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业务指标 双语例句1. 根据产生关联交易的会计学指标体系:第一股东股权比例、关联方应收账款比率、关联方其他应收款比率、其他业务利润率、投资收益率、营业外收支净额率等建立集团客户关联交易综合评价模型,从中国证券市场的公开数据中选择了20户上市公司作为样本,包括10户正常上市公司和10户因关联交易而被公开谴责的上市公司,用游程检验法进行检验和评价,再运用案例:本地一家药业公司的数据进行了实证分析。&&&&According to the accounting system: The stockholder's rights proportion of first shareholder, the receivable ratio of the connected sides, other receivable ratio of the connected sides, other service profit margin, the investment returns ratio, outside business revenue and expenditure net amount rate etc. to establish the synthetic evaluation model of the group customers connection transaction. It has chosen 20 households to be listed from the mainland stock market as the sample, including 10 households normal and 10 households condemned publicly because of connection transactions.2. 2. 以臣信房屋为例,新人培训3个月,以后每3个月有一个考核指标,新人凭借业绩逐步升为业务员、高级业务员到主任。&&&&Morrison letter to the Housing, for example, new training for three months, every three months a performance indicators, performance gradually upgraded with new clerks, senior clerk to the Director.3. 通过回归分析,我们发现影响我国新股发行价的主要因素还是公司内部的一些财务指标,如发行当年净资产、股利、主营业务收入等;可比公司的价值对新股的发行定价也有一定的影响,但影响不是很强烈,市场因素跟新股的发行定价相关性也不是很大,证明我国的新股定价还未真正走向市场化定价;发行公司的风险与新股定价几本没有什么相关关系,说明我国在新股的发行上基本不存在着风险。&&&&In this paper, we had also studied the IPO under-pricing of our country.4. 4. 它因此,最好安装一个预警系统的财务组成,业务和结构指标,说:奥利弗克纳普。&&&&It's therefore advisable to install an early-warning system consisting of financial, operational and structural indicators, says Oliver Knapp.5. 通过对上述数据的描述性统计分析与对影响我国上市公司应收帐款的因素实证分析,个别行业的应收帐款周转率与各别指标(净资产收益率、总资产周转率、主营业务收入增长率、资产负债率)存在正相关关系,尤其家具行业回归模型对样本数据的拟合程度最好,总体回归效果很明显。&&&&Half of the total assets in most companies are accounts receivable and other accounts receivable.6. 发展机会:12个月的密集式培训及轮岗(市场调研、管理咨询及培训业务),全面了解国内及香港业务运营及工作流程通过全面的培训(包括职场商务礼仪、沟通技巧、演说技巧、软件应用、时间管理技巧、市场调查技巧、客户体验分析、项目管理等等)及教练辅导,持续发展商业及咨询能力结合个人能力及意愿,与企业共同规划未来职业方向借着不同挑战性的工作而提升个人潜能,获得全面的工作经验及扩阔人际关系与视野,有机会在不同地区工作,如深圳、广州、珠海、佛山、东莞,亦有机会在香港受训,从而丰富个人人生工作经验可以利用公司的图书资源,扩充知识面,同时可以参与公司的读书知识分享计划,并有机会阅读海外顶尖级文献资料及通讯行业白皮书优秀人才引进深户指标:符合迁户条件的优秀人才,通过公司评估核实后,可申请户口入迁深户完成为期12个月的培训及轮岗后,將获提升為初級顧問,并委派到合适的部门工作,继续扩阔及累积经验,令你最终成为一个咨询行业商业领袖。&&&&The Opportunities 12 months intensive training and rotation opportunities in areas of market research, management consulting and training Business, professional and competency development opportunities through trainings, coaching and mentoring. Training program will cover Business Etiquette, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Software Applications, Time Management, Market Research Skills, Customer Experience Analysis, Project Management, etc. Continuous development opportunitiesEnriching personal experience and building different social network through participating in different types of project in various locations Using CXC Library to enrich personal knowledge After completing the 12-months intensive training and rotation opportunities, one will be promoted to Junior Consultant and assigned to different department according to personal competencies and interests, and targeted to develop as project leaders in the future.7. 