would be considered ??????. I can't really even name any old games that used pixel styled graphics with the smooth animations put into this game. Pixel art is not easy, despite how people may think, it's surprisingly hard to decide what color pixels to use and where to put them, to create a believable representation of a character/creature/item. In this game, pixel art is utilized well, and as your minions level up, their appearances change. One of the starter minions is a bandit, a simple no-good bandit. He starts with what looks like basic leather armor or cloth, but by the time he's level 10, he's got a shiny sword with gems studded into it and armor with gold accents. It's fun to see how vastly the minions change over their growth, it's one of those things where the little details make the game have more depth.
I haven't been in the right mindset for it in a while, but I figure I should say something after how much I've already played this.It's both more and less complex than I thought it would be. The minions can form some interesting combinations for guarding floors, but eventually you will have to move them mid-fight, as things like genies show up and completely tie up your physical powerhouses.The slide puzzle is nothing special, but the prophecies and ability to change the slide's direction before releasing make it interesting enough to not simply be a chore.All in all, I don't regret buying this at all and will probably play it again sometime.
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There's no reason not to try Tomb of T once I got into it, I couldn't put it down.Expect a flood of constant updates which add content and improve gameplay mechanics.
The Dev is affable and super-responsive and the game is constantly improving.ToT is broken up into two halves: A sliding match-4 puzzle, and a tower defense.
The match-4 is quite intuitive, but tower defense portion has a bit of a learning curve.
You may die fairly quickly early on, but after some experimentation and some unlocks, you'll be tanking through dozens of waves like a champ.Overall, this is a fun, relaxing, rewarding game.
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3 people found this review funny
Key supplied by developer for review.======================================Tomb of Tyrants (Read on for the full review!)======================================TL;DR:An indie gem los Tomb of Tyrants is an excellently constructed match 4 game that will appeal to casual matchers as well as the more hardcore strategist type. With a solid developer and enough unlocks to keep you busy for hours on end, Tomb of Tyrants is worth every penny of its regular asking price. ======================================Pros:+ Developer: Updates regularly, appreciates feedback, communicates very well.+ Download: Very small and easy download, but not light on content.+ Graphics: Great pixel art style, with lively animation. Good color palette, too.+ Tiles: You can RGB their colors. Color customization is a personal joy of mine.+ UI: Easy to navigate, convenience features abound, blends into gameworld.+ UI(v2): The regular vs. strikethrough text is clever and genuinely cool.+ Audio: The bone crunching sound alone is possibly the best thing ever.+ Depth: Your tomb gets deeper and deeper. So do the mechanics of this game.+ Choice: There are a multitude of floors and goals to prioritize.Cons:- Resolution: Minor gripe, initializes at a set resolution.- Patrols: Makes it hard to learn what monsters work well together.- &Oh...&: There needs to be a more obvious death indicator.- &Wait!&: Your hoard can fill so fast that you can't watch the floors.- Sound: There's a couple of minor issues like an infinite sound loop when paused at the right(wrong) time or some sounds playing incessantly at later stages.- Pause: This could already be the case, but I'd like it if there was a dedicated pause button, vs esc/main menu, since I tend to alt-tab frequently. Game already pulls up main menu if you click outside the window. This way I could keep my multiplier without the advantage of pausing.Neutral:± Tomb: Or crypt. Cryptic. Avoid if you like having all the information.± Time: &Just one more run!&...x10. It's pretty addicting.======================================Introduction:Hello and welcome to my review of Tomb of Tyrants! This nifty match-4 game will have you lining up resources in your hoard to add dangerous floors to your toom, so you can continue being a Tyrant for longer. Good luck!Gameplay:When you first start ToT, you're going to be simaltaneously playing the game and a tutorial while you start. This is pretty neat, but I found having such a small continue button to be a bit annoying when combined with unexpected tutorial boxes. Still, it's very pleasant having features organically explained as you discover them! As stated in the introduction, you match up 4 or more of a specific resource type so you can accumulate the right type and quantity of materials required to build floors. These floors will give you monsters, resources, and traps to help deal with the pesky heroes