
Unsatisfied Link Error - OpenCV for Android Non-native - Stack Overflow
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A few days ago I
about an UnsatisfiedLinkError from running non-native OpenCV code.
I thought the problem was solved after reinstalling Eclipse and closing/reopening all the packages, but it's back again after I put the OpenCV code into the existing onCreate() method.
I created a new Android application with an activity called Start.
I then went to project properties and added OpenCV as a library.
Here's the code for the activity (Start.java):
package com.
import org.opencv.core.M
import org.opencv.highgui.H
import android.os.B
import android.app.A
import android.app.AlertD
import android.view.M
public class Start extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Mat Image = Highgui.imread("/image.jpg");
if (Image == null) {
AlertDialog ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
ad.setMessage("Fatal error: can't open /image.jpg!");
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_start, menu);
And here's the log:
08-13 12:26:14.791: E/Trace(1067): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
08-13 12:26:15.191: W/dalvikvm(1067): No implementation found for native Lorg/opencv/highgui/H.imread_1:(Ljava/lang/S)J
08-13 12:26:15.191: D/AndroidRuntime(1067): Shutting down VM
08-13 12:26:15.191: W/dalvikvm(1067): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a13300)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native method not found: org.opencv.highgui.Highgui.imread_1:(Ljava/lang/S)J
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at org.opencv.highgui.Highgui.imread_1(Native Method)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at org.opencv.highgui.Highgui.imread(Highgui.java:324)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at com.test.Start.onCreate(Start.java:18)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5008)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1079)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2023)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2084)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:130)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1195)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4745)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:786)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:553)
08-13 12:26:15.201: E/AndroidRuntime(1067):
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
Again, this is non-native code, so having an Unsatisfied Link Error doesn't make much sense.
After a bunch of searching, I found :
"3. If your application project doesn’t have a JNI part, just copy the corresponding OpenCV native libs from /sdk/native/libs/ to your project directory to folder libs/."
So that means copy the \armeabi, \armeabi-v7a, and \x86 folders.
"4. The last step of enabling OpenCV in your application is Java initialization code before call to OpenCV API. It can be done, for example, in the static section of the Activity class, which gets executed only once, before any instance of the class is created:
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
// Handle initialization error
Alternatively, you can put it inside the onCreate method:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
// Handle initialization error
Now it works!
you should use
if (!OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_2_4_2, this, mOpenCVCallBack))
Log.e("TEST", "Cannot connect to OpenCV Manager");
in OnCreate()
private BaseLoaderCallback
mOpenCVCallBack = new BaseLoaderCallback(this) {
public void onManagerConnected(int status) {
switch (status) {
case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS:
Mat Image = Highgui.imread("/image.jpg");
if (Image == null) {
AlertDialog ad = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
ad.setMessage("Fatal error: can't open /image.jpg!");
In most situations, a line like this before calling openCV is enough:
The problem is that you are using Highgui.imread method before the OpenCV4Android library even finishes loading. Android calls the "onCreate" method before loading the OpenCV4Android library. So, create a separate method for your OpenCV code like this :-
public class Start extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_start, menu);
public void readImage {
Mat Image = Highgui.imread("/image.jpg");
if(Image=null) {
Log.i("Start", "--------Image Cannot be Loaded--------");
else if(!Image=null) {
Log.i("Start", "--------Image Loaded Successfully--------");
I was adding opencv in my project in Android Studio. This error occurs when native files are not available at run time. So you have to copy native files at correct location.
First create the jniLibs at this location /app/src/main/ location and copy the all the folder with *.so files (armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, x86) in the jniLibs from the OpenCV SDK and make your gradle plugin above 0.7.2+
The link in the answer was not working and i had to dig around for sometime for the solution that worked for me.
I first had a BaseLoaderCallback
defined in the class
private BaseLoaderCallback
mLoaderCallback = new BaseLoaderCallback(this) {
public void onManagerConnected(int status) {
switch (status) {
case LoaderCallbackInterface.SUCCESS:
Log.i(TAG, "OpenCV loaded successfully");
// any immediate code for using OpenCV
in onResume function i had:
public void onResume()
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Internal OpenCV library not found. Using OpenCV Manager for initialization");
OpenCVLoader.initAsync(OpenCVLoader.OPENCV_VERSION_3_0_0, this, mLoaderCallback);
Log.d(TAG, "OpenCV library found inside package. Using it!");
Make sure of the following
1.You are changing the OPENCV_VERSION_3_0_0 as
per your version
Not to run any opencv library before loading. Even in onCreate(), opencv has not yet loaded. Better to put it in the onManagerConnected() function in the switch case where OpenCV has loaded successfully.
