dell T30主板不支持raid怎么办支持两组raid吗

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RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
So, and expounding on this question, if one were to install a LSI card in the t30, there's a chance it won't be recognized or if working slow the system down itself?
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
"Hardware Raid would work, Controllers are controllers."
In a perfect world that is true, but not in this one. There are many variables in mobo to raid adapter compatibility.
"IMHO, taking advantage of users who don't know nothin' 'bout Raid.&"
If&a purchaser&knows nothing about raid that is&his fault, not Dell's or anyone else. People with deep&knowledge of raid did not use the Krell's mind machine or a crystal ball to impart their&knowledge, they&worked hard to obtain it. If&a purchaser is&not willing to learn, that is&his issue,&they should hire someone with knowledge&to purchase hardware. It cheaper then being a victim, with hardware issues after a purchase.
"Heading over to HP and Lenovo to see what they gots".... Lots of luck with your gots.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
People who "don't know nothin' 'bout [RAID]" aren't going to buy the next model for RAID. If they are in the market for a $400 server, they are going to buy it because it is $400, because 1) they don't know what they are doing and don't know what RAID is (or half the other stuff one would look for in a server), or 2) they do know what they are doing and know they are in that model because they need a "warm body" on the network and performance is not a consideration.
Controllers are controllers
And I'm not even sure what you are trying to say here. On the surface, I'd say that isn't true at all, but maybe you were saying something else.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Hardware Raid would work, Controllers are controllers.& Why isn't a Raid controller offered as a supported option for this model?& Because you want me to buy& the bigger one for $300 more, just so I can put a $300 raid card in it?& Pretty low tactic, from a marketing perspective IMHO, taking advantage of users who don't know nothin' 'bout Raid.& Heading over to HP and Lenovo to see what they gots.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Whether or not hardware RAID is better depends on the controller in question. The primary advantage to hardware RAID is that RAID management, R/W, logging is offloaded from the server hardware onto a hardware device. This is most beneficial when using parity-based RAID levels like RAID 5 and 6, or when there is intense I/O like when a drive is rebuilding or under regular operating I/O.
One feature of SOME (but not all) hardware RAID controllers is the ability to use battery-backed write cache. Any heavy I/O should be running on a controller with battery-backed cache.
The Intel RAID controller is NOT "hardware RAID". It uses system resources to manage RAID, does not have cache, and does not have logging capabilities for troubleshooting.
There are no other RAID controllers (hardware or software) validated for the T30. That doesn't mean a controller wouldn't work, but I wouldn't count on it in this system where resources will be fairly limited.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Thanks for replying.
In which way windows disk management is better? in variuous places I have searched people says that hardware is the best way to raid, then from bios(in this case Intel) and then windows.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
I would just use mirroring in Windows Disk Management. Performance is better, it's more reliable, and it is more flexible.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
There are not any validated hardware RAID controllers for the T30. This should be the guide for setting up the Intel software RAID.
Thanks,Josh CraigDell EMC Enterprise Support ServicesGet support on Twitter @DellCaresPRO
PowerEdge T30 RAID
Hello everyone.
I am needing a bit of help with a server PowerEdge T30 my bosses&bought.
I read that this model comes with software raid courtesy of&intel rapid storage technology, from what I researched software raid is not as good as hardware raid so we are planning of buying a hardware raid controller but I would like to be sure if it is possible for this model of server to function with this kind of controler and which would you recommend, PERC or another one?
In case it is not possible to install a hardware raid controler, how do I set up raid with the Intel software contraller? I looked everywhere and I did not find a good tutorial or guide.
By the way the place i work for is small, is it a good idea to use raid?
Thanks in t30和t130服务器的区别_百度知道
dell t30和t130服务器的区别
T30 单条最大内存 8G
& >>戴尔PowerEdge T30:第一台服务器
戴尔PowerEdge T30:第一台服务器的选择
  近日,宣布PowerEdge产品组合再添新成员――PowerEdge T30。戴尔PowerEdge T30是专为小型办公室及家庭办公环境量身打造的通用一路微服务器。通过这款服务器,用户可将来自多个桌面与的数据和应用整合到一台服务器上,使数据与应用更容易共享、更新、备份并受到保护。
  在笔者看来,戴尔PowerEdge T30“生逢其时”,为什么这样说?这样从T30的产品特性与市场定位来说。我们知道PowerEdge系列服务器是戴尔的“招牌”,1994年第一台 PowerEdge服务器原型机诞生,1996年第1代Dell PowerEdge服务器问世。
  此后,1997年到2003年间, 第2代到7代Dell PowerEdge服务器相继上市, 2004年,推出第8代Dell PowerEdge服务器。2006年,第9代上市,2007年推出第10代,2009年推出第11代, 2012年第12代上市,2014年第13代上市。
  PowerEdge T30具有怎么的戴尔“血统”?
  戴尔PowerEdge T30在设计之初的定位就是“适合小型办公室及家庭办公环境的服务器首选”。因外形小巧、噪音低,所以不论在小型办公室或是家中,PowerEdge T30都可以轻松融入,并帮助企业降低成本。
  T30还搭载了新风冷却解决方案(Fresh Air Solution),它会让的风处于3D的旋转方式,风从前面进来,经过服务器的设定轨迹,把服务器里面的热量从后面带走。“的新风冷却解决方案可以帮助客户实现绿色环保,最重要是节省更多的费用。”曾祥锐说。
  PowerEdge T30是如何满足第一台服务器需求?
