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17 weeks I need help 😩😩😩 - BabyCenter
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17 weeks I need help 😩😩😩
Posted 02/03/2017
So stupid of me I got my nipples pierced back in July for one I can't get the piercings out and for two I did not know the milk would come out the piercing it's self lord!!!!!! I'm scared it would be to much coming out for he baby could they choke ?
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Posted 02/03/2017
Baby will be okay - I don't know what to tell you about not being able to get the piercing out though!
DD - 1/31/09, fertility baby <3
DS1 - 9/30/13, impossible (but much desired!) surprise
DS2 - 8/9/17 - surprissse!
Posted 02/03/2017
Depending the type of piercing you have circle or bar you can have them removed at your local tattto shop! And I'm pretty sure the hole will close up! Good luck
Posted 02/03/2017
I had to get medical gloves to grip mine and I was able to get mine out. Go to the local tattoo shop and ask for help, they should be able to help you
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Keep me logged in.First appointment so far from now &#128553;&#128553;&#128553; - BabyCenter
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First appointment so far from now &#128553;&#128553;&#128553;
Posted 05/09/2017
Ok so according to my last period (march 17) I'm 7 weeks. But I can't get an appointment till June 12!!!!! Is this normal? Do you think they are going by the fetal age and not my last period??
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Posted 05/09/2017
when I had my DD
(dear daughter) it was the OB's policy not to see anyone until they were 12 weeks unless it was high risk.. could be something like that?
“Making the decision to have a baby is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.”
– Elizabeth S
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Posted 05/09/2017
I feel like OB/MD/Midwife offices are REALLY busy right now. My doctors office has me booking all my appointments Waaaay in advance to make sure I hit all my marks.June 12 puts you at 12 weeks which isn't insane for a first appointment. Although it is probably super annoying to not see them sooner! That is when they can do genetic testing, and when they can schedule your 20wk US. Most likely they will use your period and menstrual history to determine fetal age.If you are a relatively healthy person with no history of miscarriage or health issues, 12 weeks is totally an okay time to go see the doctor. Until then, take your Prenatals (find some DHA/Omega-3 if you can) drink LOTS of water and R-E-L-A-X Congratulations, and welcome to the club!
Don't make me write a wall of text.
Posted 05/09/2017
The one we see schedules your first appt for 8 weeks. With my first child, my first appt (different OB) was at 11 weeks. 8-10 is pretty average. Yours does seem a bit far off, but it may just be the way your OB does it.
Posted 05/09/2017
The earlier your appointment the less data they get. If you had an appointment at 7 weeks from LMP there may not be a heart beat on the ultrasound because it's too early, thus they would have to monitor you further just in case.
It seems to be the common thing for low risk pregnancies to wait unless complications arise.
Janelle (31) married to Mike (31) since 06/09
Two girls that
joined us 06/12, 07/15
Posted 05/09/2017
My first appointment is June 6th and my lmp was March 20th so I completely understand! This is my first and it's hard not knowing for sure what's going on.
Posted 05/09/2017
I feel like OB/MD/Midwife offices are REALLY busy right now. My doctors offi...
I had a miscarriage back in 2012.
Posted 05/09/2017
when I had my DD it was the OB&#39;s policy not to see anyone until they we...
They don't make appointment till you're 8 weeks. I'm guessing they are super busy. I know like 8 people pregnant. Ugh I just hate waiting I guess lol
Posted 05/09/2017
I hear you. My appointment is may 24, I'll be 12.3 weeks. I had a high risk pregnancy last time, a thyroid condition that isn't being managed properly, I'm on progesterone and i should be tested for zika ( I'm not worried, but since I've been to Mexico, i should have the test). It's ridiculous. My dr id's moving away, so I'm being transferred to a new one, but still. I'll have had 3 ultrasounds by then!
Posted 05/09/2017
That's normal. OB's usually don't see you until 10 - 12 weeks unless you have previous miscarriages, went through fertility treatments and/or have a previous high risk pregnancy.
Mom to a 7 year old football lover who is excited to be a big brother!
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Soon your baby may let you know that he's ready to try eating finger foods by grabbing the spoon you're feeding him with or snatching food off your plate. Scatter four or five pieces of finger food onto your baby's highchair tray or an unbreakable plate.
New grandparents mean well. They really do. They just tend to mean well a little too much sometimes.
Your baby may have already started feeding himself finger foods, although this can begin as late as 10 months. Once he reaches this stage, you can introduce a sippy cup.
By now, you may have already told your baby that the phone isn't a toy, or that rattles aren't for throwing, or that her sister's hair isn't for pulling. At this age, your baby may begin testing your authority by refusing to follow your simple directions.
