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凯谱华推 ClientAce 4.0 引领技术过渡 23:07
- 带领整个行业走向现代化通信标准 OPC UA- 新推出的 ClientAce OPC .NET 工具包为开发人员提供构建安全 OPC 客户端的直观解决方案缅因州波特兰日电 /美通社/ -- 自动化行业的领导者们已经认识到 OPC UA(OPC 统一架构)通信标准的巨大潜力,希望获得能够轻松转换到这一现代化协议的解决方案。专注于开发自动化通信软件的凯谱华科技 () 今天发布了为安全通信标准 OPC UA和 OPC XML-DA 提供进一步技术支持的 ClientAce OPC .NET Toolkit V4.0 工具包。为满足程序员创建自己的 OPC 客户端应用的愿望,这款直观性强的工具包提供2个选项:.NET 应用程序接口,带有一个强大的类库,用于建立高级自定义应用;和 .NET 控件,用于迅速开发出几乎可访问任何 OPC的客户端应用。(图标: )凯谱华科技总裁兼首席执行官 Tony Paine 表示:“我们坚信凯谱华可以引领整个行业走向下一代技术。我们的最新产品进一步体现了这一承诺,ClientAce 能够帮助我们的客户轻松从自定义客户端过渡到只有一行代码的下一代 OPC UA 标准。”ClientAce 4.0 支持各个 OPC UA 安全级别、直接连接到终端并通过本地发现服务器 (Local Discovery Server) 查看各个终端。为进一步提高安全性,新推出的工具包采用 UA 用户认证,轻松将用户名和密码凭证与 OPC UA 服务器进行交换。当与 KEPServerEX V5.12 安全政策插件一起使用时,ClientAce 4.0 可以利用 OPC UA 标准提供客户端与服务器之间的安全通信。ARC 顾问集团 (ARC Advisory Group) 咨询部副总裁 Craig Resnick 说:“很多业内人士都在谈论 OPC UA 的前景,希望有种工具可以轻松完成现有通信方法向现代化方法的过渡,而原有的方法采用的都是老技术或专有的驱动程序。凯谱华 ClientAce 4.0 的出现为开发人员带来了一款可以解决技术过渡问题并加速 OPC UA 普及的工具,这款工具不仅全面确保安全性,还能提供从工厂到 IT 企业的标准通信。”更多信息,请访问凯谱华科技的或联系该公司代表,:+1-207-775-1660,电邮:凯谱华科技简介凯谱华科技成立于1995年,面向自动化工业开发广泛的通信与互用性软件解决方案。该公司灵活且可扩展的解决方案可帮助连接、管理和监控多种多样的自动化设备与软件应用,其业内享有盛誉的软件解决方案改善了企业各个层面的运营与决策过程。凯谱华科技的使命是通过开发先进的自动化通信软件树立连接标准。详情请访问: 。媒体联系人Ryan Lilly电邮:电话:+1-978-518-4533
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1 Python OPC-UA Documentation Release 1.0 Olivier Roulet-Dubonnet January 07, 20172 3 Contents 1 OPC-UA Server Class 3 2 OPC-UA Client Class 9 3 High level Functions and Node Class 13 4 Subscription Class 19 5 opcua package Subpackages Submodules module Module contents Indices and tables 299 Python Module Index 301 i4 ii5 Pure Python OPC-UA / IEC Client and Server Python 2, 3 and pypy.
OPC-UA implementation is quasi complete and has been tested against many different OPC-UA stacks. API offers both a low level interface to send and receive all UA defined structures and high level classes allowing to write a server or a client in a few lines. It is easy to mix high level objects and low level UA calls in one application. Most code is autogenerated from xml specification using same code as the one that is used for freeopcua C++ client and server, thus adding missing functionnality to client and server shoud be trivial. Some documentation is available at
A simple GUI client is available: Examples: Minimal client example: Minimal server example: Contents: Contents 16 2 Contents7 CHAPTER 1 OPC-UA Server Class class opcua.server.server.server(shelffile=none, iserver=none) High level Server class This class creates an opcua server with default values Create your own namespace and then populate your server address space using use the get_root() or get_objects() to get Node objects. and get_event_object() to fire events. Then start server. See All methods are threadsafe If you need more flexibility you call directly the Ua Service methods on the iserver or iserver.isesssion object members. During startup the standard address space will be constructed, which may be time-consuming when running a server on a less powerful device (e.g. a Raspberry Pi). In order to improve startup performance, a optional path to a cache file can be passed to the server constructor. If the parameter is defined, the address space will be loaded from the cache file or the file will be created if it does not exist yet. As a result the first startup will be even slower due to the cache file generation but all further start ups will be significantly faster. application_uri (uri) product_uri (uri) name (string) default_timeout (InternalServer) timeout in milliseconds for sessions and secure channel iserver internal server object bserver (BinaryServer) binary protocol server nodes (Shortcuts) shortcuts to common nodes allow_remote_admin(allow) Enable or disable the builtin Admin user from network clients create_custom_data_type(idx, name, basetype=24, properties=none) create_custom_event_type(idx, name, basetype=2041, properties=none) create_custom_object_type(idx, name, basetype=58, properties=none, variables=none, methods=none) create_custom_variable_type(idx, name, basetype=62, properties=none, variables=none, methods=none) 38 create_subscription(period, handler) Create a subscription. returns a Subscription object which allow to subscribe to events or data on server dehistorize_node_data_change(node) Stop histor see history module Args: Returns: node: node or list of nodes that can be historized (UA variables/properties) dehistorize_node_event(node) Stop historizing events from node (typically a UA object); see history module Args: Returns: node: node or list of nodes that can be historized (UA objects) delete_nodes(nodes, recursive=false) disable_clock(val=true) for debugging you may want to disable clock that write every second to address space export_xml(nodes, path) Export defined nodes to xml export_xml_by_ns(path, namespaces=none) Export nodes of one or more namespaces to an XML file. Namespaces used by nodes are always exported for consistency. Args: server: opc ua server to use path: name of the xml file to write namespaces: list of string uris or int indexes of the namespace to export, if not provide all ns are used except 0 Returns: find_servers(uris=none) find_servers. mainly implemented for symmetry with client get_client_to_discovery(url= opc.tcp://localhost:4840 ) Create a client to discovery server and return it get_endpoints() get_event_generator(etype=none, source=2253) Returns an event object using an event type from address space. Use this object to fire events get_namespace_array() get all namespace defined in server get_namespace_index(uri) get index of a namespace using its uri get_node(nodeid) Get a specific node using NodeId object or a string representing a NodeId get_objects_node() Get Objects node of server. Returns a Node object. get_root_node() Get Root node of server. Returns a Node object. get_server_node() Get Server node of server. Returns a Node object. historize_node_data_change(node, period=datetime.timedelta(7), count=0) Start histor see history module Args: 4 Chapter 1. OPC-UA Server Class9 node: node or list of nodes that can be historized (variables/properties) period: time delta