通过各种业务模型的仿真,获得了系统的初始呼叫阻塞率、强制中断率和话音质量下降率性能指标。&&&&Through the simulation on various traffic loads, we obtain some system parameters of performance, such as blocking probability, forced termination probability and degradation of voice quality.8. 职位:海运高级经理工作地点:上海嘉里不夜城职位概述:根据公司经营和战略目标,对业务条线进行梳理,对各进出口及辅助部门人员进行岗位安排,保证海运进出口日常业务的顺利开展及标准化流程的执行;制定业务发展计划,提供具有优势的产品和推动航线的发展,监督成本控制,带领团队完成总公司的预算指标。&&&&Position: Sea Freight ManagerWorking Location: Kerry Everbright City, Shanghai Overall position purpose: straighten out the business line and arrange the proper person in its proper position due to business strategy to ensure all the businesses in sea freight be executed smoothly and standardized.9. 论文深入研究了基于企业竞争战略的企业价值链再造——价值链的分解和整合,通过对企业价值链分解的研究,识别企业的核心业务,将非核心业务外包,形成企业核心竞争力;通过对企业价值链整合的研究,探讨企业为了提高市场的响应能力,及时地满足市场需要,在国内外广泛建立企业间的战略联盟;论文基于价值链管理理论,构建评价指标体系和评价模型,运用因子分析法,对企业价值链管理环境下竞争优势进行定量分析和评价,为评价企业竞争优势提供一个可供参考的定量化评估方法。&&&&A thorough study is made on the regeneration of the value chain on the basis of the competitive strategy-the disintegration and the integration of the value chain. Through the study of the disintegration of the value chain, the core profession of the enterprise is distinguished from the non-core profession which is subcontracted to form the core competitive pow Through the study of the integration of the value chain, the strategic alliance of the enterprises worldwide is formed to improve the market influential power of the enterprise and satisfy the market needs promptly. Based on the theory of value chain management, the system of evaluation index and model is formed. The factor analysis is applied to give the quantitative analysis andevaluation of the value chain under competitive advantages to provide referential evaluating methods.10. 在贷款企业资信评级体系中,应收帐款周转速度[公式:主营业务收入/(期初应收账款余额原值+期末应收账款余额原值)/2]是评判企业经营能力的主要指标之一,根据企业所属行业的不同,该指标的参照标准略有差异。&&&&In the system of credit grading in loan enterprises, the turnover velocity of the receivable account [the formula is: Mainly Managing business income/(Remaining sum of initial value in the account receivable + remaining sum of the final value in the receivable account)/2], is one of the major indexes which judges enterprise's management ability. According to the difference of enterprise's affiliated trades, the reference standard of this index is slightly different.11. 根据所制定的业务目标,达到放款指标&&&&&&Direct impact on sales performance in terms of the loan drawdown amount.12. 12. 通过结合新店地区的有线电视HFC网络改造的实际工程案例,给出了波分复用技术在电视信号正向传输、双向业务光信号回传以及以太网专线架设三种业务中的运用模式,并总结了应用1550nm波分复用技术工程建设中应该考虑的技术指标和要点。&&&&&&According to the reconstruction of Fu Zhou Xin Dian HFC network, we give three types of WDM transfer mode: including the TV forward optical signal transmission, the backward optical signal transmission and the Ethernet VPN network.13. 911查询·英语单词13. 煤电厂生产数据的采集和处理具有设备位置分散、采集定时、数据量庞大、效益指标分级分析等特点,把智能客户端技术运用在煤电生产效益决策系统中,分析了智能安装与更新、离线工作、网络连接与数据共享、数据信息分级管理等功能,满足系统的网络使用偶尔连接、数据处理复杂、设备启用灵活等业务特点。