trying to meddle with your evil affairs. These floors are also built on top of your hoard, so you have to clear room at the top to be able to construct them, thankfully you can queue construction.Building floors or certain combinations of floors can give you access to other floors, which you unlock by completing prophecies. Prophecies are goals you have to complete while they are active, such as recruit 10 skeletons and accumulate 50 bone, but progress on them is persistent. Plots can also reward you with items and banners and such. There are also similar goals, that are time sensitive, called plots. Plots will award you with the fortification of a floor if you complete them in time, which allows it to stick around for another playthrough. Completing prophecies and plots feels really gratifying, and the sound effect for completing plots is especially pleasing. It's even better when you are completing them without knowing it, like hitting the jackpot on a slot machine after turning your head to talk to a buddy. There are also rituals: specific block shapes you can match to increase the maximum cap of the matched resource. Your monsters can even stick around for another run, too, if they beat a champion hero, becoming a champion themselves.So, generally your gameplay is going to consist of picking a floor to build, clearing space while acquiring resources, and then continuing to clear space for more floors and to complete objectives. At times you may have to manually drop some monsters onto different floors, or use an item, but aside from planning in advance, the active part of the game will be had with matching. As of the latest update, this has been made more dynamic and challenging by dirt and arrowhead blocks. Dirt is destroyed by falling, and arrowheads by making a match next to them, where they will act like a wildcard.&But just how fun is it, and how is it as a matching game?& you may ask.It's very fun, and a great spin on matching game with good execution.Graphics:The pixel art is well done, and the animations are lively. It is definitely worth mentioning that said pixel art scales very well with resolution. There are multiple options that can be used to change the look of the art, though, from dithering options to an aesthetic change such as hard or soft pixel scaling. There is a good choice of colors, and many different graphics for floors and monsters. A lot of your time will be spent with your hoard, so it is very good news that you may customize the colors of the resources that appear there. It will even change the colors of the resources everywhere else they appear in the game, too. All in all, if you like pixel art games, you'll like ToT.Audio:The music and sounds present in ToT are actually surprisingly well done. From the sounds of monsters and heroes dying, to various satisfying sounds played when you make different quantities of matches. You may not notice the music too much over all the other sounds that will happen as your tomb gets deeper, which may be a good thing, as the game could use another track or two, depending on who you ask. What is there, is satisfying and fun, though!Conclusion:Tomb of Tyrants is a great game, and an amazing match-4 game. It seems to be criminally underappreciated. At $8.00, you can very easily get enough time in that haven't even paid a dollar an hour. I recommend Tomb of Tyrants at:Full price.======================================This endorsement approved by ,providing better standards for reviews and reviewers.======================================
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What do a match 4 game and Dungeon Keeper have in common? Let me introduce you to Tomb of Tyrants. This gem of an indie game puts you in control of your own lair. Your goal is simple, survive the horde of angry heroes that want nothing more then to cut you up into pieces. To survive you must gather resources and build a huge underground fortress made up of monsters, traps and hot fresh death. What surprised me is that Tomb of Tyrants isn't necessarily about frantic fast paced matching, quite the contrary. Trying to combine key resources to get higher multipliers is key to certain quests. Planning out your moves delicately is rewarded. As you play Tomb of Tyrants you realize the game is far more complicated then it seems and it rewards you as you get deeper into its mechanics and features. Completing more quests grants you more rooms, items, resistances, champions, banners and more. Suddenly this game begins to resemble more of a strategy/RPG/TD game with a match 4 mini-game. This caught me off guard but I enjoyed it quite a bit. With adorable pixel graphics, easy to use UI and plenty of replay value, you should be checking out Tomb of Tyrants because its a blast! I made a video review to show off some of the features and gameplay of this game!I hope you enjoy!Martyr
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Early Access Review
Great game. Nice mix of Puzzle and base management. Dev is continuing to work on and improve it and actively comunicates with the community.