older data will be deleted from the storage count: number of changes to store in the history Returns: historize_node_event(node, period=datetime.timedelta(7), count=0) Start historizing events from node (typically a UA object); see history module Args: node: node or list of nodes that can be historized (UA objects) period: time delta
older data will be deleted from the storage count: number of events to store in the history Returns: import_xml(path) Import nodes defined in xml link_method(node, callback) Link a python function to a UA method
required when a UA method has been imported to the address space via XML; the python executable must be linked manually Args: Returns: node: UA method node callback: python function that the UA method will call load_certificate(path) load server certificate from file, either pem or der load_private_key(path) register_namespace(uri) Register a new namespace. Nodes should in custom namespace, not 0. register_to_discovery(url= opc.tcp://localhost:4840, period=60) Register to an OPC-UA Discovery server. Registering must be renewed at least every 10 minutes, so this method will use our asyncio thread to re-register every period seconds if period is 0 registration is not automatically renewed set_application_uri(uri) Set application/server URI. This uri is supposed to be unique. If you intent to register your server to a discovery server, it really should be unique in your system! default is : urn:freeopcua:python:server set_endpoint(url) set_server_name(name) start() Start to listen on network stop() Stop server subscribe_server_callback(event, handle) unregister_to_discovery(url= opc.tcp://localhost:4840 ) stop registration thread unsubscribe_server_callback(event, handle) class opcua.server.internal_server.internalserver(shelffile=none) add_endpoint(endpoint) create_session(name, user=&user.anonymous: 1&, external=false) 510 disable_history_data_change(node) Set attribute Historizing of node to False and stop storing data for history disable_history_event(source) Set attribute History Read of node to False and stop storing data for history dump_address_space(path) Dump current address space to path enable_history_data_change(node, period=datetime.timedelta(7), count=0) Set attribute Historizing of node to True and start storing data for history enable_history_event(source, period=datetime.timedelta(7), count=0) Set attribute History Read of object events to True and start storing data for history find_servers(params) get_endpoints(params=none, sockname=none) get_new_channel_id() load_address_space(path) Load address space from path load_standard_address_space(shelffile=none) register_server(server, conf=none) register_server2(params) setup_nodes() Set up some nodes as defined by spec start() stop() subscribe_server_callback(event, handle) Create a subscription from event to handle unsubscribe_server_callback(event, handle) Remove a subscription from event to handle class opcua.server.internal_server.internalsession(internal_server, aspace, submgr, name, user=&user.anonymous: 1&, external=false) activate_session(params) add_method_callback(methodid, callback) add_nodes(params) add_references(params) browse(params) call(params) close_session(delete_subs=true) create_monitored_items(params) create_session(params, sockname=none) create_subscription(params, callback) delete_monitored_items(params) 6 Chapter 1. OPC-UA Server Class11 delete_nodes(params) delete_references(params) delete_subscriptions(ids) get_endpoints(params=none, sockname=none) history_read(params) modify_monitored_items(params) publish(acks=none) read(params) republish(params) translate_browsepaths_to_nodeids(params) write(params) class opcua.server.binary_server_asyncio.binaryserver(internal_server, hostname, port) set_policies(policies) start() stop() 712 8 Chapter 1. OPC-UA Server Class13 CHAPTER 2 OPC-UA Client Class class opcua.client.client.client(url, timeout=4) High level client to connect to an OPC-UA server. This class makes it easy to connect and browse address space. It attemps to expose as much functionality as possible but if you want more flexibility it is possible and adviced to use UaClient object, available as self.uaclient which offers the raw OPC-UA services interface. activate_session(username=none, password=none, certificate=none) Activate session using either username and password or private_key close_secure_channel() close_session() Close session connect() High level method Connect, create and activate session connect_and_find_servers() Connect, ask server for a list of known servers, and disconnect connect_and_find_servers_on_network() Connect, ask server for a list of known servers on network, and disconnect connect_and_get_server_endpoints() Connect, ask server for endpoints, and disconnect connect_socket() connect to socket defined in url create_session() send a CreateSessionRequest to server with reasonable parameters. If you want o modify settings look at code of this methods and make your own create_subscription(period, handler) Create a subscription. returns a Subscription object which allow to subscribe to events or data on server handler argument is a class with data_change and/or event methods. period argument is either a publishing interval in seconds or a CreateSubscriptionParameters instance. The second option should be used, if the opcua-server has problems with the default options. These methods will be called when notfication from server are received. See Do not do expensive/slow or network operation from these methods since they are called directly from receiving thread. This is a design choice, start another thread if you need to do such a thing. delete_nodes(nodes, recursive=false) 914 disconnect() High level method Close session, secure channel and socket disconnect_socket() export_xml(nodes, path) Export defined nodes to xml static find_endpoint(endpoints, security_mode, policy_uri) Find endpoint with required security mode and policy URI find_servers(uris=none) send a FindServer request to the server. The answer should be a list of servers the server knows about A list of uris can be provided, only server having matching uris will be returned