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Index: groupbuy.lang.php
--- groupbuy.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ groupbuy.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+return array(
'no_such_groupbuy' =& '该团购活动不存在',
'store_owner' =& '店主',
'store_grade' =& '店铺等级',
'groupbuy' =& '团购活动',
'groupbuy_detail' =& '团购详情',
'tel' =& '联系电话',
'lefttime' =& '离活动结束还有:%d天%h小时%i分',
'no_desc' =& '暂无',
'desc_on' =& '活动进行中',
'desc_cancel' =& '活动已取消',
'desc_end' =& '活动已结束,正等待卖家确认完成',
'desc_finished' =& '活动已完成',
'spec' =& '规格',
'default_spec' =& '默认规格',
'need_login' =& '您需要登陆才能参加团购活动',
'joined' =& '已订',
'min_quantity' =& '成团件数',
'start_end_time' =& '起始时间',
'to' =& '至',
'max_per_user' =& '每人限购',
'group_desc' =& '团购说明',
'original_price' =& '原价',
'group_price' =& '团购价',
'buy_quantity' =& '购买数量',
'joined_this_groupbuy' =& '我参加了该团购活动',
'exit_groupbuy' =& '退出团购',
'join_user_info' =& '参团人信息',
'join_tips' =& '请认真填写以下信息,以便店主与您联系',
'real_name' =& '真实姓名',
'tel' =& '联系电话',
'join_groupbuy' =& '参加团购',
'group_log' =& '参团记录',
'no_groupbuy_log' =& '暂无参团记录',
'invalid_quantity' =& '您输入的数量不正确',
'fill_join_user_info' =& '请正确填写联系人姓名和联系电话',
'groupbuy_qa' =& '团购咨询',
'hide_name' =& '匿名发表',
'submit_message' =& '发布咨询',
'content_not_null' =& '内容不能为空',
'max_script' =& '您最多可输入255个字符',
'question_content' =& '咨询内容',
'question_successful' =& '发表咨询成功。' ,
'error_max_per_user' =& '该团购商品每人最多购买%s件',
'store_reply' =& '店主回复',
'confirm_exit' =& '您确定要退出该团购活动吗?',
'wanner_qa' =& '我要咨询',
'buy' =& '购买',
'qa_email' =& '电子信箱',
'groupbuy_goods_closed' =& '该活动的商品已被禁售,请与商城管理员联系',
'fill_quantity' =& '请填写购买数量',
'short_of' =& '还差',
=& '您需要先&[&a href=&index.php?app=member&act=login&&登录&/a&]&后才可以发布咨询',
'guest_comment_disabled' =& '不允许游客发布咨询',
'join_groupbuy_successed' =& '参加团购成功。',
'exit_groupbuy_successed' =& '退出团购成功。',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_question.lang.php
--- my_question.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_question.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+return array(
'my_question_list' =& '商品咨询列表',
'store_name' =& '咨询店铺',
'goods_name' =& '商品名称',
'content' =& '咨询内容',
'detail' =& '查看',
'guest' =& '游客',
'has_reply' =& '查看回复',
'un_reply' =& '未回复',
'all_qa' =& '全部咨询',
'reply_qa' =& '已回复咨询',
'store_reply' =& '商家回复',
'new' =& '新',
'question_content' =& '咨询内容',
'goods' =& '商品咨询',
'groupbuy' =& '团购咨询',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: mlselection.lang.php
--- mlselection.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ mlselection.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+return array();
\ No newline at end of file
Index: buyer_order.lang.php
--- buyer_order.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ buyer_order.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+return array(
=& '订单列表',
=& '没有该订单',
=& '取消订单成功。',
=& '确认收货成功,交易完成!',
=& '所有订单',
=& '已取消的订单',
=& '下单时间',
=& '确认收货',
=& '您是否确定要取消以下订单?',
=& '改选其他商品',
=& '改选其他配送方式',
=& '改选其他卖家',
=& '其他原因',
'confirm_order_confirm' =& '您是否确已经收到以下订单的货品?',
=& '如果你尚未收到货品请不要点击“确认”。大部分被骗案件都是由于提前确认付款被骗的,请谨慎操作! ',
=& '订单评价',
=& '评价商品',
=& '我的评价',
=& '加一分',
'no_increase_credit' =& '不加分',
=& '扣一分',
=& ' 请您根据本次交易,给予真实、客观、仔细地评价。&br /&
您的评价将是其他会员的参考,也将影响卖家的信用。 &br /&
累积信用和计分规则: &br /&
=& '以后再评',
=& '无法评价此订单',
=& '已评价',
=& '评价出错',
=& '恭喜您,评价成功!',
=& '我要评价',
'no_records' =& '没有符合条件的订单',
'buyer_confirm' =& '买家确认收货',
'postscript' =&'给卖家的附言',
=& '有支付信息',
'soso' =& '搜索',
'order_all' =& '全部订单',
'seller_info' =& '卖家信息',
'consigness' =& '物流信息',
'order_detail' =& '订单详情',
'store_name' =& '店铺名',
'shipping_way' =& '配送方式',
'qq' =& 'QQ',
