什么是英文合同中的Liquidatedpunitive damagess

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liquidated damages是什么意思
liquidated damages是什么意思 liquidated damages在线翻译 liquidated damages什么意思 liquidated damages的意思 liquidated damages的翻译
liquidated damagesliquidated damages 基本解释规定的违约偿金,清偿损失额;liquidated damages 网络解释1. 预定违约金:赔偿的法律术语,尤其是关于赔偿金(Damages)的法律术语,如实际损害赔偿金(Actual Damages),间接损害赔偿金(Consequential Damages,也有人翻译成后果性赔偿金),惩罚性赔偿金(PunitiveDamages),相关损失赔偿(Incidental Damages),预定违约金(Liquidated Damages),象征性违约赔偿(2. 预定损害赔偿:惩罚, 4.10 惩罚,预定损害赔偿和没收定金 有时,契约具体规定了在违约条件下应给予的损害赔偿(如滞期费).如果 具体规定是对因违约而可能产生损害赔偿的合理事前估量,那么即使实际损害 赔偿结果要低(或高)得多,它也会以预定损害赔偿(liquidated damages)的 名义而得以实施liquidated damages 双语例句1. The measure of the liquidated damages may not exceed the training expenses paid by the Employer.&&&&违约金的数额不得超过用人单位提供的培训费用。2. Rule one: If the contract had been fulfilled, then the victim can only get the profit is a measure of the amount of liquidated damages scale.&&&&规则之一:假如合同得到履行,则受害方能得到的利润是衡量违约金数额的尺度。3. If the mortgages have to pay back the money in advance, they will require the payment of liquidated damages.&&&&如果抵押贷款必须还钱之前,他们将要求支付违约赔偿金。4. liquidated damages4. The payment of liquidated damages shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed Contract Equipment.&&&&违约金的支付不能免除卖方继续履行交付设备的义务。5. The payment of liquidated damages shall not release the Seller from its obligation to deliver the delayed equipment.&&&&在卖方未能按照规定的装运日期进行交付的情况下,卖方应每周按照误期设备价格的0.5%的比率支付预定损害赔偿金。6. Secondly, breach of conditions of the deposit returned, the contract template is also clear that if an intermediary party in default must pay a certain amount of liquidated damages.&&&&其次,违反条件的存款退还,合同范本也明确表示,如果中介方违约必须支付一定数额的违约赔偿金。7. Article 114 The parties may agree that if one party breaches the contract, it shall pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the circumstances of the breach, and may also agree on a method for the calculation of the amount of compensation for the damages incurred as a result of the breach.&&&&第一百一十四条当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。8. If the Manufacturer fails to deliver any or all of the goods within the period specified in this Contract, the Manufacturer should pay to the Purchaser, as liquidated damages, a sum of 0.5% to the total contract value per week of delay.&&&&如果生产商没有交付任何或全部货物在合同具体规定的时间内,生产商应支付买方如损失赔偿金,每延一周合同总额的0.5%,最多不超过合同总值的5%,延迟处罚将从合同内提交的时间表,从6个月开始。9. The parties may prescribe that if one party breaches the contract, it will pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the degree of breach, or prescribe a method for calculation of damages for the loss resulting from a party`s breach.&&&&第一百一十四条当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。10. 1 Subject to GCC Clause 29, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or to perform the Services within the period specified in the Contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to zero point five percent (0.5%) of the delivered price of the delayed Goods or unperformed Services for each week or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum deduction of five percent (5%) of Contract Price.&&&&27.1除合同条款第29条规定的情况外,如果卖方没有按照合同规定的时间交货和提供服务,买方应在不影响合同项下的其他补救措施的情况下,从合同价中扣除误期赔偿费。每延误一周的赔偿费按迟交货物交货价或未提供服务的服务费用的0.5%计收,直至交货或提供服务为止。误期赔偿费的最高限额为合同价格的5%。11. 11. Article 114 Liquidated Damages; A Continuing Performance Notwithstanding Payment of Liquidated Damages The parties may prescribe that if one party breaches the contract, it will pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the degree of breach, or prescribe a method for calculation of damages for the loss resulting from a party's breach.