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Charley horse??? &#128553;&#128553;&#128553;
Posted 04/14/2016
I woke up around 3am lastnight with a HORRIBLE leg cramp, let me tell you it was so painful I wanted to cry! Has this happened to anyone?? is this common during pregnancy? I'm 19 weeks... ??
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Posted 04/14/2016
This is very common during pregnancy. It plagues us all.
Posted 04/14/2016
Unfortunately yes! When it's happening, keep your foot flexed (toes up)- it helps! And if it's a regular thing, try upping your potassium intake (supplements or bananas).
Posted 04/14/2016
Happened to me all the time in my first pregnancy. Awful!
Posted 04/14/2016
Happend a lot with my first. Doctor recommend a banana or a glass of Gatorade before, helped me!
Posted 04/14/2016
I get them a lot. A banana every day helps prevent them
S & G 12-4-15JM, IA, ZJ, SA (due September 21)
Posted 04/15/2016
Experienced it about 4 nights ago. It hurt like hell and then my muscle was tight for about 2 days. I couldn't do much about it at that point... just ate a banana in the morning and drank lots of water. And I did try to stretch my leg a little, but that was painful for me. My hubby bought me some of those therma wraps, which did ease the pain a little.
Hope we never experience leg cramps ever again! ?
Posted 04/15/2016
Take magnesium, it will also help prevent pre-eclampsia
Posted 04/15/2016
Bananas... and proper water consumption does wonders!!!!!
Posted 04/15/2016
Lots abs lots of water help me. My feet will cramp if I haven't had enough water throughout the day. Sorry you're dealing with that, it sucks!
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Keep me logged in.measuring at 40 weeks&#128553;&#128553;&#128553;&#128553; - BabyCenter
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measuring at 40 weeks&#128553;&#128553;&#128553;&#128553;
Posted 10/16/2015
Went to see my midwife Im 35 weeks today and I gotta get another growth ultrasound... Point is I ain't trying to push Nothing bigger then 9 pounds but we shall see on Monday I'm praying to TMH he is not Breech... how much he weight... Anyone else having this issue???
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Posted 10/16/2015
I have another ultrasound tomorrow at 35 weeks and 6 days. I have been having growth ultrasounds every 2 weeks because he's been measuring so big. At 33 weeks and 6 days he was measuring 37 and 6, and 6# 6oz. So, yeah I'm anxious to see too. (Hopefully he didn't flip back to breech like he has been)
Posted 10/16/2015
At 37w He measured 9lb. Getting induced at 38w3 for hypertension, but planning on going without main meds again. Should be fun ?
Posted 10/16/2015
At 37w He measured 9lb. Getting induced at 38w3 for hypertension, but plannin...
It's not horrible, but be prepared for how close the contractions are. I did it for 37 hours. Walking is your friend.
Posted 10/16/2015
It&#39;s not horrible, but be prepared for how close the contractions are. I ...
I had a similar experience with my first, induced but had to be monitored constantly cause his heart rate kept dropping... So no walking. Still refused an epidural though cause in the big scheme of things- it's only one or two days of pain. But this time bubs is bigger. But I'll do it again because I'm stubborn as shit
Posted 10/16/2015
When I was 28 he was already measuring at damn near 4 1/2
pounds which they said is 33 weeks and that was last month so ... So I'm like well damn how much weight could he have possibly gained n a month... I'm just hoping of anything he ain't breech either...
Posted 10/16/2015
At my 35 week ultrasound, baby was measuring at 39 weeks and already over 8 pounds! I'm freaking out! I'm doing a natural waterbirth, so I'm hoping I can push that big baby out, lol.
Posted 10/17/2015
At my 35 week ultrasound, baby was measuring at 39 weeks and already over 8 p...
That is awesome I always wanted to do a waterbirth but I'm such a big baby when it comes to pain ???...
Posted 10/17/2015
At 37w He measured 9lb. Getting induced at 38w3 for hypertension, but plannin...
What?! Your going to birth a potentially 10lb. baby with no meds.?!? Gooooood luck with that. No thanks.
Posted 10/17/2015
What?! Your going to birth a potentially 10lb. baby with no meds.?!? Gooooood...
Haha yea that's the plan! I'm in New Zealand and med free births are a lot more common here.
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Keep me logged in.刚洗完澡发现大腿根部还有内侧突然起了这样的红点点,然后刚查了下百度说可能是股藓 可是我并不痒也不痛_百度知道
刚洗完澡发现大腿根部还有内侧突然起了这样的红点点,然后刚查了下百度说可能是股藓 可是我并不痒也不痛
刚洗完澡发现大腿根部还有内侧突然起了这样的红点点,然后刚查了下百度说可能是股藓 可是我并不痒也不痛啊
好吧 谢谢啊
可是都快一个小时了 &#128533;


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