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Samsung/三星 SM961 NVME M.2 PCIE SSD固态硬盘 2 的详细描述:
最新生产日期2016.07。是SM961不是SM951哦,不要看错!新品首发,PCIE 3.0 X4 NVME版本,官方测试速度:读。三星Polaris主控,2Bit MLC 3D V-NAND。完整型号:MZVPW256HEGL-00000,三年保固支持WIN10,请注意!此款的NVME驱动还没有出来,等三星提供后会更新在贴吧,购买的客户请后续关注。欢迎行业批发客户。个人买家请在买之前看清楚,这是行业版!!!不支持SN验证,不支持Magician软件。不懂的请买零售版950PRO,可支持官方保修和SN验证。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品型号:SM961(NVME版本,非ACHI版本。高速PCIE 3.0 X4,完整型号:MZVPW256HEGL-00000,行业简包,非零售彩包,非官方保修。请确认好主板能支持再拍,勿造成退货困扰!产品贵重,请珍视!)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------缓存容量:三星512MB DRAM缓存速度评测:读取3100M/S,写入1400M/S(三星官方规格,实际速度可能会因使用场景及设备配置不同而有所差异)接口类型:M.2/NGFF 22*80mm PCI-E 3.0 X4主控类型:三星全新Polaris主控芯片类型:2Bit MLC 3D V-NAND 型号K9UKGY8SCE保修年限:三年质保,店铺三包---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SM961是三星面向OEM市场新推出的一款M2接口的PCIE 3.0 *4,支持NVMe的SSD。作为新一代的产品,SM961使用了最新的Polaris主控,性能相比SM951有了大幅度的提升,同时也继承了OEM产品线高性价比的特点(对比SM951和950Pro的价格),这次我们拿到了128G,256G和512G三个容量,下面就是三个容量的简单测试。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------【规格参数】
SM951950ProSM961样式M2容量128/256/512 GB256/512GB128/256/512GB/1T接口PCIE 3.0x4 (NVME)主控UBXUBXPolaris闪存类型2Bit MLC NAND (planar)2Bit MLC 3D V-NAND2Bit MLC 3D V-NAND连续读取速度2150 MB/s2500 MB/s3200 MB/s连续写入速度1550 MB/s1500 MB/s1800 MB/s4K随机读取速度300000 iops300000 iops450000 iops4K随机写入速度100000 iops110000 iops400000 iops 说到SM961不得不提他的上一代产品,面向OEM市场的SM951和面向零售市场的950Pro。都是M2接口的NVME SSD,这里做个参数对比,看下这几款产品区别在哪里。(性能都是512G容量官网标称性能)---PM951的参数是我们自己加上的大家可以注意到,950Pro和SM951使用了相同的主控,区别仅在闪存从2D变成3D颗粒(当然还有保修)。所以其实两者性能差距并不是很大。而SM961由于全新Polaris主控的加入,性能一下子暴涨。关于这颗主控,全新产品还没查到详细的资料,未来会进行补充。说下闪存颗粒吧,在950Pro上,三星就是用了第二代32层堆叠V-NAND,而这次SM961,三星拿出了第三代48层堆叠V-NAND。在950Pro出现的时候,就有好多人争吵过MLC还是TLC的问题。这边随便扯扯,有不同意见欢迎讨论。在3D V-NANO时代,三星不分MLC和TLC只有一种颗粒叫做SM颗粒。三星可能把颗粒的存储单元电位分别做8分取其中4个电位和8分,对应2Bit存储和3Bit存储。从某种意义上来说,电位4分,存储2Bit数据,这颗颗粒属于MLC;而电位8分,存储3Bit数据,这颗颗粒属于TLC。他们是同一种颗粒(是不是一样体质的这就不清楚了),这颗粒是MLC还是TLC,我觉得还是应该看用法。SM961到底属于MLC还是TLC,大家自行判断。我也就扯到这。最后说下保修问题,零售版的950Pro,无疑是保修最方便的。三星负责5年保修。而且是全国联保,序列号保修,联系三星客服电话后,快递寄回检测后直接换。而OEM版本的SM951和SM961,三星不会负责保修。而需要找卖给你的人帮你保修,也就是传说中的店保,保修多久能不能保修看店家心情。当然卖你的人关门了跑路了,你的SSD也就失去保修了。所以购买SM951和SM961,建议寻找体量比较大的店,至少要保修期内不会关门的。详细测试可参考玩家实测数据:http://koolshare.cn/thread-.html 【测试平台】CPU: Intel Core i7-G主板:GIGABYTE Z97 G1 Sniper内存:Kingston DDR3 1600 8G * 2操作系统:windows 10 Pro 64Bit 【测试软件】crystaldiskmark
v5.1.2 X64Anvil's
Storage Utilities 1.1.0AS
SSD Benchmark 1.7.用Iometer让SSD满载,记录满载的温度 需要特别说明的是,目前三星还没有提供SM961的驱动,因此在Windows10的默认设置下,SM961的写入速度异常的低,我们需要在设备管理器里面勾选“关闭设备上的windows写入高速缓存缓冲区刷新”,获得比较正常的读写速度
以上是关于Samsung/三星 SM961 NVME M.2 PCIE SSD固态硬盘 2 的详细介绍,
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详细地址:海南省海口市龙华区滨海大道105号百方广场百方大厦15E房Samsung SM951 (512GB) PCIe SSD Review
on February 24,
Introduction & The Drive
AnandTech 2015 Client SSD Suite
Performance Consistency
AnandTech Storage Bench - The Destroyer
AnandTech Storage Bench - Heavy
AnandTech Storage Bench - Light
Random Performance
Sequential Performance
Mixed Read/Write Performance
Thermal Throttling & TRIM Validation
Final Words
