Crowddeal sourcingg在国内大概有些什么样子的model

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AbstractCrowdsourcing is an online, distributed problem-solving and production model that has emerged in recent years. Notable examples of the model include Threadless, iStockphoto, InnoCentive, the Goldcorp Challenge, and user-generated advertising contests. This article provides an introduction to crowdsourcing, both its theoretical grounding and exemplar cases, taking care to distinguish crowdsourcing from open source production. This article also explores the possibilities for the model, its potential to exploit a crowd of innovators, and its potential for use beyond forprofit sectors. Finally, this article proposes an agenda for research into crowdsourcing.Do you want to read the rest of this article?
CitationsCitations442ReferencesReferences50The riots in Tunisia and Egypt in the spring of 2011 were also coordinated through Facebook and Twitter to such an extent that the Egypt government decided to temporarily shut down all internet traffic. So-called 'crowdsourcing' (Brabham, 2008; Howe, 2008) is another way of tapping value from a large network through the net. Crowdsourcing is when companies or individuals harness knowledge and creativity from a distributed network of individuals through open calls instead of doing the work themselves. ABSTRACT: Stories of the successful creation of web 2.0 platforms, such as Youtube and Facebook, circulate in both popular press and in academic texts. These ventures are dependent on a critical mass of users’ involvement, and how the entrepreneurs are mobilising these platforms are of key interest. Still, however, there are few critical analyses on how these mobilisation processes evolve in practice. This paper analytically compares accounts from two entrepreneurs’ different mobilisation efforts of web 2.0 ventures in Sweden. The first account is based on an interview where the entrepreneur in retrospection reflects on the process, while the second account is based on a longitudinal study following the entrepreneur in the making. The two accounts is analysed and discussed based on a narrative approach, looking at how the entrepreneurs speak about their ventures’ developments.Article · Nov 2016 There are many advantages to interacting groups, such as the ability to communicate. In order to show how collaboration and communication are related, we associated communication practices that help overcome collaboration difficulties in SW CS (see [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 20, 22] B2 Psychological issues of CS [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 11,14, 18, 28] B3 Interaction between parties [1,2,3,4,6,10,12,15,17] B4 Software process methodologies [6, 7, 12, 14, 17, 28] B5 Keeping participants motivation [3, 17] B6 Real-time collaboration [4, 6,7,16,17,21,24,29] B7 Plattform to support social media [2, 16, 11] B8 Micro-task decomposition [3, 5, 9, 10] B9 Scarce context for the crowd [1, 4, 5, 10, 13] B10 Collaboration among crowd members [1, 4, 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 25] B11 Different languages [15] B12 Reputation management in competitions [13, 18, 24, 28,29] B13 Technical and privacy issues [18] B14 Large scale collaboration with distributed members [5,7,8,6,17,21,22,25] B15 Orchestration of virtual teams [1,14] B16 Reusable software components [11, 21, 26] B17 Internal collaboration between the platform and the requester [5] B18 Task allocation [9, 14, 17, 20, 30] B19 Management in asynchronous communication environments [3, 5, 6, 17, 19] B20 Software development infrastructure [8, 11, 26] B21 Management of shared version control systems and issue trackers [11, 21, 25, 26] B22 Information management [1, 3, 25] B23 Self-management and real time crowd collaboration environment [1, 2, 14] B24 Collaboration between anonymous participants in the crowd [1, 2, 3] B25 Competition management [8, 21, 24, 29] B26 Programming metaphors and infrastructures to support the design, and execution of human computation [8, 23, 27] B27 Commitment between involved parties [2, 7, 12, 21] B28 Management a large amount of questions from the crowd during task execution period [3, 5, 17, 18] B29 Single point of contact [3, 5, 12, 15, 17,11] B30 Documentation [9, 13, 21] B31 Reliability of remote participants and trust among crowd participants [1, 2, 3, 17] B32 Reduced larger