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I seriously don't know how to start this review. There's so much to say about this game. I think I should start by shouting huge cheerish THANK YOU! To Jake Huhman, the game's sole developer and publisher. Not only because he made an amazing game, but because he's a great friendly guy, really caring about his game and it's players. The amount of work he put into his game is astounding, fixing bugs, releasing frequent updates and inserting loads of references and little details and jokes anywhere where's some text. Look at Floor names.
He hangs out around the forums a lot, and likes to chat about ideas. So once again, kudos to you!Now finally to the game. Let's put a quick TL:DR
intro here: At the first look the game looks like a simple tile matcher puzzle game, and it truly is one, but I guarantee it's the best one ever made. It builds upon the simple concept and expands it to a strategy genre. For matching tiles, you get resources. For resources, you recruit units or build floors. To build floors, you have to make room in your Hoard, the stockpile where Loot falls from dead enemy Heroes, defeated by your minions, and after building a floor. Loot which you match to get MOAR RESOURCES. All this in quick cartoonish package filled to the brim with humour. Don't get deceived by it's cartoonish pixelart look, though the game graphics are very creative, detail and expertly
crafted to finest pixelart, all staying in the cartoonish theme of the game. Nice element is you can customize colors of resources.In the core, this game has a very complex systems built in which offer tens of hours of just explorating what Units can you build, going through Phropecies to &building& your own game style, possibly retaining it through multiple playthroughs using the Legacy system. This system allows you to keep hero minions, items, floors and resource capacity in exchange for completing time limited quests, which range a lot in variety and difficulty. You progress through the game not only on the level of a single &run&, but also on scope of multiple ones, as you unlock new Floors through Phropecies, which for example require you to build several floors (sometimes ones which block each other), and recruit some amount of units. Each floor you unlock falls under a specific Tier, which form trees of possible combinations of units you can use to defend your dungeon. And as they are trees, to climb some branches you have to give up some units, because some floors block each other, as I mentioned before. Some floors work as traps, other allow you to recruit Mounts, which can your Biped minions use to roam the dungeon, offering considerable
advantage. Expecting your question &and what are they for?& I will explain. Your minions are defending you, because you are an extremely evil person and all righteous persons want to hang your head above their fireplaces. And they group at the dungeons ground floor, waiting for it to open, forming waves of trouble waiting at you periodically. All units travel around the vertical dungeon using elevators, and as heroes descend by one floor at a time, your minions can travel freely, patroling the dungeon in meantime. Granted is, Heroes will sooner or later be caught by your minions, and when this happens, the combat happens. It is turn based and works on cycling heroes in party, each taking one attack and defense at a time. Both minions and heroes have great variance of attacks, abilities and perks, some working as buffers or poisoning enemies.
Those perks don't serve only for combat. If you have a general &theme& in your floors and units, specific heroes come to defeat you, for example necromantinc dungeon resulting in holy heroes.
Expanding the system even more, sometimes you can find items in your hoard which upon collecting serve either as passive effects to the game, active items affecting Hoard with for example spreading a specific resource or shuffling the hoard, or even serve as Potions on a specific floor, taking some time to recharge after each use. Another hoard element is that you can build specific tetromino-and larger- shapes to raise capacity of a specific resource stockpile. And if you need some more to fiddle with the game. there's possibility to move floors, even with enemy heroes in them, for a little price. Needing specific resource and your hoard is almost empty? You can refill it for a price of a little chunk of each of your resources. Want another? You can unlock Banners, which give you specific bonuses to your game, for example granting more mouse slides per move.
And if you still arent satisfied, don't worry, Jake improves the game at a regular pace. My apologies for how long this review became. I kinda got carried away, as this game revived my belief in the inovation in genre of quick puzzle games, granting me tens of hours of intelligent, though-out and great fun, which I believe won't certainly end soon. To end the review, let's look at overal Pros and Cons:Pros: Simple concept, deeply and well-thoughtly expanded, with ongoing development.