The PCIe SSD revolution is upon us. So far nearly every controller vendor has shown off its PCIe SSD controller design and the latest news I've heard is that we'll be seeing a large number of PCIe SSDs from numerous manufacturers&in the second half of 2015 (watch out for Computex and Flash Memory Summit). Samsung got a head start in 2013 with the introduction of the
and to-date the company is still the only manufacturer that is shipping a PCIe 2.0 x4 client SSD in volume. There are a couple of Marvell based PCIe 2.0 x2 products on the market from SanDisk and Plextor, but none that can truly challenge the XP941 in performance.&
Despite being an OEM-only product, the XP941 has been relatively popular among enthusiasts. The performance upgrade over a SATA 6 Gbps drive is significant enough that it has been&worth the premium&for a user with IO intensive workload. The truth is that SATA 6 Gbps has been saturated for quite some time already, so PCIe and namely the XP941 has been the only way to improve single-drive&IO performance affordably (faster PCIe SSD exist, but due to their enterprise focus the prices make them unreachable for the majority).
Today we have the successor of the XP941 in the house. The SM951 made its first appearance at
where it was touted to be the first client SSD with NVMe support. Unfortunately, Samsung changed its initial plans and the SM951 as it's known today does not support NVMe, but it still provides an upgrade from PCIe Gen2 to&Gen3, which theoretically doubles the available bandwidth. Samsung is tight-lipped about the reasoning behind the decision to dump NVMe support, but from what I understand the current chipsets don't have proper NVMe support by default. It's likely that Samsung's PC OEM partners wanted to stick&with known AHCI&command set for improved compatibility, so Samsung decided to push the introduction of client&NVMe SSD a&bit further back.&
Some motherboard manufacturers have gone through the extra steps to update their BIOSes with NVMe support, but I haven't been able to get a detailed answer of what exactly needs to be changed to enable NVMe on current chipsets. Anyway, the SM951 is not&NVMe enabled and will not gain NVMe support later either, so for now there isn't a single client-oriented NVMe SSD. Samsung has, however, stated that the company is working on a client NVMe SSDs, which means we may seen one soon after all.
The SM951 is an OEM-only product just like its predecessor. Currently the drive is not available through&retail channel yet, but Lenovo uses the drive in its , which is how we got our early review sample. The drive will be available through
within the next few months and the latest I've heard is that the first batch should be delivered&in late May. I was told the pricing will be about 10% higher than what the XP941 currently sells for, which would translate to a bit over a dollar per gigabyte. The pricing will ultimately depend on Samsung's production capacity and demand, so it's too early to quote any exact prices and&I will provide an update once the SM951 is available for order and the final pricing is out. Furthermore, since our sample came through Lenovo and carries a Lenovo specific firmware, I will also be reviewing the 'vanilla' version from RamCity to make sure our results reflect the model that is available for purchase.