'msn' =& 'MSN',
'ww' =& '旺旺',
'carriage' =& '运费',
'total_price' =& '总价',
'consignee_address' =& '收货地址',
'preference' =& '优惠打折',
'groupbuy' =& '团购'
\ No newline at end of file
Index: seller_order.lang.php
--- seller_order.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ seller_order.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+return array(
=& '订单列表',
=& '没有该订单',
=& '取消订单成功。',
=& '所有订单',
=& '已取消的订单',
=& '下单时间',
=& '确认订单',
=& '调整费用',
=& '费用调整成功。',
=& '填写发货信息成功。',
=& '发货',
=& '收到货款',
'received_pay_successed'=& '操作成功!请尽快发货',
'confirm_order_successed'=& '您已成功确认该订单,请尽快发货',
=& '调整费用成功,请通知买家付款',
=& '支付留言',
=& '有支付信息',
=& '修改单号',
=& '您是否确定要取消以下订单?',
=& '无法备齐货物',
=& '不是有效的订单',
=& '买家主动要求',
=& '其他原因',
'confirm_order_confirm' =& '您确定要确认以下订单吗?',
=& '您确定已经收到买家的货款了吗?',
=& '请输入您的物流单号',
=& '该订单是货到付款的订单,因此在您确认收到货款后,该交易将完成',
=& '请输入发货单号',
=& '输入要修改的金额。不要在输入框内加符号或汉字,只填数字即可。',
=& '完成交易',
'no_records' =& '没有符合条件的订单',
=& '操作历史',
=& '将订单状态从',
=& '改变为',
'postscript' =&'买家附言',
'pending' =& '待付款',
'submitted' =& '已提交',
'accepted' =& '待发货',
'shipped' =& '已发货',
'finished' =& '已完成',
'canceled' =& '已取消',
'detail' =& '订单详情',
'buyer_info' =& '买家信息',
'goods_price' =& '单价',
=& '有支付信息',
=& '已评价',
'consignee_address' =& '收货地址',
=& '系统',
'preference' =& '优惠打折',
'groupbuy' =& '团购',
'invalid_fee' =& '无效的费用',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_category.lang.php
--- my_category.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_category.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+return array(
'gcategory_list' =& '分类列表',
'gcategory_manage' =& '分类管理',
'gcategory_edit' =& '编辑分类',
'gcategory_add' =& '新增分类',
'cate_name' =& '分类名称',
'if_show' =& '显示',
'parent_id' =& '上级分类',
'add_child' =& '新增下级',
'cate_name_empty' =& '分类名称不能为空。',
'name_exist' =& '该分类名称已存在,请您重新输入。',
'number_only' =& '此项仅能为数字。',
'add_ok' =& '新增商品分类成功。',
'continue_add' =& '继续新增商品分类',
'back_list' =& '返回商品分类列表',
'edit_again' =& '重新编辑该分类',
'no_gcategory_to_drop' =& '请您选择要删除的分类',
'drop_ok' =& '删除分类成功。',
'drop_confirm' =& '删除该分类将会同时删除该分类的所有下级分类,您确定要删除吗',
'edit_category' =& '编辑分类',
'batch_edit' =& '批量编辑',
'edit_ok' =& '编辑分类成功。',
'file_format_desc' =&
'&table border=&1&&'.
'no_records' =& '您还没有添加分类',
'editable' =& '可编辑',
'csv_simple' =& 'CSV样例下载'
\ No newline at end of file
Index: paynotify.lang.php
--- paynotify.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ paynotify.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+return array(
=& '订单信息为空',
'notify_unauthentic'=& '通知验证不通过',
'sign_inconsistent'=& '签名不一致',
'order_inconsistent'=& '实际支付的订单与应支付的订单不一致',
'price_inconsistent'=& '实际支付与应支付的价格不一致',
'undefined_status'=& '未定义订单状态',
'pay_successed' =& '支付成功。',
=& '您已成功支付了,请等待卖家给您发货,您想:',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: comupload.lang.php
--- comupload.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ comupload.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+return array(
'submit' =& '提交',
'space_limit_arrived' =& '您的空间不足,请您扩大空间或者清理空间后再试',
'not_allowed_size' =& '您上传的文件大小超过了允许值',
=& '您没有选择文件',
=& '未知错误,服务器没有获取到上传的文件,请重试或联系商城管理员',
=& '无效的远程图片地址',
=& '远程图片地址不能为空',
=& '此图片不存在或空间不够,请检查后再提交',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: message.lang.php
--- message.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ message.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+return array(
'newpm' =& '未读消息',
'privatepm' =& '私人消息',
'systempm' =& '系统消息',
'announcepm' =& '公共消息',
'send_message' =& '发送短消息',
'from_user_name' =& '发件人',
'last_update' =& '最后更新',
'no_such_user' =& '没有该用户',
'to_user_name' =& '收件人',
'to_id' =& '收件人',