  正如前面所言, T30是为了满足企业第一台服务器的需求,特别是小微企业。目前在“大众创业,碗中创新”的下,中国小微企业非常活跃。范圣俭说,T30提供了很多选择给用户。比如内置的英特尔多核处理器,用户能够快速轻松地访问文件、数据和应用程序,从而加快业务交易响应速度;T30具有的超大内部存储容量――包括6个内置托架以及用来支持外部设备的10个USB接口,客户可以轻松响应数据增长的需求。
  同时,使用基于软件的独立磁盘冗余阵列(RAID),PowerEdge T30可实现文件复制内置支持,防止数据丢失,轻松保护数据和文件的安全。将这些常用数据及资源集中,企业可以充分享受完整的协作套件,只需再额外支持电子邮件、远程访问和自动数据备份即可。
  现在云已经成为企业的共识,但是通常情况下,小型办公室及家庭办公环境并不具备一个可以优化云链接的基础架构,降低或牺牲运行会对效率产生极为负面的影响,此外云的订阅式付费模式可能会很快耗尽企业IT的预算。戴尔PowerEdge T30支持用户以一次性支付合理价格的方式获得“类似云”的文件共享和存储体验,在确保办公数据安全的同时,无需担心网络连接及宽带容量。通过戴尔服务器,用户能够得到专业的战略指导、技术及部署知识,快速实现价值。
  戴尔大中华区企业解决方案产品市场运营经理陈超说,小微企业具有自身的特点,比如人员不多但是设备众多、没有固定的IT运维人员、服务器放置空间受限等, T30从产品设计上就考虑这些特点。
  “PowerEdge T30塔式服务器具有一台PC的外观和空间占用,易于部署。虽然如此,但是T30功能强大,可以承担企业日常办公的需求,比如文件服务器、财务系统等。通过T30就可以满足一个初创企业基本的办公需求。”陈超说。
  戴尔PowerEdge T30为小型办公室及家庭办公环境提供了能够安全地集中数据资源的理想平台,其随着企业的增长而不断扩展。不论是产品设计还是市场需求,T30可谓是“生逢其时”,期待T30的市场表现。
* 网友发言均非本站立场,本站不在评论栏推荐任何网店、经销商,谨防上当受骗!
办公软件IT新闻整机RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID - Dell Community
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RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
So, and expounding on this question, if one were to install a LSI card in the t30, there's a chance it won't be recognized or if working slow the system down itself?
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
"Hardware Raid would work, Controllers are controllers."
In a perfect world that is true, but not in this one. There are many variables in mobo to raid adapter compatibility.
"IMHO, taking advantage of users who don't know nothin' 'bout Raid.&"
If&a purchaser&knows nothing about raid that is&his fault, not Dell's or anyone else. People with deep&knowledge of raid did not use the Krell's mind machine or a crystal ball to impart their&knowledge, they&worked hard to obtain it. If&a purchaser is&not willing to learn, that is&his issue,&they should hire someone with knowledge&to purchase hardware. It cheaper then being a victim, with hardware issues after a purchase.
"Heading over to HP and Lenovo to see what they gots".... Lots of luck with your gots.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
People who "don't know nothin' 'bout [RAID]" aren't going to buy the next model for RAID. If they are in the market for a $400 server, they are going to buy it because it is $400, because 1) they don't know what they are doing and don't know what RAID is (or half the other stuff one would look for in a server), or 2) they do know what they are doing and know they are in that model because they need a "warm body" on the network and performance is not a consideration.
Controllers are controllers
And I'm not even sure what you are trying to say here. On the surface, I'd say that isn't true at all, but maybe you were saying something else.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Hardware Raid would work, Controllers are controllers.& Why isn't a Raid controller offered as a supported option for this model?& Because you want me to buy& the bigger one for $300 more, just so I can put a $300 raid card in it?& Pretty low tactic, from a marketing perspective IMHO, taking advantage of users who don't know nothin' 'bout Raid.& Heading over to HP and Lenovo to see what they gots.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Whether or not hardware RAID is better depends on the controller in question. The primary advantage to hardware RAID is that RAID management, R/W, logging is offloaded from the server hardware onto a hardware device. This is most beneficial when using parity-based RAID levels like RAID 5 and 6, or when there is intense I/O like when a drive is rebuilding or under regular operating I/O.
One feature of SOME (but not all) hardware RAID controllers is the ability to use battery-backed write cache. Any heavy I/O should be running on a controller with battery-backed cache.
The Intel RAID controller is NOT "hardware RAID". It uses system resources to manage RAID, does not have cache, and does not have logging capabilities for troubleshooting.
There are no other RAID controllers (hardware or software) validated for the T30. That doesn't mean a controller wouldn't work, but I wouldn't count on it in this system where resources will be fairly limited.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
Thanks for replying.
In which way windows disk management is better? in variuous places I have searched people says that hardware is the best way to raid, then from bios(in this case Intel) and then windows.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
I would just use mirroring in Windows Disk Management. Performance is better, it's more reliable, and it is more flexible.
RE: PowerEdge T30 RAID
There are not any validated hardware RAID controllers for the T30. This should be the guide for setting up the Intel software RAID.
Thanks,Josh CraigDell EMC Enterprise Support ServicesGet support on Twitter @DellCaresPRO
PowerEdge T30 RAID
Hello everyone.
I am needing a bit of help with a server PowerEdge T30 my bosses&bought.
I read that this model comes with software raid courtesy of&intel rapid storage technology, from what I researched software raid is not as good as hardware raid so we are planning of buying a hardware raid controller but I would like to be sure if it is possible for this model of server to function with this kind of controler and which would you recommend, PERC or another one?
In case it is not possible to install a hardware raid controler, how do I set up raid with the Intel software contraller? I looked everywhere and I did not find a good tutorial or guide.
By the way the place i work for is small, is it a good idea to use raid?
Thanks in advance.


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