global project view [1, 4, 5, 13] B33 Definition of the crowd's role [28] B34 Teams heterogeneity [2, 17] B35 Crowd worker latency [17] B36 Collaboration between workers and employers outside the provided system [2,19] V. LIMITATIONS Our study has some limitations. First, we analyzed data from a data repository that was not built for us. ABSTRACT: Software Crowdsourcing (SW CS) is an emerging area in Software Engineering (SE). It has a dynamic nature in which problems are opened up to crowds of people through an open call to solve problems with the incentive of prizes for the best solutions. Although SW CS has been increasingly adopted in the software industry, many open issues are still to be elucidated. For instance, collaboration aspects are one of those issues. They impact communication and coordination practices. This study aims to identify barriers to collaboration in SW CS and communication practices that might help overcome these barriers. We identified the barriers and practices from a qualitative data analysis study considering an available literature review report. Our study contributes to the SE area by providing insights for researchers, tool designers, and managers that might help them to better understand collaboration issues and proposed solutions to solve them. Full-text · Conference Paper · Aug 2016 · International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and SurgerySocial manufacturing is a relatively new term in the literature, and it has been used with differing semantics in various context [2], including consumer driven manufacturing [3], peer-to-peer manufacturing communities [4], cloud manufacturing [5], a third industrial revolution [6], maker movement [7], professional amateurs [8], prosumption [9], produsage [10], user entrepreneurship [11], user innovation [12], open innovation [13], co-design, co-creation, participatory design [14, 15, 16], crowdsourcing [17] , servicedominant logic [18], Internet of things, industrial Internet [19], digitalization, and smart manufacturing [20]. Nevertheless, common to all of these is the increased social participation, in some way or another, in manufacturing processes. Conference Paper · Jul 2016 · International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and SurgeryFreeSurfer [6], FSL [13], SPM [1] and MITK DIffusion [9] just to mention a few, all require a substantial amount of quality control by experts. Crowdsourcing is a new approach to large-scale data annotation that is based on outsourcing cognitive tasks to anonymous workers from an online community [2] . It has successfully been used in several medical imaging applications and a review over medical applications using crowdsourcing is given in [19]. ABSTRACT: Purpose
With the recent trend toward big data analysis, neuroimaging datasets have grown substantially in the past years. While larger datasets potentially offer important insights for medical research, one major bottleneck is the requirement for resources of medical experts needed to validate automatic processing results. To address this issue, the goal of this paper was to assess whether anonymous nonexperts from an online community can perform quality control of MR-based cortical surface delineations derived by an automatic algorithm.
So-called knowledge workers from an online crowdsourcing platform were asked to annotate errors in automatic cortical surface delineations on 100 central, coronal slices of MR images.
On average, annotations for 100 images were obtained in less than an hour. When using expert annotations as reference, the crowd on average achieves a sensitivity of 82 % and a precision of 42 %. Merging multiple annotations per image significantly improves the sensitivity of the crowd (up to 95 %), but leads to a decrease in precision (as low as 22 %).