'to_id_empty'=& '收件人不能为空。',
'content' =& '内容',
'view_message' =& '查看短消息',
'replay' =& '回复',
'no_drop_permission' =& '没有删除该短消息的权限',
'cannot_sent_to_myself' =& '不能给自己发送短消息',
'send_message_successed' =& '短消息发送成功。',
'no_such_pattern' =& '没有该短消息列表模式',
'no_such_user' =& '没有该用户',
'back_privatepm' =& '返回收件箱',
'back_newpm' =& '返回发件箱',
'drop_message_successed' =& '删除成功。',
'system_message' =& '系统消息',
'no_to_user_name' =& '没有填写收件人',
'no_friends' =&'您没有好友',
'tips_to_user_name' =& '多个收件人请用逗号分隔开',
'no_records' =& '没有',
'cannot_replay_system_message' =& '不能回复系统消息',
'no_such_message' =& '没有该短信息',
'message_title_empty'=& '短消息的标题不能为空。',
'reply' =& '回复',
'confirm_send' =& '确认发送',
'new_message' =& '新短消息',
'comma' =& ',',
'system_msg' =& '系统消息',
'announce_msg' =& '公共消息',
'sys_ann_drop' =& '系统消息与公共消息不允许删除',
'view_detail' =& '查看详情',
'drop_error' =& '删除失败。可能进行了非法操作',
'no_user_self' =& '用户不存在或者给自己发送了短消息',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_favorite.lang.php
--- my_favorite.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_favorite.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+return array(
=& '删除收藏商品成功。',
=& '删除收藏店铺成功。',
'collect_goods_ok' =& '收藏商品成功。',
'collect_store_ok' =& '收藏店铺成功。',
'no_goods' =& '没有符合条件的商品',
'no_records' =& '没有符合条件的店铺',
'send_message' =& '发站内信',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: apply.lang.php
--- apply.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ apply.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+return array(
'i_want_open_store' =& '我要开店',
'input_store_info' =& '填写店主和店铺信息',
'owner_name' =& '店主姓名',
'note_for_owner_name' =& '请填写真实姓名',
'owner_card' =& '身份证号',
'note_for_owner_card' =& '请填写真实准确的身份证号',
'tel' =& '联系电话',
'address' =& '详细地址',
'zipcode' =& '邮政编码',
'store_name' =& '店铺名称',
'note_for_store_name' =& '请控制在20个字以内',
'region' =& '所在地区',
'upload_image' =& '上传证件',
'note_for_image' =& '支持格式jpg,jpeg,png,gif,请保证图片清晰且文件大小不超过400KB',
'upload_permit' =& '上传执照',
'sgrade' =& '选择等级',
'select' =& '选择',
'goods_limit' =& '商品数',
'space_limit' =& '上传空间(MB)',
'skin_limit' =& '模板数',
'charge' =& '收费标准',
'need_confirm' =& '需要审核',
'notice' =& '我已认真阅读并完全同意&a href=&index.php?app=article&act=system&code=setup_store& target=&_blank&&开店协议&/a&中的所有条款',
'description' =& '申请说明',
'input_owner_name' =& '请输入店主姓名',
'input_store_name' =& '请输入店铺名称',
'select_region' =& '请选择所在地区',
'input_tel' =& '请输入联系电话',
'note_for_tel' =& '格式:区号 - 电话号 - 分机号,无分机号可留空',
'input_mob' =& '手机号码',
'note_for_mob' =& '手机和电话至少有一项必填',
=& '电话号码由数字、加号、减号、空格、括号组成,并不能少于6位',
'select_valid_image' =& '请上传格式为 jpg,jpeg,png,gif 的文件',
'select_grade' =& '请选择等级',
'check_notice' =& '请阅读并同意开店协议',
'name_exist' =& '您输入的店铺名称已存在,请您换一个',
'apply_ok' =& '您的申请已提交,我们会尽快处理并通知您。',
'store_opened' =& '恭喜,您的店铺已开通。',
'user_has_store' =& '您的店铺已经开通了。',
'user_has_application' =& '您已经提交过开店申请了,我们会尽快处理并通知您。',
'no_limit' =& '不限',
'store_category' =& '所属分类',
'apply_disabled' =& '抱歉,暂不开放申请开店功能',
'name_exist' =& '该店铺名称已存在,请您换一个',
'apply_remark' =& '申请说明',
=& '立即开店',
'add_use' =& '附加功能',
'domain' =& '二级域名',
'request_error' =& '错误的请求',
'back_step1' =& '申请开店',
'step_1' =& '1. 选择店铺类型',
'step_2' =& '2. 填写店主和店铺信息',
'step_3' =& '3. 完成',
'title_step1' =& '申请开店第一步',
'title_step2' =& '申请开店第二步',
'editor_multimedia' =& '编辑器多媒体功能',
'groupbuy' =& '团购活动',
'view' =& '查看'
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_shipping.lang.php
--- my_shipping.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_shipping.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+return array(
=& '配送方式列表',
=& '新增配送方式',
=& '新增配送方式成功。',
=& '编辑配送方式成功。',
=& '删除配送方式成功。',
=& '编辑配送方式',