&&&&&&Smart Client is a suitable technique for this when be applied in decision-making system of coal electricity production. The thesis analyzes the functions of its intelligent installation and updating, off-line working, network collecting and data sharing, and ranking management of data message. These functions satisfied the operation features of the system in network occasional connection, complicated data treatment and flexible device booting, etc.14. 熟悉会计核算规则并运用,对核算数据进行检查,并能发现问题和推动解决;2、区域主管KPI指标管理,监控指标达成,并及时预警风险;定期组织区域经营分析会议,能为业务部门和主管提供经营管理的建议;3、负责区域内的成本费用管理,从财务角度给予业务部门管理建议,并参与到成本与费用的目标达成工作中;4、定期组织区域内年度预算、季度目标制定和月度滚动预测及各项财务指标基线工作;5、能在区域内有效管理运营资产(回款天数、存货周转天数、应收账款等)。&&&&&&Work closely with other members of the tax team on planning projects as appropriate.15. 众所周知业务指标数据中心的可用性可以用来评估业务的影响力干扰。&&&&&&Well-known operational metrics for data center availability can be used to evaluate the business impact of a disruption.16. 现阶段全国银行间债券市场主要的交易业务为债券回购和现券买卖,其中现券买卖交易量应当成为衡量银行间债券市场流动性的主要指标。&&&&&&Therefore the liquidity of the national interbank bond market has been a focus in the economic and financial theory field.17. 杂乱的指标数据只会给决策层添乱,所以我们需要设计元数据管理系统,用于管理指标数据,从而提高业务的运营水平和服务质量请不要用网络在线翻译,我需要一份没有语病的翻译结果,谢谢了,后面还有一段,分不是问题&&&&&&Littery data of index only brings trouble to the decision-making level.18. 18. 主要研究成果 1运用交叉评价DEA方法测度商业银行效率,分析结果表明股份制商业银行特别是新兴股份制商业银行的效率高于国有商业银行,而对于国有商业银行自身,其股份制改革之后的效率则明显高于改革之前,这在很大程度上说明了产权结构对商业银行效率的显著影响; 2对商业银行投入产出项进行了重新界定和选择,建立商业银行投入产出指标体系,符合我国商业银行经营管理现状,尤其是增加了中间业务收入作为产出项,说明了商业银行战略转型的方向,为揭示我国商业银行的效率状况提供了更为全面的信息; 3采用计量经济学方法分析商业银行效率的影响因素,计量分析的结果反映了利息收入与贷款数量比率、不良贷款率、人民币信用卡交易额、产权结构、市场份额、人力资源质量等因素对商业银行技术效率的影响,并且凸现了产权结构对商业银行效率的显著影响,这为确定我有商业银行改革的方向和具体措施提供了思路; 4通过揭示产权结构、市场结构和银行效率之间的内在关系,在理论逻辑上论述了我国商业银行的改革路径,并分析了现实选择中我国国有商业银行的改革步骤,合理解释了国有商业银行产权改革的必要性:5结合国有商业银行产权改革的现状,全面分析了我国国有商业银行在股改上市后面临的新挑战,并从产权结构多元化、完善公司治理结构、加快战略转型等角度提出了进一步提升效率的途径与改革的方向。&&&&&&The results show that the efficiency of newly founded joint-stock commercial banks exceeds that of state-owned commercial banks. But for the state-owned commercial banks, the efficiency increases greatly after they have undertaken property right reform, which illuminates that the property structure has significant effects on bank efficiency. 2 Through re-defining the input and output variables of commercial banks, the author establishes the input and output evaluation index system. Particularly, intermediary business revenue is introduced to the output index, which shows the strategy transition direction of China commercial banks. It provides more comprehensive information for the status of bank efficiency. 3 Applying the econometrics method, the author analyzes the influential factors of commercial banks efficiency. The regression results indicates the effects of the factors, such as the ratio between interest revenue and loan quantity, human capital quality, loan quality, market share, card business amount and the property right structure. Especially, we lay emphasis on the property right structure and finds that it has remarkable effects on bank efficiency. This provides new idea for further reform of commercial banks. 