Our experiments show that the detection of errors in automatic cortical surface delineations generated by anonymous untrained workers is feasible. Future work will focus on increasing the sensitivity of our method further, such that the error detection tasks can be handled exclusively by the crowd and expert resources can be focused on error correction. Full-text · Article · Jun 2016 +1 more author...This type of sourcing is called 'crowdsourcing'. Crowdsourcing has become a popular sourcing form, and an approach to effectively solve business problems (Brabham, 2008). Furthermore, crowdsourcing may create value for the firm that uses crowdsourcing by turning distant search into local search (Blohm et al., 2013, Afuah and Tucci, 2012 ). ABSTRACT: Crowdsourcing describes a novel mode of value creation in which organizations broadcast tasks that have been previously performed in-house to a large magnitude of Internet users that perform these tasks. Although the concept has gained maturity and has proven to be an alternative way of problem-solving, an organizational cost-benefit perspective has largely been neglected by existing research. More specifically, it remains unclear when crowdsourcing is advantageous in comparison to alternative governance structures such as in-house production. Drawing on crowdsourcing literature and transaction action cost theory, we present two case studies from the domain of crowdsourced software testing. We systematically analyze two organizations that applied crowdtesting to test a mobile application. As both organizations tested the application via crowdtesting and their traditional in-house testing, we are able to relate the effectiveness of crowdtesting and the associated costs to the effectiveness and costs of in-house testing. We find that crowdtesting is comparable in terms of testing quality and costs, but provides large advantages in terms of speed, heterogeneity of testers and user feedback as added value. We contribute to the crowdsourcing literature by providing first empirical evidence about the instances in which crowdsourcing is an advantageous way of problem solving. Full-text · Conference Paper · Jun 2016 · International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery+1 more author...Brabham first described Crowdsourcing as the organizational use of IT to engage crowds comprised of groups and individuals, for the purposes of completing tasks, solving problems or generating ideas. Wherein Crowdsourcing is a deliberate blend of bottom-up crowd-derived processes and inputs, combined with top-down goals set and initiated by an organization [3] [4]. As an IT-mediated problem solving, idea-generation, and production model for organizations, Crowdsourcing leverages the distributed knowledge found in crowds [3] [22], through different means such as micro-tasking [12] [13], open collaboration [16] or tournament-based competitions [23] [24]. ABSTRACT: The increasing practice of engaging crowds, where organizations use IT to connect with dispersed individuals for explicit resource creation purposes, has precipitated the need to measure the precise processes and benefits of these activities over myriad different implementations. In this work, we seek to address these salient and non-trivial considerations by laying a foundation of theory, measures, and research methods that allow us to test crowd-engagement efficacy across organizations, industries, technologies, and geographies. To do so, we anchor ourselves in the Theory of Crowd Capital, a generalizable framework for studying IT-mediated crowd-engagement phenomena, and put forth an empirical apparatus of testable measures and generalizable methods to begin to unify the field of crowd science. Full-text · Conference Paper · Jan 2016 · International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and SurgeryArticleJuly 2008 · Review of CommunicationArticleJune 2008 · First MondayArticleJanuary 2008ArticleDecember 2010 · Information Communication and Society · Impact Factor: 0.70Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.Last Updated: 08 Mar 17
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友情链接、商务合作QQ:今天要談的主角, 是一間限量T-Shirt專賣店, 叫作, 由Skinnycorp成立, 它去年的營收數字超過美金15 million dollars, 換算成台幣, 大約是5億左右.
聽起來好像不怎麼樣對不對? 有很多大型成衣商, 營利數字都在這家店之上. 但是這家店真的很不一樣, 因為它開張七年多, 一直到今年九月, 才在芝加哥開了一家實體店面. 換句話說, 它單靠網路店面, 就達到如此傲人的成績! 而當我們細究這家”網路成衣”商是怎麼成功的, 會驚訝的發現, 幾乎跟書籤網站如出一轍!
跟書籤網站一樣? 什麼意思呢, 讓我來解釋一下. 沒有專屬設計師, 也不像一般的網拍或五分埔成衣店, 由店家選好成衣, 再等待顧客決定要不要買單. 它從服裝設計, 產品決策, 甚至到服裝宣傳圖片, 通通讓使用者自己來! 換言之, 顧客可以自己上傳設計, 然後經由一個非常類似書籤網站推/收的評分機制, 決定這個禮拜有哪些新設計可以實際印成T-Shirt上市!
這個聽起來非常簡單的idea, 讓Threadless在去年營收大成長, 同時也成為網路界最常被談及的成功創業典範之一. Threadless早在2000年就已經創立, 它一開始只是Jack Nickell, Jacob DeHart從一個T-shirt創意設計比賽中想到的side-project. 但這個點子卻讓他們兩位在近三年大為知名. 打開電腦瀏覽器, 連線到, 你大概不得不承認, 它的網站設計風格, 還真的有點像時下流行的書籤網站. 一般的服裝店網站講究品味, 總是要播放好些Flash動畫之後才進入網站正題, 但Threadless不一樣, 一進入首頁, 廢話不囉唆, 映入眼簾的即是一張張新上架T-shirt的大塊圖片, 點進去之後就可以看設計師與其它網友的留言, 看其他人穿這件衣服的照片, 或者直接定下你要買的size. 如果把一件件的衣服當成一篇篇的部落格文章, 那這個流程聽起來, 是不是真的很像書籤網站呢?