'shipping_name' =& '名称',
=& '简介',
=& '首件邮费',
=& '附加邮费',
=& '基本信息',
=& '可货到付款地区',
=& '添加可货到付款的地区',
=& '添加选中的地区',
=& '没有该配送方式',
=& '添加配送方式成功。',
=& '编辑配送方式成功。',
=& '删除配送方式成功。',
'no_records' =& '您没有添加配送方式',
=& '只能是数字',
'back_list' =& '返回配送方式列表',
'continue_add' =& '继续添加配送方式',
'edit_again' =& '重新编辑该配送方式',
'shipping_desc_desc' =& '该信息将在用户下单时被看到',
'name_not_null' =& '名称不能为空',
'first_price_not_null' =& '首件邮费不能为空',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: brand.lang.php
--- brand.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ brand.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+return array(
'recommended_brands' =& '推荐品牌',
'recommended_stores' =& '推荐店铺',
'owner_name' =& '店主',
'goods' =& '商品',
'praise' =& '信用',
'all_brands' =& '全部品牌',
'other' =& '其它',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: gselector.lang.php
--- gselector.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ gselector.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+return array(
'sgcategory' =& '本店分类',
'gselector' =& '选择商品',
'select_goods' =& '请选择商品',
'pls_search_above' =& '请先从上面搜索',
'load_goods_list' =& '正在加载商品列表...',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: common.lang.php
--- common.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ common.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+return array(
// ecodemall jiaju
=& ':',
+ 'xing'
=& '*',
+ 'swt'
=& '缩微图',
+ 'sgroupbuy'=& '团购',
+ 'goods'
=& '商品',
+ 'gree'
=& '绿色家居',
+ 'daogou'
=& '知识导购',
+ 'bbs'
=& '论坛',
+ 'txyhmhmm' =& '1.填写用户名和密码',
+ 'zccg'
=& '2.注册成功',
+ 'ckgwc'
=& '1.查看购物车',
+ 'qrddxx'
=& '2.确认订单信息',
+ 'fk'
=& '3.付款',
+ 'qrsh'
=& '4.确认收货',
+ 'pj'
=& '5.评价',
+ 'zjcj'
=& '最新成交',
+ 'bi'
=& '笔',
+ 'back_home'
=& '回到首页',
+ 'decrease' =& '减少一件',
+ 'increase' =& '增加一件',
+ 'all_category' =& '所有分类',
+ // ecodemall jiaju
=& '我的账户',
=& '账户概览',
'member_center' =& '用户中心',
=& '您好',
=& '登录',
=& '注册',
'search' =& '搜索',
=& '购物车',
=& '收藏夹',
=& '站内消息',
'user_center' =& '用户中心',
=& '帮助中心',
=& '我要买',
=& '我要卖',
'im_buyer' =& '我是买家',
'im_seller' =& '我是卖家',
=& '当前位置',
=& '搜索商品',
=& '搜索店铺',
=& '搜索团购',
=& '个人资料',
=& '我的信用',
=& '我的地址',
=& '我的订单',
=& '我的咨询',
=& '商品管理',
=& '咨询管理',
=& '咨询列表',
=& '我的收藏',
=& '申请开店',
=& '分类管理',
=& '订单管理',
=& '店铺设置',
'my_theme' =& '主题设置',
=& '支付方式管理',
=& '配送方式管理',
=& '导航管理',
=& '合作伙伴管理',
=& '我的优惠券',
=& '我的装修',
=& '退出',
=& '游客',
=& '收货人姓名',
=& '所在地区',
=& '详细地址',
=& '邮政编码',
=& '电话/手机',
=& '电话号码',
=& '手机号码',
=& '操作',
'add' =& '新增',
=& '编辑',
=& '提交',
=& '重置',
=& '返回',
=& '您确定要删除它吗?',
=& '标题',
=& '链接',
=& '标识',
=& '排序',
=& '删除',
=& '全选',
=& '底部',
=& '顶部',
=& '中部',
=& '是',
=& '否',
'collect_goods' =& '收藏商品',
'collect_store' =& '收藏店铺',
=& '缩略图',
'goods_name'=& '商品名称',
'store_name'=& '店铺名称',
=& '价格',
=& '添加时间',
=& '库存',
=& '品牌',
=& '输入关键词',
'user_name' =& '用户名',
=& '等级',
'add_to_cart'=& '放入购物车',
'select_pls' =& '请选择...',
=& '启用',
=& '返回上一页',
'auto_redirect' =& '如果您不做出选择,系统将自动跳转',
=& '配置',
=& '安装',
=& '卸载',
'uninstall_confirm' =& '您确定要卸载它吗?',
=& '没有符合条件的记录',
'no_such_order' =& '没有指定的订单',
=& '支付方式被禁用',
=& '指定的支付方式没有被启用',
=& '禁止访问',
=& '没有指定支付方式',
=& '在处理您的请求时出现了问题:&br /&',
'check_match_error' =& '检查合法性出错',
=& '无有效的数据',
=& '订单号',
=& '订单总价',
=& '订单状态',
=& '取消订单',
=& '付款',
=& '查看订单',
=& '折扣',
=& '配送费用',
'store_index' =& '店铺首页',
'credit_evaluation' =& '信用评价',
'goods_detail' =& '商品详情',
'collect_the_store' =& '收藏该店铺',
'send_pm' =& '发站内信',
'credit_value' =& '信用度',
'goods_count' =& '商品数量',
'store_add_time' =& '创店时间',
'certification' =& '认证',
'enter_store' =& '逛逛店主的店铺',
'search_in_store' =& '店内搜索',
'gcategory' =& '商品分类',
'scategory' =& '店铺分类',
'goods_history' =& '浏览历史',
