
慢摇舞曲排行Hotel in Kuta | Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort
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Jalan Pantai Kuta
Phone: (62)(361) 846 5555
Check in:&nbsp3:00 PM
Check out:&nbsp12:00 PM
SPG Category 5
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Deluxe Rooms
IDR 1,995,000
Deluxe Ocean Rooms
IDR 2,185,000
One-Bedroom Suites
IDR 3,955,000
Presidential Suite
Not available for your dates
(62)(361) 846 5555 ext. 5407
The Lounge
(62)(361) 846 5555, ext. 5151
(62)(361) 846 5555 ext. 5409
Play@Sheraton - Outdoor
Fitness Center
What can we do to serve you? That question drives us to meaningful acts of service for you, every day.
We Go Beyond so you can get the most out of your stay.
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