find_servers_on_network() get_endpoints() get_namespace_array() get_namespace_index(uri) get_node(nodeid) Get node using NodeId object or a string representing a NodeId get_objects_node() get_root_node() get_server_node() import_xml(path) Import nodes defined in xml load_client_certificate(path) load our certificate from file, either pem or der load_private_key(path) Load user private key. This is used for authenticating using certificate open_secure_channel(renew=false) Open secure channel, if renew is True, renew channel register_namespace(uri) Register a new namespace. Nodes should in custom namespace, not 0. This method is mainly implemented for symetry with server register_server(server, discovery_configuration=none) register a server to discovery server if discovery_configuration is provided, the newer register_server2 service call is used send_hello() Send OPC-UA hello to server server_policy_id(token_type, default) Find PolicyId of server s UserTokenPolicy by token_type. Return default if there s no matching UserTokenPolicy. server_policy_uri(token_type) Find SecurityPolicyUri of server s UserTokenPolicy by token_type. If SecurityPolicyUri is empty, use default SecurityPolicyUri of the endpoint 10 Chapter 2. OPC-UA Client Class15 set_security(policy, certificate_path, private_key_path, server_certificate_path=none, mode=&messagesecuritymode.signandencrypt: 3&) Set SecureConnection mode. Call this before connect() set_security_string(string) Set SecureConnection mode. String format: Policy,Mode,certificate,private_key[,server_private_key] where Policy is Basic128Rsa15 or Basic256, Mode is Sign or SignAndEncrypt certificate, private_key and server_private_key are paths to.pem or.der files Call this before connect() class opcua.client.ua_client.uaclient(timeout=1) low level OPC-UA client. It implements (almost) all methods defined in opcua spec taking in argument the structures defined in opcua spec. In this Python implementation most of the structures are defined in and available under activate_session(parameters) add_nodes(nodestoadd) add_references(refs) browse(parameters) browse_next(parameters) call(methodstocall) close_secure_channel() close secure channel. It seems to trigger a shutdown of socket in most servers, so be prepare to reconnect close_session(deletesubscriptions) connect_socket(host, port) connect to server socket and start receiving thread create_monitored_items(params) create_session(parameters) create_subscription(params, callback) delete_monitored_items(params) delete_nodes(params) delete_subscriptions(subscriptionids) disconnect_socket() find_servers(params) find_servers_on_network(params) get_endpoints(params) history_read(params) modify_monitored_items(params) open_secure_channel(params) 1116 publish(acks=none) read(parameters) register_server(registered_server) register_server2(params) send_hello(url) set_security(policy) translate_browsepaths_to_nodeids(browsepaths) write(params) 12 Chapter 2. OPC-UA Client Class17 CHAPTER 3 High level Functions and Node Class High level node object, to access node attribute and browse address space class opcua.common.node.node(server, nodeid) High level node object, to access node attribute, browse and populate address space. Node objects are usefull as-is but they do not expose the entire OPC-UA protocol. Feel free to look at the code of this class and call directly UA services methods to optimize your code get_browse_name() Get browse name of a node. A browse name is a QualifiedName object composed of a string(name) and a namespace index. get_display_name() get description attribute of node get_data_type() get data type of node as NodeId get_data_type_as_variant_type() get data type of node as VariantType This only works if node is a variable, otherwise type may not be convertible to VariantType get_access_level() Get the access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. get_user_access_level() Get the user access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. get_event_notifier() Get the event notifier attribute of the node as a set of EventNotifier enum values. set_event_notifier(values) Set the event notifier attribute. Parameters values an iterable of EventNotifier enum values. get_node_class() get node class attribute of node get_description() get description attribute class of node get_value() Get value of a node as a python type. Only variables ( and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. 1318 get_data_value() Get value of a node as a DataValue object. Only variables (and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. DataValue contain a variable value as a variant as well as server and source timestamps set_array_dimensions(value) Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node make sure it has the correct data type get_array_dimensions() Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node set_value_rank(value) Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node get_value_rank() Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node set_value(value, varianttype=none) Set value of a node. Only variables(properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. value argument is either: * a python built-in type, converted to opc-ua optionnaly using the variantype argument. * a ua.variant, varianttype is then ignored * a ua.datavalue, you then have full control over data send to server set_data_value(value, varianttype=none) Set value of a node. Only variables(properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. value argument is either: * a python built-in type, converted to opc-ua optionnaly using the variantype argument. * a ua.variant, varianttype is then ignored * a ua.datavalue, you then have full control over data send to server set_writable(writable=true) Set node as writable by clients. A node is always writable on server side. set_attr_bit(attr, bit) unset_attr_bit(attr, bit) set_read_only() Set a node as read-only for clients. A node is always writable on server side. set_attribute(attributeid, datavalue) Set an attribute of a node attributeid is a member of ua.attributeids datavalue is a ua.datavalue object get_attribute(attr) Read one attribute of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error