Very nice and detail pixelart graphics Offers a lot to explore and needs a lot of time to explore everything. And it's worth it. Nice music Deep strategy system allowing for your own game style, with large variety of units and items to use as ingredients The game feels very alive, with units battling at multiple floors and roaming the dungeon. Seeing heroes run into sawblade traps is very satisfying. Puns everywhere Found out Fungus traps are OP (already balanced out), built enough floors to have over two dozens of Fungus traps, heroes died even without being touched by minions. Played the run for three hours. Got a 1st place global highscore and had it for a few days. 11/10 would try to gain highscore again.
Cons: Terrible, addictive timesinker Sometimes, the mouse control feels a little bit...ambivalent, but after adding the possibility to cancel your move on hoard with right click, these issues are not as anoying as before Seriously, I don't know, this game is great and getting better with each update.Thank you for reading, I hope I helped you deciding whether buy this game, treating yourself with an amazing logic game, and rewarding Jake for his work, as he truly deserves it.
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TL;DR:This is a fantastic game, which looks deceptively simple at first, but hides an incredible amount of strategy and depth. You should definitely give it a go!Its genre is a combination of match-4 and tower defense, with RPG rogue-like elements (unlocks and progressive upgrades of items and levels) and quite a bit of strategy involved.The developer is very active, releasing frequent updates, and interacting with the players. The learning curve can feel a little steep on first approach, but once you understand what you are doing you will find yourself playing this game again and again, and enjoying the hell out of it.*************************Gameplay BasicsI am including the basics here because I believe that some players get confused by some of the mechanics on first approach. This game is far deeper and more complex than it seems at first glance, though it allows for fairly casual gameplay.Your main goal is to defend your Tyrant, who dwells in the bottom floor of your dungeon. You do so by building floors, which are populated by different creatures that will fight off the heroes trying to reach and kill your Tyrant. To build the floors you need resources, which you gather by matching tiles (4 or more). If you create a match in one of the special shapes listed around the tile pool (rituals), your capacity for that specific resource will increase. The last update has added some special tiles (dirt and wildcards) which require special conditions to be eliminated, increasing the challenge. To be able to build the floors you also need a number of empty rows in your resource pool. You can queue floors to be built as soon as you have enough resources and space.Occasionally, special items will appear in the resource pool. When you match them, they will transfer to your item pool. Some of these items provide passive bonuses, some others can be activated to various effects (e.g. healing your minions, or gathering a particular resource). If the item is already in your pool, it will level up.Special tasks can be fulfilled to unlock new items, minions and floors (prophecies) or to upgrade existing floors (plots). These appear at the top of the screen, and can take many forms: from doing a certain number of matches, to not spending a particular resource for a set period of time, to killing a number of heroes, levelling up some of your minions...Plots generally have a time limit, and are easier to fulfil than prophecies.Floors are progressively unlocked. There is a first set of paired, mutually exclusive floors (building one prevents you from building the other), which adds great replayability value (you can play with different combinations in subsequent playthroughs), but the higher level floors are unlocked independently, through prophecies.Special minions can be dropped at any dungeon floor (e.g. to protect your Tyrant), and after they reach a certain level they are also carried over to subsequent playthroughs.At any point, you can right click on things to bring up the codex, which explains in detail what that floor/item/minion does (this is something I strongly encourage you to do!). There is also a brief tutorial, that explains action on the fly the first time you carry them out.*************************ProsDeveloper - in a time when bad, unfinished products and perpetual early-access games are becoming the norm, it's so refreshing to find a developer who really cares about his game and its players! He regularly responds to comments, listens to feedback and releases regular, stable updates (the latest large update was released after a long opt-in beta period in which players provided direct feedback, resulting in several major improvements).Replayability - individual games last from several minutes to 1-2 hours (once you get good at surviving!), allowing for fairly casual gameplay, but you will find yourself coming back to this game again and again, and it always feels like it has something new to offer, as there is a vast amount of content to unlock, and you can try several strategies. I have played the game for ~18 hours at this point, and I feel like only now I'm beginning to scratch the surface.Art style - beautiful, colourful pixel art