Samsung SM951 Specifications
Form Factor
M.2 2280 (double-sided)
Samsung S4LN058A01 (PCIe 3.0 x4 AHCI)
Samsung 19nm 64Gbit MLC
Sequential Read
Sequential Write
4KB Random Read
4KB Random Write
L1.2 Power Consumption
Idle Power Consumption
Active Power Consumption&
Similar to the XP941, the SM951 comes in the&M.2 2280 form factor and&is available in capacities of 128GB, 256GB and 512GB. The lack of a 1TB model is another change from the original product plan, but it's entirely possible that a 1TB SKU will follow later.&Performance wise Samsung claims up to 2.15GB/s read and 1500MB/s, which is nearly twice the throughput of&the XP941. However, it's nowhere near the maximum bandwidth&of the PCIe 3.0 x4 bus, though, which should be about 3.2GB/s (PCIe only has ~80% efficiency with overhead after the 128b/132b scheme used by PCIe 3.0).&
Because the SM951 is an OEM product, the warranty and endurance limitation are specified by the reseller instead of Samsung. We will know more when the drive is available, but I would expect RamCity to offer the same three-year warranty and 72TB endurance as it does for the XP941.&
In addition to PCIe 3.0, the SM951 adds support for PCIe L1.2 power state. That is essentially a PCIe version of DevSleep (but it's not limited to just storage devices) and it allows for power consumption&as low as 10&W per lane. In the case of the SM951 the L1.2 power consumption is 2mW, which&that translates to 500&W per lane, so there seems to be room for further improvement, but the important news is that the L1.2 power state brings the slumber power consumption to the same level as DevSleep. The L1.2 also has lower exit&latency at 70&s (i.e. how long it takes for the drive to be fully powered on again), whereas the DevSleep requirement is 20ms.&
Surprisingly, the SM951 doesn't make the transition to 3D V-NAND like the rest of Samsung SSDs we've seen lately. It's still utilizing planar NAND, which I believe is the same 19nm 64Gbit MLC NAND as in the XP941. There have been some reports claiming that the SM951 uses 16nm NAND based on the change in&the generation character (i.e. the last character, which was C in the XP941)&of the part number, but because&the capacity per die is 64Gbit I'm very doubtful that the process node has changed. It wouldn't make sense to build a 64Gbit die at 16nm process because the peripheral circuitry does not scale as well as the memory array does, which would result in very low array efficiency. In other words, a 128Gbit die at 16nm would be substantially more economical than 64Gbit, hence I believe that the NAND in the SM951 is&merely a second iteration of 19nm 64Gbit die. Besides, Samsung already has 3D NAND technology and is pushing it very aggressively, so investing on a new planar NAND node wouldn't be too logical either.
Bootable? Yes
When the XP941 was released, the number one issue with the drive was the lack of boot support. Because the XP941 was never designed for retail, it didn't have its own legacy drivers that load prior to&the motherboard BIOS to enable boot support&on any system, and hence the XP941 required a BIOS update from the motherboard manufacturer in order to be used as a boot drive. To date, most Z97 and X99 based motherboards have a BIOS that supports booting from the XP941 ( has an extensive list on the topic), although unfortunately AMD and older Intel chipsets are not supported.
I can confirm that the SM951 is also bootable on a supported motherboard.&I tested this with an ASUS Z97 Deluxe using the latest 2205 BIOS and the SM951 shows up like any other drive in the boot menu. I suspect that any motherboard that can boot from the XP941 will also work with the SM951, but obviously I can't guarantee that at this point.
I also verified that the SM951 is bootable in tower Mac Pros (2012 and earlier).
Introduction & The Drive
AnandTech 2015 Client SSD Suite
Performance Consistency
AnandTech Storage Bench - The Destroyer
AnandTech Storage Bench - Heavy
AnandTech Storage Bench - Light
Random Performance
Sequential Performance
Mixed Read/Write Performance
Thermal Throttling & TRIM Validation
Final Words
Post Your Comment
to comment.
extide - Tuesday, February 24, 2015 -
I'm not sure that we will see anything too interesting client side from them. They seemed to have moved all their focus to the enterprise side, which is of course where the bulk of the money is.FWIW, Intel already has a PCIe SSD that is arguably faster -- the Intel SSD DC P3700
dylan522p - Tuesday, February 24, 2015 -
Is, not arguably
Stuka87 - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -
It is faster, and certainly more reliable. Intel has the best enterprise SSDs on the market.
FunBunny2 - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -
-- Intel has the best enterprise SSDs on the market.Among consumer facing companies, perhaps.
The real enterprise SSD/flash players are largely unknown to AnandTech and its readers.
monsted - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -
I'd love to see the results of a HDS FMD compared to the usual suspects.
Kristian Vättö - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -
We've had this conversation before and I'll tell you this again: the majority of flash array vendors are using SSDs from Intel, SanDisk, Samsung and others. There are some that design and build their own drives/blades (e.g. Violin and Skyera), but the vast majority is using third party drives as the heart of their flash arrays.
GTVic - Wednesday, February 25, 2015 -
All drives now should support eDrive.
Railgun - Tuesday, February 24, 2015 -
At the rate I'm going, I'll end up with one of these before my XP941 ever gets powered up once, retail or otherwise.
Laststop311 - Tuesday, February 24, 2015 -
Disappointed in lack of 1TB size/ no 3d vnand/ no nvme. I planned on using 1 of these in 1TB size for a boot drive for a skylake-e build. The good news is I have a couple years for samsung to fix those issues.
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