我們知道全世界各地對於平面設計有興趣的T-shirt設計者不在少數, 尤其到了夏天, 充滿陽光,海灘, 冰淇淋與享樂的季節, 這個時候全世界各地強調個性的T-shirt設計就會紛紛出籠. 而在Photoshop, PhotoImpact等繪圖軟體興起之後, T-shirt設計的技術門檻變得低很多, 即使是不熟電腦操作的人, 接觸小畫家10分鐘後也可以完成簡單的圖案設計. 這樣的技術潮流對於有興趣往設計這條路發展的人, 可說是一則以喜一則以憂 : 喜的是學習曲線大大降低, 要設計出自己想要的圖案變得輕而易舉; 但憂的是, 因為技術門檻不高, 競爭者相對就多. 除非你的設計真的高人一等, 讓知名品牌願意大膽採用你的作品, 或者是你有著什麼樣過人的曝光優勢能夠吸引媒體(阿…這篇沒有在…), 否則光靠T-shirt設計, 要闖出名號根本是難上加難…
所以Threadless對於全世界的獨立T-shirt設計師來說, 真是不可多得的好機會. Threadless提供了平台, 讓你的設計有了在大眾面前曝光的機會, 只要你的設計夠好, 平均分數在2.6以上(每人可投票分數在0~5分之間), Threadless就會把你的設計印出來, 付你設計費, 讓全世界人都變成了你的顧客. 對設計者來說, 這是一個只要有創意, 就能實現夢想的大好機會. 能贏得的不只是現金($2000現金+$500 Threadless折扣金, 折扣金也可折抵為$200現金), 同時還有獲得全世界網友賞識的那份成就感.
而從另一角度來看, Threadless對消費者來說, 最大的好處就是可以親身接觸到設計師理念發想的過程(裡面能連結到設計師的blog), 並且看到其他網友的評價與討論, 親自參與評價(如上面右下圖), 看到別人實際穿各種size衣服的照片, 而且T-shirt都相當便宜, 價格大概在15~20美金就能買到, 買回來後上傳自己穿衣服的照片, 甚至還可以累積價格折扣!
如果我們平心而論本身的business model, 就不難理解為什麼現在有人一提到就會講起這個網站. Threadless是outsourcing嗎? 不是, 因為outsourcing的定義是”將工作指派給公司外的某一特定團隊或人員”, 而crowdsourcing卻是”分派給不特定的團隊, 或不特定的人! ” Threadless的成功不但可歸功網路時代訊息流通的快速與低廉成本, 同時也要歸功於Crowdsourcing這個新型態的business model. Crowdsourcing的重點在於如何把群眾智慧集中, 並發揚光大. 而Threadless正是當中的最佳典範.
<還有一點成功因素很容易被其他人忽略, 那就是它的社群經營.
一個社群網站如果要吸引人潮, 最重要的就是&#8221;如何讓找到志同道合的朋友這件事變得容易.&#8221; 為什麼本文開頭會把Threadless與書籤網站拿來比? 因為它們不但有相似的作品上傳與大眾投票機制, 甚至也同樣的把創作者/消費者的買/賣關係進一步的延伸到生活層面的分享/鑑賞關係. 同時也由於創作/消費者界線的進一步模糊, 我們可以輕易的從Threadless上看到這個作者/消費者的Blog創作/T-shirt創作/參與討論/照片分享歷程. 一個消費者可能同時是創作者, 也可能因為在討論區發表了一句什麼話, 而影響到其他創作者的什麼新的靈感也說不定. 它不但鼓勵顧客消費, 也間接的讓顧客在消費的途中, 藉由欣賞創作者與參考其他消費者的意見, 找到志同道合的朋友, 進而融入這個具有生產性消費性質的族群.