that is also intuitive.Customization - you can change the colour palette, pixel style, UI border size... and don't forget to check out the banners, which are unlockable, and provide different bonuses.Multi-platform - you can play on Windows, Linux and MacOS, and it even has controller support! It is also a very small download.ConsLearning curve - it can feel a little steep at the beginning. You might be deceived by the simple looks, skip the tutorial and then get overwhemed when you get a glimpse of the underlying complexity. If this happens don't give up: re-activate the tutorial, and look things up in the codex. You won't regret giving the game a second chance.Resolution - the resolution options are currently a bit limited, but I believe that this will be tackled, eventually. --- *UPDATE* (08/06/2016) There is now an advanced options file (ToTAdvanced) that allows you to set a custom resolution - some common sense is advised! Red alert - when the heroes reach the levels above your Tyrant, an alarm starts playing (you can turn it off completely, but I don't recommend it) so you can take actions to help the Tyrant survive the assault. In the late game, when the Tyrant is constantly under threat, I find the constant blaring a little annoying. This is personal preference, though. *************************ConclusionsThis is a veritable gem of a game, especially for the price. I am very surprised that it is not a best-seller. If you like any of the genres it covers, you should definitely give it a try!10/10
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Early Access Review
Strangely compelling blend of Dungeon Keeper and Puzzle Quest with rogue-lite style progression. You can play a pre-alpha demo which lacks many of the features of the current early access build here:
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Early Access Review
An EXCELLENT game, wherein you are a tyrant. As this character you gather / produce resources and build / expand an underground dungeon as a classical dungeon master.At first glance it looks a lot like those decades old pattern matching games like bejeweled in a fantasy setting, but with a twist. The blocks you gather are in fact resources, which you can use to construct the next layer in your dungeon, buy single use items or recruit new units, which you have to unlock with another layer of the dungeon.Constructing one room of a certain dungeon room disables you to construct a different one from the same tier. As such, you really need to think about what kind of rooms you want and make effective combinations to defend your dungeon succesfully, as hero's will come in not only to loot your resources, but take your life / unlife as well.So if you choose to focus on the undead (skeletons, zombies and necromancers) you'll have a tough time also maintaining an army of goblins, beasts, mercenaries or ritualistic dark elves with all the pro's and cons that come with each path. You can, but it won't be easy.The graphics look very simplistic, but they complement the game itself remarkably, showing that graphics do not need high end rendering for game to be this great. The sound could use an upgrade, but isn't terrible. Online scoring system (if you're into that sort of thing) and very good integration with Steam.All in all, highly addictive, very interesting and a challenge to form that specific combination of monsters that make your score go WOW!!!
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I adore this game. I'm a sucker for good Match games and Tomb of Tyrants is definitely one of the most enjoyable ones I've ever played. It is in the medium/ high price range for Match games on Steam, but its unique gameplay and replayability (in addition to its leaderboards, cards, achievements, and active support) makes it worth its price.It's a Match 4 game where you can drag blocks both horizontally and vertically in the same motion. There are persistent optional challenges in the form of matching to create certain shapes or undertaking particular actions which generate rewards.In addition to matching blocks (which are actually resources), you'll be devoting some of your time toward stopping the heroes who would march through your tomb and kill your tyrant. That's right, technically you're the bad guy—but don't worry, being bad leads to good fun. Besides, you're just hanging out in your dungeon, minding your own business, when a bunch of heroes drop in and start making trouble in your neighborhood. If you ask me, THEY’RE the ones up to no good.The more you play the game the more you'll appreciate its layers (please pardon the pun). You'll develop strategies unique to your playstyle and will probably do better each time you play. Although you can't save your game, you automatically carry over a lot of unlocks from game to game, in addition to certain things you can earn the ability to save.Right now the game is still being tweaked a bit and is at about an 'A' in my mind. I suspect that in a few more patches it will rank as an &A+&. The developer is very active in Steam discussions and even friended me to help me when I posted about an issue I had, so I have complete faith in the final product being even more fantastic that it already is now.Tl;dr: It’s one of the best matching games on Steam* and it’s worth its price tag.*if you look at my games played you’ll see I’ve tried most of them
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