get_attributes(attrs) Read several attributes of a node list of DataValue is returned get_children(refs=33, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&) Get all children of a node. By default hierarchical references and all node classes are returned. Other reference types may be given: References = 31 NonHierarchicalReferences = 32 HierarchicalReferences = 33 HasChild = 34 Organizes = 35 HasEventSource = 36 HasModellingRule = 37 HasEncoding = 38 HasDescription = 39 HasTypeDefinition = 40 GeneratesEvent = 41 Aggregates = 44 HasSubtype = 45 HasProperty = 46 HasComponent = 47 HasNotifier = 48 HasOrderedComponent = 49 get_properties() return properties of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasProperty and a NodeClass of Variable get_variables() return variables of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a Node- Class of Variable 14 Chapter 3. High level Functions and Node Class19 get_methods() return methods of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a Node- Class of Method get_children_descriptions(refs=33, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) get_references(refs=31, direction=&browsedirection.both: 2&, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) returns references of the node based on specific filter defined with: refs = ObjectId of the Reference direction = Browse direction for references nodeclassmask = filter nodes based on specific class includesubtypes = If true subtypes of the reference (ref) are also included get_referenced_nodes(refs=31, direction=&browsedirection.both: 2&, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) returns referenced nodes based on specific filter Paramters are the same as for get_references get_type_definition() returns type definition of the node. get_path_as_string(max_length=20) Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of strings. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified get_path(max_length=20) Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of Nodes. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified get_parent() returns parent of the node. A Node may have several parents, the first found is returned. This method uses reverse references, a node might be missing such a link, thus we will not find its parent. get_child(path) get a child specified by its path from this node. A path might be: * a string representing a qualified name. * a qualified name * a list of string * a list of qualified names read_raw_history(starttime=none, endtime=none, numvalues=0) Read raw history of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is & 0 and number of events in period is & numvalues then result will be truncated history_read(details) Read raw history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error read_event_history(starttime=none, endtime=none, numvalues=0, evtypes=2041) Read event history of a source node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is & 0 and number of events in period is & numvalues then result will be truncated history_read_events(details) Read event history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error delete(delete_references=true) Delete node from address space add_folder(nodeid, bname) add_object(nodeid, bname, objecttype=none) add_variable(nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) 1520 add_object_type(nodeid, bname) add_variable_type(nodeid, bname, datatype) add_data_type(nodeid, bname, description=none) add_property(nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) add_method(*args) add_reference_type(parent, nodeid, bname) call_method(methodid, *args) High level functions to create nodes opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_data_type(parent, nodeid, bname, description=none) Create a new data type to be used in new variables, etc.. arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_folder(parent, nodeid, bname) create a child node folder arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_method(parent, *args) create a child method object This is only possible on server side!! args are nodeid, browsename, method_to_be_called, [input argument types], [output argument types] or idx, name, method_to_be_called, [input argument types], [output argument types] if argument types is specified, child nodes advertising what arguments the method uses and returns will be created a callback is a method accepting the nodeid of the parent as first argument and variants after. returns a list of variants opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object(parent, nodeid, bname, objecttype=none) create a child node object arguments are nodeid, browsename, [objecttype] or namespace index, name, [objecttype] if objectype is given (a NodeId) then the type node is instantiated inclusive its child nodes opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object_type(parent, nodeid, bname) Create a new object type to be instanciated in address space. arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_property(parent, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) create a child node property args are nodeid, browsename, value, [variant type] or idx, name, value, [variant type] opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_reference_type(parent, nodeid, bname) Create a new reference type args are nodeid and browsename or idx and name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable(parent, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) create a child node variable args are nodeid, browsename, value, [variant type], [data type] or idx, name, value, [variant type], [data type] opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable_type(parent, nodeid, bname, datatype) Create a new variable type args are nodeid, browsename and datatype or idx, name and data type opcua.common.manage_nodes.delete_nodes(server, nodes, recursive=false) Delete specified nodes. Optionally delete recursively all nodes with a downward hierachic references to the node High level method related functions opcua.common.methods.call_method(parent, methodid, *args) Call an OPC-UA method. methodid is browse name of child method or the nodeid of method as a