'shopwindow_recommended' =& '橱窗推荐',
'all_goods' =& '全部商品',
'kind_of_goods' =& '种商品',
'cert_autonym' =& '实名认证',
'cert_material' =& '实体店铺',
'all_categories' =& '所有分类',// by ecodemall jiaju
'not_allowed_type' =& '您上传的文件格式不正确',
'not_allowed_size' =& '您上传的文件大小超过了允许值',
'dir_doesnt_exists' =& '上传文件存放目录无法创建,请联系站长检查相应权限',
'no_ftp_server' =& '未指定ftp服务器,请联系站长解决此问题',
'captcha_failed' =& '验证码输入错误',
'login_error' =& array(
'-1' =& '您输入的用户名或密码不正确,请重新输入',
'-2' =& '您的账户无法使用,可能是因为用户名重复或不符合规则',
=& '登录成功。',
=& '退出登录成功。',
=& '您还没有申请店铺,无权访问页面。',
'apply_now' =& '立即申请开店',
=& '您没有被授予相应的权限,无权访问',
=& '您的店铺尚未开通,我们会尽快处理您的申请。',
=& '您的店铺已被关闭,请联系网站管理员开通。',
'the_store_is_closed' =& '该店铺已被关闭,请稍后再访问。',
=& '您已经登录了',
=& '购物车',
=& '店铺商品',
=& '数量',
=& '小计',
=& '店铺',
=& '选购商品',
=& '完成订单信息并下单',
=& '下单完成并支付',
=& '商品总价',
=& '没有指定的商品',
=& '没有指定的规格',
=& '件',
=& '配送费用',
=& '订单总价',
=& '没有指定的订单',
=& '指定的店铺没有该支付方式',
=& '没有指定的支付方式',
=& '禁止访问',
=& '有必填项未填',
=& '字符串长度不足',
=& '字符串长度超出限制',
'not_allowed_type' =& '您上传的文件格式不正确',
'not_allowed_size' =& '您上传的文件大小超过了允许值',
=& '收银台',
=& '生成订单',
=& '商城首页',
=& '待付款',
=& '待发货',
=& '已取消',
=& '已提交',
=& '已发货',
=& '已完成',
'prev_page' =& '上一页',
'next_page' =& '下一页',
'first_page' =& '首页',
'last_page' =& '末页',
'turn_page' =& '翻页',
'total_item' =& '共 %s 个项目',
=& '物流单号',
'operate_reason' =& '操作原因',
'cancel_confirm' =& '您确定要取消吗?',
'cancel_reason' =& '取消原因',
=& '待付款的',
=& '已提交的',
=& '待发货的',
=& '已发货的',
=& '已完成的',
=& '已取消的',
'message' =& '短消息',
=& '确认',
=& '取消',
=& '注意',
=& '买家',
'export' =& '导出',
'import' =& '导入',
'note_for_export' =& '您店铺的数据是以 utf-8 编码存储的,导出时是否需要把数据转换为 %s 编码?',
'reason_for_convert' =& '如果您导出的文件需要用 excel 打开,请选择“是”,否则打开时可能显示乱码;如果您导出的文件只是为导入使用,建议不要转换,这样可以节省转换编码的时间。',
'select_file' =& '请选择文件',
'select_charset' =& '请选择文件编码',
'note_for_import' =& '如果文件较大,建议您先把文件转换为 %s 编码,这样可以避免转换编码时耗费时间',
'note_for_file' =& '如果导入速度较慢,建议您把文件拆分为几个小文件,然后分别导入',
'import_ok' =& '导入数据成功。',
'file_format' =& '文件格式',
'file_format_limit' =& 'csv文件',
'friend' =& '好友',
=& '支付方式',
'email' =& '电子邮件',
'shipping_name' =& '配送方式',
=& '物流单号',
=& '支付时间',
=& '发货时间',
'finished_time' =& '完成时间',
=& '订单信息',
'consignee_info'=& '收货人及物流信息',
=& '商品信息',
=& '好评',
'evaluation_acceptable' =& '中评',
=& '差评',
'order_eval' =& array(
'1' =& '差评',
'2' =& '中评',
'3' =& '好评',
=& '使用',
=& '预览',
'query_info' =& '页面执行 %0.3f 秒, 查询 %d 次,在线 %d 人',
'gzip_disabled' =& ',Gzip 已禁用',
'gzip_enabled' =& ',Gzip 已启用',
'memory_info' =& ',占用内存 %0.2f MB',
=& '返回列表',
'cancel_search' =& '取消搜索',
'cancel_search_notice' =& '查看所有结果',
=& '此项必填',
=& '在',
=& '原因',
'back_index' =& '返回首页',
'cancel_query' =& '取消检索',
'pay_message' =& '支付消息',
'default_site_description' =& '这是一个用ECMall架设的网上商城',
'default_closed_reason' =& '商城维护中,暂时关闭,请稍候访问。',
'ecmall_sysmsg' =& '系统信息',
=& '关闭页面',
'the_store_not_exist' =& '该店铺不存在,请核实后再访问',
'subdomain' =& '二级域名',
=& '附加功能',
'bat_upload' =& '批量上传',
'uploaded_files' =& '已传图片',
'insert_editor' =& '插入编辑器',
'insert_article' =& '插入文章',
'no_image_droped' =& '不存在此文件,请刷新后再试',
'upload_types' =& '图片上传',
'com_upload' =& '普通上传',
=& '远程地址',
'button_text' =& '选择本地图片(每张限%s)',
'upload' =& '上传',
'com_upload_tips' =& '请选择本地图片上传',
'remote_upload_tips' =& '请输入远程图片地址',
'canceled' =& '已取消',
'import_taobao' =& '淘宝助理导入',
=& '密码验证失败',
=& '用户已存在',
=& '无法添加自己',
=& '无效的用户名',
=& '用户名中包含不允许注册的词语',
=& 'email地址错误',
=& '您的email地址不允许注册',
=& '该email已被注册',
=& '没有指定的用户',
=& '该用户受保护',
=& '未知错误',
=& '从UC中删除用户失败',
=& '密码错误',
=& '安全提问答案错误',
=& '友情提示:',
'close' =& '关闭',
'colon' =& ':',
'note_for_upload' =& '支持JPEG和静态的GIF格式图片,不支持GIF动画图片,上传图片大小不能超过2M.浏览文件时可以按住ctrl或shift键多选',
'uploadedfile' =& '上传文件',
'close_store_notice' =& '关闭店铺通知',