&&&&&&第一百一十四条当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。12. 1 Subject to TCC Clause 29, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods or to perform the Services within the period specified in the Contract, the Purchaser shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as liquidated damages, a sum equivalent to zero point five percent (0.5%) of the delivered price of the delayed Goods or unperformed Services for each week or part thereof of delay until actual delivery or performance, up to a maximum deduction of five percent (5%) of Contract Price.&&&&&&27.1 除合同条款第29条规定的情况外,如果卖方没有按照合同规定的时间交货和提供服务,买方应在不影响合同项下的其他补救措施的情况下,从合同价中扣除误期赔偿费。每延误一周的赔偿费按迟交货物交货价或未提供服务的服务费用的百分之零点五(0.5%)计收,直至交货或提供服务为止。误期赔偿费的最高限额为合同价格的百分之五(5%)。13. The employer was not liable to pay liquidated damages under s 8A (1), but was instead liable to pay unliquidated damages according to ordinary common law principles for breach of contract.&&&&&&本案的雇员接纳了雇主毁约而终止雇佣合约,雇主便无须根据第8A(1)条支付算定损害赔偿,他反而因为违约而须按照普通法原则支付未算定损害赔偿。14. In case Contractor fails to make delivery of goods pursuant to the terms of delivery, contractor shall pay the liquidated damages for late delivery at the rate of 0.2% of the value of the delayed goods per week subject to a maximum of 3% of Price of the goods.&&&&&&当承包商不能根据付运条款所指定的去付运货品,承包商需支付延误付运之违约赔偿金,此违约赔偿金之数额以延误的每个星期计算,为相当于所延误货品货款之0.2%直至达到最高为此延误货品货款之3%。15. The Law also provides that liquidated damages for breach of the service period be capped at the expenses paid by the employer and payable on a pro-rate basis, reflecting the principles in the present laws.&&&&&&该法还规定,违反服务期的违约金的最高限额为雇主支出的费用,并应按比例支付,这反映了现有法律中的原则。16. If Party A provides professional and technical training to Party B with special-item training expense, Party A can make the training contract to stipulate service term and liquidated damages as an attachment to this contract.&&&&&&第二十二条如甲方提供专项培训费用对乙方进行专业技术培训的,可以补充订立培训协议为本合同的附件,约定服务期和违约金。17. The total liquidated damages for late delivery shall not exceed the Maximum Late Delivery Penalty.&&&&&&WBR交货延误违约金的总额不超过特别条款中规定的交货延误违约金最高WBR限额。18. 18. This is important because liquidated damages were the most important means of giving practical effect to confidentiality provisions.&&&&&&这一点很重要,因为违约金是使保密条款有实际作用的最重要的手段。19. What is the nature of the liquidated damages?&&&&&&劳动合同违约金的性质如何?20. However, some developers in default to the buyers refused to pay liquidated damages of consumers so that consumers house, breach of contract and payment will not be the same.&&&&&&然而,一些开发商违约买方拒绝支付违约赔偿金的消费者,使消费者房子,违反合同和付款将不会是相同的。liquidated damages是什么意思,liquidated damages在线翻译,liquidated damages什么意思,liquidated damages的意思,liquidated damages的翻译,liquidated damages的解释,liquidated damages的发音,liquidated damages的同义词,liquidated damages的反义词,liquidated damages的例句,liquidated damages的相关词组,liquidated damages意思是什么,liquidated damages怎么翻译,单词liquidated damages是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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作为保障债权实现及债务履行重要措施的违约责任制度与合同债务联系密切。一方面,违约责任是债务不履行所导致的结果,是以债务存在为前提的;另一方面,违约责任是在债务人不履行债务时,国家强制债务人履行债务和承担责任的法律表现 第七章违约责任Chapter Seven:Liab