NodeId object arguments are variants or python object convertible to variants. which may be of different types returns a list of variants which are output of the method 16 Chapter 3. High level Functions and Node Class21 opcua.common.methods.to_variant(*args) opcua.common.methods.uamethod(func) Method decorator to automatically convert arguments and output to and from variants 1722 18 Chapter 3. High level Functions and Node Class23 CHAPTER 4 Subscription Class class opcua.common.subscription.subscription(server, params, handler) Subscription object returned by Server or Client objects. The object represent a subscription to an opc-ua server. This is a high level class, especially subscribe_data_change and subscribe_events methods. If more control is necessary look at code and/or use create_monitored_items method. create_monitored_items(monitored_items) low level method to have full control over subscription parameters Client handle must be unique since it will be used as key for internal registration of data deadband_monitor(var, deadband_val, deadbandtype=1, queuesize=0, attr=&attributeids.value: 13&) Method to create a subscription with a Deadband Value. Default deadband value type is absolute. Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe :param var: Variable to which you want to subscribe :param deadband_val: Absolute float value :param deadbandtype: Default value is 1 (absolute), change to 2 for percentage deadband :param queuesize: Wanted queue size, default is 1 delete() Delete subscription on server. This is automatically done by Client and Server classes on exit modify_monitored_item(handle, new_samp_time, new_queuesize=0, mod_filter_val=-1) Modify a monitored item. :param handle: Handle returned when originally subscribing :param new_samp_time: New wanted sample time :param new_queuesize: New wanted queuesize, default is 0 :param mod_filter_val: New deadband filter value :return: Return a Modify Monitored Item Result publish_callback(publishresult) subscribe_data_change(nodes, attr=&attributeids.value: 13&) Subscribe for data change events for a node or list of nodes. default attribute is Value. Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe If more control is necessary use create_monitored_items method subscribe_events(sourcenode=2253, evtypes=2041, evfilter=none) Subscribe to events from a node. Default node is Server node. In most servers the server node is the only one you can subscribe to. if evtypes is not provided, evtype defaults to BaseEventType if evtypes is a list or tuple of custom event types, the events will be filtered to the supplied types Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe unsubscribe(handle) unsubscribe to datachange or events using the handle returned while subscribing if you delete subscription, you do not need to unsubscribe 1924 20 Chapter 4. Subscription Class25 CHAPTER 5 opcua package 5.1 Subpackages opcua.client package Submodules opcua.client.client module class opcua.client.client.client(url, timeout=4) Bases: object High level client to connect to an OPC-UA server. This class makes it easy to connect and browse address space. It attemps to expose as much functionality as possible but if you want more flexibility it is possible and adviced to use UaClient object, available as self.uaclient which offers the raw OPC-UA services interface. activate_session(username=none, password=none, certificate=none) Activate session using either username and password or private_key close_secure_channel() close_session() Close session connect() High level method Connect, create and activate session connect_and_find_servers() Connect, ask server for a list of known servers, and disconnect connect_and_find_servers_on_network() Connect, ask server for a list of known servers on network, and disconnect connect_and_get_server_endpoints() Connect, ask server for endpoints, and disconnect connect_socket() connect to socket defined in url create_session() send a CreateSessionRequest to server with reasonable parameters. If you want o modify settings look at code of this methods and make your own 2126 create_subscription(period, handler) Create a subscription. returns a Subscription object which allow to subscribe to events or data on server handler argument is a class with data_change and/or event methods. period argument is either a publishing interval in seconds or a CreateSubscriptionParameters instance. The second option should be used, if the opcua-server has problems with the default options. These methods will be called when notfication from server are received. See Do not do expensive/slow or network operation from these methods since they are called directly from receiving thread. This is a design choice, start another thread if you need to do such a thing. delete_nodes(nodes, recursive=false) disconnect() High level method Close session, secure channel and socket disconnect_socket() export_xml(nodes, path) Export defined nodes to xml static find_endpoint(endpoints, security_mode, policy_uri) Find endpoint with required security mode and policy URI find_servers(uris=none) send a FindServer request to the server. The answer should be a list of servers the server knows about A list of uris can be provided, only server having matching uris will be returned find_servers_on_network() get_endpoints() get_namespace_array() get_namespace_index(uri) get_node(nodeid) Get node using NodeId object or a string representing a NodeId get_objects_node() get_root_node() get_server_node() import_xml(path) Import nodes defined in xml load_client_certificate(path) load our certificate from file, either pem or der load_private_key(path) Load user private key. This is used for authenticating using certificate open_secure_channel(renew=false) Open secure channel, if renew is True, renew channel register_namespace(uri) Register a new namespace. Nodes should in custom namespace, not 0. This method is mainly implemented for symetry with server register_server(server, discovery_configuration=none) register a server to discovery server if discovery_configuration is provided, the newer register_server2 service call is used 22 Chapter 5. opcua package27 send_hello() Send OPC-UA hello