'your_store_is_closed' =& '您的店铺已被关闭,原因是:%s',
'close_reason' =& '店铺已到期',
'not_seller' =& '您目前不是卖家,您可以',
'login_please' =& '您需要先登录才可以执行该操作',
'consigness_info' =& '收货人信息',
'coupon' =& '优惠券管理',
'involid_data' =& '无效的数据',
'comma' =& ',',
'whitespace' =& ' ',
'groupbuy_manage' =& '团购管理',
'group_pending' =& '未发布',
'group_on' =& '进行中',
'group_end' =& '已结束',
'group_finished' =& '已完成',
'group_canceled' =& '已取消',
'group_all' =& '全部团购',
'group_auto_cancel' =& '团购活动结束%s天后卖家未确认完成,活动自动取消',
'cancel_title' =& '“%s”团购活动已经取消',
'end_title' =& '您发起的“%s”团购活动已经结束',
'end_content' =& '请尽快到“已结束的团购”完成该团购活动,以便买家可以完成交易,如结束后%s天未确认完成,该活动将被自动取消,查看&a href =&index.php?app=seller_groupbuy&state=end&&已结束的团购&/a&',
'my_groupbuy' =& '我的团购',
'lefttime_format_1' =& '%i分钟',
'lefttime_format_2' =& '%h小时%i分',
'lefttime_format_3' =& '%d天%h小时',
=& '剩余',
'groupbuy_price' =& '团购价',
=& '团购活动',
=& '货号',
'not_support_function' =& '很抱歉,您的店铺等级不支持该附加功能,如需升级店铺等级,请联系管理员。',
'view_detail' =& ',&a target=&_blank& href=&%s&&查看详情&/a&',
'feed_order_created' =& array(
=& '{actor} 在店铺 {store} 购买了商品',
=& '',
=& '订单生成',
=& '{actor} 在 {mall_name} 开通了店铺 {store}',
=& '',
=& '店铺开通',
=& '{actor} 添加了商品 {goods}',
=& '',
=& '添加商品',
=& '{actor} 添加了团购 {groupbuy}',
=& '团购说明:{groupbuy_message}',
=& '添加团购',
=& '{actor} 收藏了商品 {goods}',
=& '',
=& '收藏商品',
=& '{actor} 收藏了店铺 {store}',
=& '',
=& '收藏店铺',
=& '{actor} 给了商品 {goods} {evaluation}',
=& '评价:{comment}',
=& '评价商品',
=& '{actor} 参加了团购 {groupbuy}',
=& '',
=& '参加团购',
'baidu_shoucang' =& '百度收藏',
'qq_shuqian' =& 'QQ书签',
'renrenwang' =& '人人网',
'kaixinwang' =& '开心网',
'tags' =& '标签(TAG)',
'msg_instruction' =& '短消息使用格式?',
'not_csv_file' =& '您选择的文件不是CSV格式',
商付通v2.2.1 增加语言部分 开始
+ 'shangfutong'
=& '商付通',
+ 'jiaoyichaxun'
=& '交易查询',
+ 'chongzhichaxun'
=& '充值查询',
+ 'tixianshenqing'
=& '提现申请',
+ 'zhanghushezhi'
=& '帐户设置',
+ 'dongtaimimacuowu'
=& '动态密码错误',
+ 'ninbushimibaoyonghu'
=& '您不是密保用户,请返回选择普通登陆',
+ 'ninshidongmibaoyonghu'
=& '您是密保用户,请返回输入动态密码',
+ 'mibaoyizantingshiyong'
=& '密保已暂停使用,请联系客服',
+ 'lijilianxikefu'
=& '立即联系客服',
+ 'mibaoyiguoqi'
=& '密保已过期,请联系客服续费或解除绑定',
+ 'lijijiechubangding'
=& '立即解除绑定',
+ 'mibaoguoqihuozantingshiyongjiangshiqubaohuzuoyong'
=& '提示:密保过期或暂停将失去保护作用',
商付通v2.2.1 增加语言部分 结束
\ No newline at end of file
Index: cart.lang.php
--- cart.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ cart.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+return array(
ecodemall jiaju
=& '选择',
+ 'sellectAll' =& '全选/反选',
+ 'handle'
=& '操作',
+ 'increase'
=& '增加',
+ 'decrease'
=& '减少',
+ 'interest_note'
=& '&font color=&#A00000&&你可能感兴趣的&/font&商品',
+ 'batch_collect'
=& '批量收藏',
+ 'batch_del'
=& '批量删除',
ecodemall jiaju
=& '继续购物',
=& '您购物车中的商品',
=& '加入收藏夹',
=& '填写并确认订单',
=& '添加到购物车成功。',
=& '没有足够的商品',
=& '添加到购物车成功。',
=& '从购物车中删除成功。',
=& '更新数量成功。',
'goods_already_in_cart' =& '该商品已经在购物车中了',
=& '您的购物车是空的,您可以',
=& '选购商品',
=& '查看订单',
=& '精品推荐',
=& '不能购买自己的商品',
'confirm_goods' =& '确认购物清单',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: sendmail.lang.php
--- sendmail.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ sendmail.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+return array();
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_decoration.lang.php
--- my_decoration.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_decoration.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+return array(
'decoration_list' =& '装修记录',
'add_decoration' =& '添加装修记录',
'edit_decoration' =& '编辑装修记录',
'drop_decoration_successed' =& '删除装修记录成功',
'no_such_order' =& '找不到记录',
'name' =& '装修记录',
'buy' =& '购买材料',
'name_required' =& '名称不能为空',