4 Through releasing the inner relation among the property right structure, market structure and banking efficiency, the author states the reform paths of China commercial banks from the theoretic perspective and analyzes the paths of China commercial banks in the practical choices. So the necessity of property right reform of the state-owned commercial banks is well explained. 5 Involving with the current status of property right reform of the state-owned commercial banks, the author analyzes the new challenges of China state-owned commercial banks after the joint-stock reform and states the direction of the further reform from the aspects of building multiple property right structure with reducing state-owned share, completing corporate governance structure and matrix-shape management frame, enforcing the strategy transition and so on.19. 该方法包括建立GPRS/EDGE网络中临时流块TBF/ETBF延时拒绝排队模型;求解GPRS/EDGE网络中临时流块延时拒绝排队模型输入参量;利用临时流块延时拒绝排队模型根据网络中用户的数据业务流量和数据业务服务质量指标计算出实际EDGE/GPRS网络中分组域数据业务窗口数和将数据业务窗口数转换成GPRS/EDGE网络中的无线信道数等步骤。&&&&&&The method comprises following steps: establishing a TBF/ETBF timelag rejecting queuing model in the GPRS/EDGE solving importing parameter of the TBF/ETBF timelag rejecting queuing model in the GPRS/EDGE making use of the TBF/ETBF timelag rejecting queuing model to calculate the number of grouping domain data business windows in the actual EDGE/GPRS network according to a data business flow of user in the network and a data business se and converting the number of data business windows to the number of the wireless channels in the GPRS/EDGE network.20. 再保险业务之主要财务数据及主要表现指标概述如下:截至六月三十日止六个月,百万港元二零零八年二零零七年变化毛承保保费 1,493.70 1,320.73 13.1%净承保保费 1,253.21 1,139.46 10.0%已赚取保费净额 736.65 725.10 1.6%赔款净额(360.54)(398.75)(9.6%)佣金支出净额(319.04)(283.74) 12.4%承保溢利 42.01 31.88 31.8%投资收入总额 19.87 271.09 (92.7%)汇兑收益净额 34.92 33.66 3.7%除税前溢利 82.80 331.06 (75.0%)股东应占溢利 83.79 311.47 (73.1%)技术性储备比率 425.7% 384.3% 41.4点自留比率 83.9% 86.3%(2.4点)已赚取保费率 49.3% 54.9%(5.6点)赔付率1 48.9% 55.0%(6.1点)费用率2 26.7% 25.8% 0.9点综合成本率3 75.6 80.8 (5.2点) 1 赔付率按已赚取保费净额为基准计算。&&&&&&The key financial data and key performance indicators of the reinsurance business are summarised below: For the six months ended 30 June, HK$ million
Change Gross premiums written 1, 493.701, 320.7313.1% Net premiums written 1, 253.211, 139.4610.0% Net earned premiums 736.% Net claims incurred (360.54)(398.75)(9.6%) Net commission expenses (319.04)(283.74) 12.4% Underwriting profit 42.% Total investment income 19..7%) Net exchange gain 34.% Profit before taxation 82..0%) Profit attributable to the equity holders 83..1%) Technical reserves ratio 425.7% 384.3% 41.4 pts Retained ratio 83.9% 86.3%(2.4 pts) Earned premiums ratio 49.3% 54.9%(5.6 pts) Loss ratio 148.9% 55.0%(6.1 pts) Expense ratio 226.7% 25.8% 0.9 pt Combined ratio 375.680.8 (5.2 pts) 1 The loss ratio is based on net earned premiums.业务指标是什么意思,业务指标在线翻译,业务指标什么意思,业务指标的意思,业务指标的翻译,业务指标的解释,业务指标的发音,业务指标的同义词,业务指标的反义词,业务指标的例句,业务指标的相关词组,业务指标意思是什么,业务指标怎么翻译,单词业务指标是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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