to server server_policy_uri(token_type) Find SecurityPolicyUri of server s UserTokenPolicy by token_type. If SecurityPolicyUri is empty, use default SecurityPolicyUri of the endpoint set_security(policy, certificate_path, private_key_path, server_certificate_path=none, mode=&messagesecuritymode.signandencrypt: 3&) Set SecureConnection mode. Call this before connect() set_security_string(string) Set SecureConnection mode. String format: Policy,Mode,certificate,private_key[,server_private_key] where Policy is Basic128Rsa15 or Basic256, Mode is Sign or SignAndEncrypt certificate, private_key and server_private_key are paths to.pem or.der files Call this before connect() class opcua.client.client.keepalive(client, timeout) Bases: threading.thread Used by Client to keep the session open. OPCUA defines timeout both for sessions and secure channel run() stop() opcua.client.ua_client module Low level binary client server_policy_id(token_type, default) Find PolicyId of server s UserTokenPolicy by token_type. Return default if there s no matching UserTokenPolicy. class opcua.client.ua_client.uasocketclient(timeout=1, security_policy=& object&) Bases: object handle socket connection and send ua messages timeout is the timeout used while waiting for an ua answer from server check_answer(data, context) close_secure_channel() close secure channel. It seems to trigger a shutdown of socket in most servers, so be prepare to reconnect. OPC UA specs Part 6, say that Server does not send a CloseSecureChannel response and should just close socket connect_socket(host, port) connect to server socket and start receiving thread disconnect_socket() open_secure_channel(params) send_hello(url) 5.1. Subpackages 2328 send_request(request, callback=none, timeout=1000, message_type=b MSG ) send request to server. timeout is the timeout written in ua header returns response object if no callback is provided start() Start receiving thread. this is called automatically in connect and should not be necessary to call directly class opcua.client.ua_client.uaclient(timeout=1) Bases: object low level OPC-UA client. It implements (almost) all methods defined in opcua spec taking in argument the structures defined in opcua spec. In this Python implementation most of the structures are defined in and available under activate_session(parameters) add_nodes(nodestoadd) add_references(refs) browse(parameters) browse_next(parameters) call(methodstocall) close_secure_channel() close secure channel. It seems to trigger a shutdown of socket in most servers, so be prepare to reconnect close_session(deletesubscriptions) connect_socket(host, port) connect to server socket and start receiving thread create_monitored_items(params) create_session(parameters) create_subscription(params, callback) delete_monitored_items(params) delete_nodes(params) delete_subscriptions(subscriptionids) disconnect_socket() find_servers(params) find_servers_on_network(params) get_endpoints(params) history_read(params) modify_monitored_items(params) open_secure_channel(params) publish(acks=none) read(parameters) register_server(registered_server) 24 Chapter 5. opcua package29 register_server2(params) send_hello(url) set_security(policy) translate_browsepaths_to_nodeids(browsepaths) write(params) Module contents opcua.common package Submodules opcua.common.event module opcua.common.instanciate module opcua.common.manage_nodes module High level functions to create nodes opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_data_type(parent, nodeid, bname, description=none) Create a new data type to be used in new variables, etc.. arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_folder(parent, nodeid, bname) create a child node folder arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_method(parent, *args) create a child method object This is only possible on server side!! args are nodeid, browsename, method_to_be_called, [input argument types], [output argument types] or idx, name, method_to_be_called, [input argument types], [output argument types] if argument types is specified, child nodes advertising what arguments the method uses and returns will be created a callback is a method accepting the nodeid of the parent as first argument and variants after. returns a list of variants opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object(parent, nodeid, bname, objecttype=none) create a child node object arguments are nodeid, browsename, [objecttype] or namespace index, name, [objecttype] if objectype is given (a NodeId) then the type node is instantiated inclusive its child nodes opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_object_type(parent, nodeid, bname) Create a new object type to be instanciated in address space. arguments are nodeid, browsename or namespace index, name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_property(parent, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) create a child node property args are nodeid, browsename, value, [variant type] or idx, name, value, [variant type] opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_reference_type(parent, nodeid, bname) Create a new reference type args are nodeid and browsename or idx and name opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable(parent, nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) create a child node variable args are nodeid, browsename, value, [variant type], [data type] or idx, name, value, [variant type], [data type] 5.1. Subpackages 2530 opcua.common.manage_nodes.create_variable_type(parent, nodeid, bname, datatype) Create a new variable type args are nodeid, browsename and datatype or idx, name and data type opcua.common.manage_nodes.delete_nodes(server, nodes, recursive=false) Delete specified nodes. Optionally delete recursively all nodes with a downward hierachic references to the node opcua.common.methods module High level method related functions opcua.common.methods.call_method(parent, methodid, *args) Call an OPC-UA method. methodid is browse name of child method or the nodeid of method as a NodeId object arguments are variants or python object convertible to variants. which may be of different types returns a list of variants