不過在這裡, 我們也必須要點出Threadless尚待改進的地方, 那就是存貨問題. 成衣業者最頭痛的一點, 就是那些放在倉庫裡清不掉, 卻又沒開封過的的&#8221;舊衣服&#8221;. Threadless雖然經過網路投票機制, 確保這些T-shirt都有一定數量的支持者, 但是衣服總是要先抓一定的數量印製後才能開賣, 這&#8221;印製&#8221;與&#8221;實際銷售&#8221; 中間的數字差異, 仍然是Threadless不可避免的成本風險之一 : 誰知道這件衣服S號會賣到斷貨, 但L號卻乏人問津? 再加上Threadless平均每週一都會推出七件左右新T-shirt與兩件重新發行, 更新率相當高, 這也就是為什麼Threadless的T-shirt雖然已經是限量了, 但還是定期會有過季品特賣的原因.
Threadless今年九月在芝加哥新開的店也是個新嘗試. 網路創業畢竟與實體經營不同, 每天的營業成本, 存貨成本都是要重新學習的. Threadless能不能把虛擬世界的成功帶進實體通路, 倒是大家好奇的地方. Threadless店面特別的地方是每件衣服櫃上都會有一個大大的LCD螢幕, 告訴你現在這件衣服在網路上的評價是怎麼樣.
Threadless在美國, 不, 甚至是其他英語系國家如澳洲,紐西蘭, 都有為數不少的支持者. 它的成功也不禁讓其他的業者想到: 這套模式能不能複製在其他國家/其他產業 ? 顯而易見的是這套模式幾乎可以被所有設計業拿來&#8221;參考&#8221;, 所以我們可以看到Skinnycorp自己又另外弄了, , , 還有幾個概念類似的網站, 個別專攻 2D花樣(目前有壁紙與領帶兩種產品), 調酒, 停車條, 地下樂團等等. 而其他公司也已經有類似的概念出現了, 例如下面的HP & MTV的筆記型電腦設計大賽:
HP 除了推出全新HP Pavilion dv2610創意概念筆電新品,也同時鼓勵年輕族群大膽釋放創意,因此與MTV共同舉辦「Take Action. Make Art.」全球創意設計大賽。結合HP的全球性知名度及MTV的年輕活潑形象,廣邀全世界年輕人共同參與結合想像力與創造力的設計競賽,勇敢創造屬於自己的個人風格筆電,讓全球一同分享創意設計帶來的視覺饗宴。
即日起至10/17日,只要將個人最具創意的設計圖稿,連同概念說明25 字以內,上傳到MTV活動網站,即可參與全球設計比賽。獲得全球設計冠軍的精采作品,將從平面影像化為實體,製作成為HP全球限定版的筆記型電腦&#8230;(文字摘自)
不論你認同crowdsourcing的成功與否, 顯然這樣的模式, 在全球各地正如雨後春筍般冒出頭來&#8230; .不由得你不相信, 現在連3D工業產品設計, 可能都要玩這一套呢. 不過, 這可又是另一段故事了.
喜歡這篇文章嗎? 分享出去給作者一點鼓勵吧!
文章分類: , , , , , , ,这篇文章介绍 &Crowdsourcing& 的由来。从中你会学到一些商业相关词汇。注意:当鼠标移到黑体词或短语上时,你会看到相应的汉语解释。如果您能从这篇文章当中学到一点知识,我会感到非常欣慰。&Crowdsourcing& is a
for a business model that depends on work being done outside the traditional company walls: while outsourcing is typically performed by lower paid , crowdsourcing relies on a combination of volunteers and low-paid
who use their spare time to create content, solve problems, or even do
R&D. The term was
writer Jeff Howe and editor Mark Robinson in June 2006.Crowds targeted for crowdsourcing include garage scientists, amateur videographers, freelancers, photo enthusiasts, data companies, writers, smart mobs and the electronic herd.英文原文来源:WIKIPEDIAilucky 注:“众包”是和“外包(outsourcing)”相对的。实际上,我觉得“众包”的概念和去年国内炒得很热的“威客(WITKEY)”的概念是很相像的。
平凡的水果世界,平凡中的不平凡。 今朝看水果是水果 ,看水果还是水果 ,看水果已不是水果。这境界,谁人可比?在不平凡的水果世界里,仁者见仁,智者见智。


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