'navigation' =& '装修导购',
'decoration_name' =& '装修记录名称',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: my_money.lang.php
--- my_money.lang.php (revision 0)
+++ my_money.lang.php (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+return array(
=& 'ECMALL《商付通系统V2.1正式版》',
=& '站内余额支付系统',
=& '安装以后,用户可以使用站内资金功能',
=& '小黑',
=& '商付通',
=& '开发中……',
=& '交易查询',
=& '冲值查询',
=& '提现申请',
=& '帐户设置',
=& '礼品兑换',
+//我的帐户 导航
=& '我的帐户',
=& '买入查询',
=& '卖出查询',
=& '转入查询',
=& '转出查询',
+//我的帐户 余额
=& '欢迎登陆商付通',
=& '什么是商付通?',
=& '帐户总金额:',
=& '元',
=& '冻结金额:',
=& '积分:',
=& '上次登陆IP',
=& '上次登陆时间',
=& '绑定动态密码',
=& '帐户充值',
=& '提现',
=& '余额转帐',
=& '目标用户',
=& '转出金额',
=& '请填写动态密码对应的数字',
=& '转帐前请输入支付密码',
=& '忘记支付密码',
=& '确认转出',
=& '转移的用户名不能为空',
=& '填写转移的金额',
=& '填写要冲值的金额',
=& '确定要转出资金吗',
=& '错误:你输入的不是数字类!',
=& '错误:不能自己给自己转帐!',
=& '错误:目标用户不存在!',
=& '错误:帐户余额不足',
=& ' 给 ',
=& ' 转入金额',
=& ' 转出金额',
=& '给我转入金额',
=& '转帐成功!',
+//买入查询 流水页
=& '定&&单',
=& '金&&额',
=& '日&&志',
=& '搜
=& '已付款的',
=& '待发货的',
=& '已发货的',
=& '已完成的',
=& '已取消的',
=& '操作日志',
=& '卖家','selljia'=& '买家','laiyuanyonghu'=& '来源用户','mubiaoyonghu' =& '目标用户','laiyuanzhifushang' =& '来源支付商',
=& '定单号',
=& '金额',
=& '操作时间',
=& '状态',
=& '操作',
=& '交易进行中!',
=& '已支付-等待卖家发货',
=& '已发货-等待买家确认',
=& '定单已撤消!',
=& '交易已完成!',
=& '资金已入帐!',
=& '待审核!',
=& '提现成功-现金已汇出',
=& '删除成功',
=& '在线充值',
=& '充值记录',
=& '充值金额',
=& '元',
=& '充值方式',
=& '网银在线充值',
=& '支付宝充值',
=& '财富通充值',
=& '快钱在线充值',
=& '易宝在线充值',
=& '银行汇款充值',
=& '立即充值',
=& '来源支付商',
=& '帐户设置',
=& '支付密码修改',
=& '密保绑定',
=& '提现帐户设置',
=&'支持支付宝、财富通 等',
=& '原支付密码',
=& '确认新密码',
=& '新支付密码',
=& '当前使用的支付密码',
=& '支付密码建议密码采用字母和数字混合,且不短于6位',
=& '再输入一次',
=& '确认修改',
=& '设置支付密码',
=& '已绑序号',
=& '动态密码',
=& '解除前需验证',
=& '解除密保',
=& '支付密码',
=& '请输入支付密码',
=& '密保序号',
=& '输入密保SN号',
=& '刮开涂层输入数字',
=& '绑定动态密码',
=& '用户名不能为空',
=& '用户不存在',
=& '已通过E-mail发送,请注意查收',
=& '链接已过期',
=& '支付密码修改成功',
=& '支付密码修改成功&br&支付密码现为:您的登陆密码相同',
=& '错误:你输入的不是数字类!',
=& '错误:不能自己给自己转帐!',
=& '错误:目标用户不存在!',
=& '错误:帐户余额不足',
=& '给用户:',
=& ' 转出金额',
=& '给我转入金额',
=& '转帐成功!',
=& '在线为自己充值:',
=& '冲值金额:',
=& '立即冲值',
=& '网银支付',
=& '通过网银即时充值',
=& '易宝支付',
=& '通过易宝支付即时充值',
=& '充值出现错误,请联系管理员',
=& '支付宝',
=& '通过支付宝即时充值',
=& '支付宝在线充值失败,请联系管理员',
=& '请不要使用担保交易,请到支付宝官方网站关闭此次交易,并重新提交即时到帐交易',
=& '提现申请',
=& '提现记录',
=& '设置提现帐号',
=& '提现帐号',
=& '提现金额',
=& '请先设置提现帐号!',
=& '户名',
=& '提现申请',
=& '错误:你还没有设置银行信息!',
=& '提现金额不能为空!',
=& '错误:你输入的不是数字类!',
=& '对不起:帐户余额不足!',
=& '错误:支付密码不能为空!',
=& '错误:支付密码验证失败!',
=& '用户:',
=& ' 申请金额',
=& '等待通知',
=& '提现成功,请等待管理员审核!',
=& '设置提现帐户及收款姓名',
=& '是否修改',
=& '银行名称',
=& '支持支付宝、财富通 等',
=& '开户地区',
=& '非银行可为空',
=& '当前帐户',
=& '当前户名',
=& '提现帐户',
=& '确认帐户',
=& '帐户户名',
=& '保存设置前请填写动态密码',
=& '提示问题',
=& '提示回答',
=& '请填写支付密码提示回答验证,若无设置请留空',
=& '保存设置',
=& '错误:动态密码不能为空!',
=& '错误:动态密码验证失败!',
=& '两次提现帐号输入不一致!',
=& '错误:提示答案验证失败!',
=& '保存提现信息成功!',
=& '错误:原支付密码验证失败!',
=& '支付密码修改成功!',
=& '密码不能为空!',
=& '您确定要解除吗? 解除后动态密码将失效!',
=& '密保SN号不能为空,请返回填写!',
=& '错误:该用户已经绑定密保卡了!',
=& '错误:该密保卡正在使用中!',
=& '错误:密保卡SN号错误!',
=& '绑定成功!',
=& '解除成功!',
+'feifacanshu'=& '非法参数!',
+'cuowu_liangcishurumimabuyizhi'=& '错误:两次输入密码不一致!',
+'guanbiyemian'=& '关闭页面',
=& '错误:该定单已经支付了!',
=& '发生错误:金额数据可疑!',
=& '购买商品,店主 ',
=& '出售商品,买家 ',
=& '余额支付',
=& '支付成功!',
=& '3秒后自动跳转到定单列表',
=& '查看定单',
=& '警告:请不要重复刷新页面!',
=& '充值失败,请重新提交!',
=& '网银数据校验失败,数据可疑!',
=& '充值成功,金额已入帐!',
=& '查看此次冲值',
=& '该定单已经发货了!',
=& '该定单已经取消了!',
=& '错误:金额有问题,请联系管理员!',
=& '错误:该定单已经交易完成!',
=& '该定单还没有支付,不能确认收货!',
=& '交易已完成!',
=& '3秒后自动跳转到评价页面',
=& '返回定单列表',
=& '可兑换数不足',
=& '对不起,您的积分不足兑换次物品',
=& '兑换成功,等待审核发货',
\ No newline at end of file
Index: requirement.lang.php
--- requirement.lang.php


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