which are output of the method opcua.common.methods.to_variant(*args) opcua.common.methods.uamethod(func) Method decorator to automatically convert arguments and output to and from variants opcua.common.node module High level node object, to access node attribute and browse address space class opcua.common.node.node(server, nodeid) Bases: object High level node object, to access node attribute, browse and populate address space. Node objects are usefull as-is but they do not expose the entire OPC-UA protocol. Feel free to look at the code of this class and call directly UA services methods to optimize your code add_data_type(nodeid, bname, description=none) add_folder(nodeid, bname) add_method(*args) add_object(nodeid, bname, objecttype=none) add_object_type(nodeid, bname) add_property(nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) add_reference_type(parent, nodeid, bname) add_variable(nodeid, bname, val, varianttype=none, datatype=none) add_variable_type(nodeid, bname, datatype) call_method(methodid, *args) delete(delete_references=true) Delete node from address space get_access_level() Get the access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. get_array_dimensions() Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node get_attribute(attr) Read one attribute of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error 26 Chapter 5. opcua package31 get_attributes(attrs) Read several attributes of a node list of DataValue is returned get_browse_name() Get browse name of a node. A browse name is a QualifiedName object composed of a string(name) and a namespace index. get_child(path) get a child specified by its path from this node. A path might be: * a string representing a qualified name. * a qualified name * a list of string * a list of qualified names get_children(refs=33, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&) Get all children of a node. By default hierarchical references and all node classes are returned. Other reference types may be given: References = 31 NonHierarchicalReferences = 32 HierarchicalReferences = 33 HasChild = 34 Organizes = 35 HasEventSource = 36 HasModellingRule = 37 HasEncoding = 38 HasDescription = 39 HasTypeDefinition = 40 GeneratesEvent = 41 Aggregates = 44 HasSubtype = 45 HasProperty = 46 HasComponent = 47 HasNotifier = 48 HasOrderedComponent = 49 get_children_descriptions(refs=33, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) get_data_type() get data type of node as NodeId get_data_type_as_variant_type() get data type of node as VariantType This only works if node is a variable, otherwise type may not be convertible to VariantType get_data_value() Get value of a node as a DataValue object. Only variables (and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. DataValue contain a variable value as a variant as well as server and source timestamps get_description() get description attribute class of node get_display_name() get description attribute of node get_event_notifier() Get the event notifier attribute of the node as a set of EventNotifier enum values. get_methods() return methods of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a Node- Class of Method get_node_class() get node class attribute of node get_parent() returns parent of the node. A Node may have several parents, the first found is returned. This method uses reverse references, a node might be missing such a link, thus we will not find its parent. get_path(max_length=20) Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of Nodes. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified get_path_as_string(max_length=20) Attempt to find path of node from root node and return it as a list of strings. There might several possible paths to a node, this function will return one Some nodes may be missing references, so this method may return an empty list Since address space may have circular references, a max length is specified 5.1. Subpackages 2732 get_properties() return properties of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasProperty and a NodeClass of Variable get_referenced_nodes(refs=31, direction=&browsedirection.both: 2&, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) returns referenced nodes based on specific filter Paramters are the same as for get_references get_references(refs=31, direction=&browsedirection.both: 2&, nodeclassmask=&nodeclass.unspecified: 0&, includesubtypes=true) returns references of the node based on specific filter defined with: refs = ObjectId of the Reference direction = Browse direction for references nodeclassmask = filter nodes based on specific class includesubtypes = If true subtypes of the reference (ref) are also included get_type_definition() returns type definition of the node. get_user_access_level() Get the user access level attribute of the node as a set of AccessLevel enum values. get_value() Get value of a node as a python type. Only variables ( and properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. get_value_rank() Read and return ArrayDimensions attribute of node get_variables() return variables of node. properties are child nodes with a reference of type HasComponent and a Node- Class of Variable history_read(details) Read raw history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error history_read_events(details) Read event history of a node, low-level function result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error read_event_history(starttime=none, endtime=none, numvalues=0, evtypes=2041) Read event history of a source node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is & 0 and number of events in period is & numvalues then result will be truncated read_raw_history(starttime=none, endtime=none, numvalues=0) Read raw history of a node result code from server is checked and an exception is raised in case of error If numvalues is & 0 and number of events in period is & numvalues then result will be truncated set_array_dimensions(value) Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node make sure it has the correct data type set_attr_bit(attr, bit) set_attribute(attributeid, datavalue) Set an attribute of a node attributeid is a member of ua.attributeids