四大会计事务所哪家的系统性风险名词解释咨询risk consulting最强

单位名称: 恒星环宇国际咨询(北京)有限公司
&招聘&实习公司名称:Stellar Consulting Ltd工商注册名称:恒星环宇国际咨询(北京)有限公司统一社会信用代码:CMWH6L招聘信息标题:恒星环宇国际税务工作室-国际税务筹划与反避税咨询-翻译、同声传译、助理、税务经理职位招聘招聘信息:公司简介恒星环宇国际税务工作室围绕企业商业本质,起点基于业务方案分析税务处理并协助企业进行决策,协助企业进行税务风险管理,以大格局、广视角、多维度为企业提供针对性强、实用性高、持久稳定的税务筹划方案。恒星环宇国际咨询( 北京 )有限公司的经营范围包含 国际税务筹划, 税务鉴证 , 税务风险 管理 , 国际税务架构 ,企业由国际注册会计师,211高校国际税务课程大学教授,和前税务机关干部组成。团队正招聘 多语种服务 团队成员,希望母语为阿拉伯语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,俄语,德语,波兰语等的技能型人才发送简历到。公司可为外籍人士做外国人工作许可和工作签证落地,出入境管理担保,签证延期担保等,并为入职人员进行雇佣合同规划。国际税务业务包括涉税鉴证;企业所得税年度汇算清缴鉴证;资产损失所得税前扣除鉴证;研究开发费用加计扣除签证;房地产开发企业完工产品清算鉴证;房地产开发项目土地增值税清算鉴证;企业注销结税鉴证;高新技术企业资格认定专项鉴证;税务风险筹划;海外家族信托;境外公司设立;境外银行账号设立;投资移民规划;鉴定多层架构对企业税务结构的风险;鉴定投资与融资的纳税风险与应对;企业改组改制并购重组调整带来的税务调整;上市公司重大经营决策(如定向增发等)的税务筹划;企业集团作为外国控制企业的国际税务筹划;前期税务分析;纳税合规性审核;税收政策咨询及应用指导;缔约国与税务相关的法律识别;经营业务规划与税务责任的关系;多国协调纳税服务编制;缔约国对子公司债资比的限制和后期调整;境外税务境内落地;多国税务合规对接;国际税收政策及时更新对接企业;海外项目整体架构与风险管理;缔约国合伙企业或有纳税责任但不具备享受优惠的资质;境外及时与缔约国税务局/内陆收入局沟通;具体国别税务管理手册;合规调整;母公司收到外汇股息后主动履行税务义务;新合同涉税审阅与调整;新设立的境外子公司折旧计算与成本分摊调整;反避税咨询;集团税务集中化管理;税务尽职调查;控股信托/基金会受益所有人的合规制度;境外子公司税务管理;双边税务协议特殊性带来境外实缴与应缴对境内税务饶让的影响;涉税业务归总和纳税义务判定;分国不分项与汇总计算对母公司的影响;计税规则与数据提取方式设计;用户实际IT需求体量与IT实施方案权衡;对项目风险的自保应对及相关税务背书;双边税务协议(double tax treaty),境外税收抵免(cross boarder tax credit),标准报告准则CRS,税务信息交换协议(tax information exchange),转移定价(transfer pricing),预约定价申请(advanced pricing application),税基侵蚀和利润转移等咨询服务(base erosion and profit shifting, e.g. treaty shopping)等。&欢迎各位同学积极参与,简历请投递至:,中英文皆可。如有疑问请联系: 面试地点:海淀区中关村科技园信息路12号发展大厦A106/ 海淀区中关村科技园信息路26号创业大厦招聘职位1.&Translator If you are bilingual, this recruitment page opens a lot of possibilities for work-from-home jobs, such as bilingual call centers, translation jobs, interpretation, localization and more. Each of these jobs takes a different skill set in addition to your language capability. Please feel free to send me an email to
with your name, tel number, nationality (optional), language types, skill level and prefferd work type in the form as below:Chris Hemsworth, , AussieEnglish, advanced, speakingEnglish, normal, writing Spanish, advanced, speaking & writingPart-time/casualIf you or any of your friends, take cross broader taxation consulting as a planned career path or are clearly passionate about working in international tax industry in the future, please make sure the first word in your email subject line begins with “SOS”.2.&Tax manager Tax managers (casual, part-time or full-time)Job duties?&Manage tax compliance process for clients at the end of each financial year.?&Identify tax savings opportunities for clients such as tax relief on capital allowances and minimized stamp duty, further consulting service may include cost sharing agreement, transfer pricing or capital structuring.?&Work directly with the clients’ attorneys or brokers, taxing authority agents and other third parties.?&Assist clients with preparation of annual financial statements, and communicate with foreign tax bureau in regards to auditing and any arising controversies. ?&Proactively monitor current and proposed tax law changes to determine potential impacts on the clients.&Job qualification?&Ability to work effectively in a diverse work environment along with working experience in a regulatory environment.?&Advanced MS Excel skills.?&A minimum 3 years degree from an accredited college or university (In absence of a degree, 5 years of related experience is required.)?&Active Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification, or financial service provider license, or Chartered financial analyst or Doctor (JD) degree, or with a desire and passion to complete these qualifications.What can we offer you??&Career progression opportunity - we promote from within so if you are interested in a career in financial services or tax planning we welcome you to apply.?&Good leadership with chartered accountant qualification and multiple years of working experience in developed countries, both public sector and large-sized private company.?&We may provide sponsorship for a Chinese work Visa based on our accredited-employer-certificate (equivalent to diplomatic visa under highly-skill-employment-scheme). ?&Administration of your own individual tax filling (e.g. for U.S. tax resident in compliance with FATCA, you do not need to file IRS form 8938 if the total value of your offshore financial assets is below a certain threshold)Commissions can be paid to third party as rewards upon the candidate’s success of application.3.&Voluntary work opportunitiesWe are also seeking someone who is excited by the possibility of making a commitment to the ongoing development and growth of this exciting business and someone who is responsible and committed for the following available positions: Marketing researcher, legal assistant, tax assistant, account administration, treasurer, and assistant risk analyst etc. In these critical roles you will be participating in dealing with cross-border tax issues. Excellent English verbal, written and presentation skills along with a desire to build a highly engaged and effective team is essential. Your high level problem solving and decision making capability will be a compelling bonus, and a good sense of humor screams!In return we can offer you wide opportunities of working in Beijing, Nanjing and Qingdao after you graduate. Job reference may be given after voluntary or internship period. Other reimbursements are negotiable based on your type of talents, working experience or on-going qualification training.NOTE: All candidates selected for employment with us will be required to successfully complete a drug screen and background check.Sound like you? Please apply by emailing us over your CV to register your interest in confidence or to request further details.Mon-Fri 9am-5pm: ; Off-work hours: & Please include following information in your résumé: Name, age, gender, phone number (please notify us your preferred contact method), current job status, academic major, academic program duration in China and current process, short-term or/and long-term career plan, previous working experience (including part-time job and voluntary work), hobbies.13223 条评论分享收藏感谢收起赞同 8914 条评论分享收藏感谢收起风险咨询 - Bing 词典网络 ;
1.Risk Advisory请问四大在中国的风险咨询(Risk Advisory) 部门主要干什么? 那位有亲身经验可分享?发短消息 加为好友 当前离线
发短消息 加为好友 |2.risk consulting财务英语英汉对照表 (R) - MBA智库百科 ... risk capital 风险本 risk consulting 风险咨询 risk diversification 风险分散 ... |例句释义:全部,Risk Advisory,risk consulting类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.This is
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