  第一百一十五条当事人可以依照《中华人民共和国》约定一方向对方给付作为的。履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,无权要求返还定金;收受定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。Article 115 Deposit The parties may prescribe that aparty will give adeposit to the other party as assurance for the obligee\'s right to performance in accordance with the Security Law of the People\'s Republic of China.Upon performance by the obligor,the deposit shall be set off against the price or refunded to the obligor.If the party giving the deposit failed to perform its obligations under the contract,it is not entitled to claim rwhere the party receiving the deposit failed to perform its obligations under the contract,it shall return to the other party twice the amount of the deposit.  第一百一十六条当事人既约定,又约定定金的,一方违约时,对方可以选择适用违约金或者定金条款。Article 116 Election Between Deposit or Liquidated Damages Clauses If the parties prescribed payment of both liquidated damages and adeposit,in case of breach by aparty,the other party may elect in alternative to apply the liquidated damages clause or the deposit clause.  第一百一十七条因不可抗力不能履行合同的,根据不可抗力的影响,部分或者全部免除责任,但法律另有规定的除外。当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。本法所称不可抗力,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。Article 117 Force Majeure Aparty who was unable to perform acontract due to force majeure is exempted from liability in part or in whole in light of the impact of the event of force majeure,except otherwise provided by law.Where an event of force majeure occurred after the party\'s delay in performance,it is not exempted from liability.For purposes of this Law,force majeure means any objective circumstance which is unforeseeable,unavoidable and insurmountable.  第一百一十八条当事人一方因不可抗力不能履行合同的,应当及时通知对方,以减轻可能给对方造成的损失,并应当在合理期限内提供证明。Article 118 Duty to Notify in Case of Force Majeure If aparty is unable to perform acontract due to force majeure,it shall timely notify the other party so as to mitigate the loss that may be caused to the other party,and shall provide proof of force majeure within areasonable time.  第一百一十九条当事人一方违约后,对方应当采取适当措施防止损失的扩大;没有采取适当措施致使损失扩大的,不得就扩大的损失要求赔偿。当事人因防止损失扩大而支出的合理费用,由违约方承担。Article 119 Non-Breaching Party\'s Duty to Mitigate Loss in Case of Breach Where aparty breached the contract,the other party shall take the appropriate measures to where the other party sustained further loss due to its failure to take the appropriate measures,it may not claim damages for such further loss.Any reasonable expense incurred by the other party in preventing further loss shall be borne by the breaching party.  第一百二十条当事人双方都违反合同的,应当各自承担相应的责任。Article 120 Bilateral Breach In case of bilateral breach,the parties shall assume their respective liabilities accordingly.  第一百二十一条当事人一方因第三人的原因造成违约的,应当向对方承担违约责任。当事人一方和第三人之间的纠纷,依照法律规定或者按照约定解决。Article 121 Breach Due to Act of Third Person Where aparty\'s breach was attributable to athird person,it shall nevertheless be liable to the other party for breach.Any dispute between the party and such third person shall be resolved in accordance with the law or the agreement between the parties.  第一百二十二条因当事人一方的违约行为,侵害对方人身、财产权益的,受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。Article 122 Election of Remedy in Tort or in Contract Where aparty\'s breach harmed the personal or property interests of the other party,the aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith,or hold the party liable for tort in accordance with any other relevant law.  &七&乐无穷,尽在新浪新版博客,快来体验啊~请点击进入~  因此,违约责任和合同债务的关系可以归结为:债务是责任发生的前提,责任是债务不履行的结果。劳动合同履行变更对很多人来说是陌生的,那么在遇到该问题的时候如何做呢?巧顾专题提供了相关的,对于出现的之类的的问题,大家可以看看我国劳动仲裁法,相信会对大家有帮助的。
【 liuxue86.com - 合同范本大全 】
  签订时为了维护交易更加公平的进行,无论是哪一方利益亏损,只要签了合同,就都有法可循,有法可依,从而使交易更加顺利并且完美化。下面是小编跟大家分享的有关合同的信息,仅供参考。欢迎关注更多相关信息。 。
  合同编号(Contract NO.):
  合同签订地点(Signed At):东营
  签订时间(Date): 年 月 日 出卖人(Seller):


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