datavalue is a ua.datavalue object set_data_value(value, varianttype=none) Set value of a node. Only variables(properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. value argument is either: * a python built-in type, converted to opc-ua optionnaly using the variantype argument. * a ua.variant, varianttype is then ignored * a ua.datavalue, you then have full control over data send to server 28 Chapter 5. opcua package33 set_event_notifier(values) Set the event notifier attribute. Parameters values an iterable of EventNotifier enum values. set_read_only() Set a node as read-only for clients. A node is always writable on server side. set_value(value, varianttype=none) Set value of a node. Only variables(properties) have values. An exception will be generated for other node types. value argument is either: * a python built-in type, converted to opc-ua optionnaly using the variantype argument. * a ua.variant, varianttype is then ignored * a ua.datavalue, you then have full control over data send to server set_value_rank(value) Set attribute ArrayDimensions of node set_writable(writable=true) Set node as writable by clients. A node is always writable on server side. unset_attr_bit(attr, bit) opcua.common.subscription module high level interface to subscriptions class opcua.common.subscription.datachangenotif(subscription_data, monitored_item) Bases: object To be send to clients for every datachange notification from server class opcua.common.subscription.subhandler Bases: object Subscription Handler. To receive events from server for a subscription This class is just a sample class. Whatever class having these methods can be used data_change(handle, node, val, attr) Deprecated, use datachange_notification datachange_notification(node, val, data) called for every datachange notification from server event_notification(event) called for every event notification from server status_change_notification(status) called for every status change notification from server class opcua.common.subscription.subscription(server, params, handler) Bases: object Subscription object returned by Server or Client objects. The object represent a subscription to an opc-ua server. This is a high level class, especially subscribe_data_change and subscribe_events methods. If more control is necessary look at code and/or use create_monitored_items method. create_monitored_items(monitored_items) low level method to have full control over subscription parameters Client handle must be unique since it will be used as key for internal registration of data 5.1. Subpackages 2934 deadband_monitor(var, deadband_val, deadbandtype=1, queuesize=0, attr=&attributeids.value: 13&) Method to create a subscription with a Deadband Value. Default deadband value type is absolute. Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe :param var: Variable to which you want to subscribe :param deadband_val: Absolute float value :param deadbandtype: Default value is 1 (absolute), change to 2 for percentage deadband :param queuesize: Wanted queue size, default is 1 delete() Delete subscription on server. This is automatically done by Client and Server classes on exit modify_monitored_item(handle, new_samp_time, new_queuesize=0, mod_filter_val=-1) Modify a monitored item. :param handle: Handle returned when originally subscribing :param new_samp_time: New wanted sample time :param new_queuesize: New wanted queuesize, default is 0 :param mod_filter_val: New deadband filter value :return: Return a Modify Monitored Item Result publish_callback(publishresult) subscribe_data_change(nodes, attr=&attributeids.value: 13&) Subscribe for data change events for a node or list of nodes. default attribute is Value. Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe If more control is necessary use create_monitored_items method subscribe_events(sourcenode=2253, evtypes=2041, evfilter=none) Subscribe to events from a node. Default node is Server node. In most servers the server node is the only one you can subscribe to. if evtypes is not provided, evtype defaults to BaseEventType if evtypes is a list or tuple of custom event types, the events will be filtered to the supplied types Return a handle which can be used to unsubscribe unsubscribe(handle) unsubscribe to datachange or events using the handle returned while subscribing if you delete subscription, you do not need to unsubscribe class opcua.common.subscription.subscriptionitemdata Bases: object To store useful data from a monitored item opcua.common.uaerrors module opcua.common.utils module class opcua.common.utils.buffer(data, start_pos=0, size=-1) Bases: object alternative to io.bytesio making debug easier and added a few conveniance methods copy(size=-1) return a shadow copy, optionnaly only copy size bytes read(size) read and pop number of bytes for buffer skip(size) skip size bytes in buffer exception opcua.common.utils.notenoughdata Bases: exception opcua.common.utils.serviceerror(code) Bases: 30 Chapter 5. opcua package35 exception opcua.common.utils.socketclosedexception Bases: class opcua.common.utils.socketwrapper(sock) Bases: object wrapper to make it possible to have same api for normal sockets, socket from asyncio, StringIO, etc... read(size) Receive up to size bytes from socket write(data) class opcua.common.utils.threadloop Bases: threading.thread run an asyncio loop in a thread call_later(delay, callback) threadsafe call_later from asyncio call_soon(callback) create_server(proto, hostname, port) create_task(coro, cb=none) threadsafe create_task from asyncio run() run_coro_and_wait(coro) run_until_complete(coro) threadsafe run_until_completed from asyncio start() stop() stop subscription loop, thus the subscription thread opcua.common.utils.create_nonce(size=32) opcua.common.xmlimporter module add nodes defined in XML to address space format is the one from opc-ua specification class opcua.common.xmlimporter.xmlimporter(server) Bases: object add_datatype(obj) add_method(obj) add_object(obj) add_object_type(obj) add_reference_type(obj) add_variable(obj) add_variable_type(obj) import_xml(xmlpath) import xml and return added nodes 5.1. Subpackages 31
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