
反对中国化工集团巨资并购转基因毒公司先正达致国务院国有资产监督管理委员会的质询书Protest Inquiry Letter to State Council State-Owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission Regarding ChinaChem Acquisition of Syngenta(提交日期/Submitted Date: )(注/Note:英文版在中文版后边/English version is after end of Chinese version) 尊敬的国资委各位领导: 2016年2月中国化工集团宣布,将以430亿美元(约3000亿人民币)并购先正达公司。另据揭露,此次并购的幕后黑手: 黑石集团,及摩根大通牵头提供500亿美元贷款。原总部设在瑞士的先正达是世界第三大转基因种子公司,因推出第一代转基因作物而臭名昭著。先正达正积极开发可能带来更大危险的下一代转基因作物,例如转基因大豆SYHT0H2、转基因大豆RR2 Yield-SCN、转基因玉米Agrisure VipteraG(MIR162)与“黄金大米”,这将对中国粮食作物造成广泛而无法控制的污染,对中国消费者的健康与食品安全以及中国农民的生计造成严重危害。先正达还是阿特拉津(莠去津)、百草枯(克无踪)、麦草畏等世界某些高危险性农药的发明方和主要制造商。除草剂阿特拉津(莠去津)是“内分泌干扰剂",可以损害生殖系统并增加癌症的风险,对人类健康与生态系统危害巨大,因此2005年已被欧盟禁止。在先正达多年欺骗误导宣传下,中国目前已有600多个含莠去津(阿特拉津)除草剂产品获得“农药登记”,并在中华大地为所欲为!百草枯(Paraquat)是另外一种高危险农药,被先正达以“克无踪”(Gramoxone)名称在全球销售,是世界最广泛使用的一种除草剂;因为它有积累性的危害,包括眼睛损伤、皮肤灼烧、刺激、甚至死亡等,36个国家已经禁止百草枯。
2012年4月24日,中国农业部、工业和信息化部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布1745号公告:“停止核准百草枯新增母药生产、制剂加工厂点”。 先正达首席运营官Davor Pisk对中国禁用先正达百草枯公告表明态度:“我们并不认为中国政府的政策是妥当的”!在行动上公然对抗:先正达南通独资企业2015年将“4000吨/年百草枯”扩产到“百草枯总产能达到10000 吨/年”!先正达其实早已沦落为一只“丧家之犬”。瑞士联邦理事会2015年12月18日宣布将转基因植物种植禁令延长到2021年!欧盟、瑞士2003年10月宣布禁止使用先正达主销的阿特拉津(莠去津)除草剂产品!欧盟2013年5月底出台禁令,禁止使用噻虫胺、吡虫啉、噻虫嗪三种新烟碱类杀虫剂(先正达在中国推销的多种杀虫剂与种衣剂含噻虫嗪)!先正达在欧洲已混不下去,只好迁至美国。先正达也是与孟山都一样的最邪恶跨国公司,其公司流氓文化:采用流氓手段迫害打击先正达自己聘请评价阿特拉津安全性的科学家狄龙·海耶斯教授;打击揭露先正达转基因玉米Bt176对其牛群健康造成危害的德国农民用户。在当今几乎所有欧洲国家及其他发达国家,以及许多第三世界国家已经把转基因种子公司赶出市场,且立法严限或禁止转基因作物种植,美国也在静悄悄地告别转基因农业的形势下,在全世界人民反对孟山都、先正达、杜邦等转基因化工农业强有力斗争的沉重打击下,转基因和化工农业面临彻底崩溃之厄运,孟山都、杜邦和先正达等转基因农业公司为避免其灭顶之灾,迫切需要甩掉转基因种子及其捆绑农药的垃圾,收回其已扔进垃圾箱的巨额投资。
在此形势下,先正达串通孟山都,及其幕后黑手: 黑石、摩根大通,勾结我卖国权奸,制造了这出黑幕重重的跨国腐败并购,在孟山都虚假竞价(实则帮先正达抬价)和摩根大通贷款500亿美元的合谋协助下,竟将这个行将一文不值的先正达垃圾公司以430亿美元的天价卖给中化集团。然而这还不仅仅是钱的事。中化集团是世界卫生组织国际癌症研究所认定“对人类可能的致癌物”的孟山都草甘膦除草剂“农达”在中国(包括台湾)、印度、巴基斯坦、越、菲、泰、孟及澳大利亚、新西兰的独家经销公司。对毒害人类与环境负有直接法律责任!中化并购先正达,不难预见,那将使中国在转基因化工农业的垃圾陷阱里陷得更深,乃至再无法回头走出转基因化工农业万丈深渊!从而也将使中国人民的血汗钱永远滋养孟山都、先正达这些巨大的转基因毒瘤荼毒整个人类!20来年的实践已经证明,转基因农业及其恶性助长的化工农业有百害而无一利,转基因食品作物及其捆绑农药对人类健康和生态安全危害极其严重。并购先正达而在中国大搞转基因化工农业和食品推销,将彻底摧毁中国农业和粮食安全,从而彻底毁灭我们的民族和人民!因此,这个对中国人民和整个人类灾难性的跨国并购,中国人民和全世界人民都坚决反对!!中国化工集团必须立即停止这场导致亡族灭种的自杀式收购!!中华人民共和国宪法第21条规定“国家发展医疗卫生事业,……鼓励和支持农村集体经济组织、国家企业事业组织和街道组织举办各种医疗卫生设施,开展群众性的卫生活动,保护人民健康”;第36条规定“任何人不得……损害公民身体健康”;第54条规定“中华人民共和国公民有维护祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的义务,不得有危害祖国的安全、荣誉和利益的行为。”《国务院国有资产监督管理委员会》宣称的主要职责“(三)指导推进国有企业改革和重组,推进国有企业的现代企业制度建设,完善公司治理结构,推动国有经济布局和结构的战略性调整。”依照宪法这些规定的精神,国资委及其每位领导,在审查中国化工集团以430亿美元(约3000亿人民币)并购先正达时,必须确保中国国有资产历史上规模最大的这次并购将“维护祖国的安全”,将“保护人民健康”置于首位,绝对不能做出必定遭致中华民族全体人民激烈反对“危害祖国的安全”、“损害公民身体健康”违宪犯罪的决定!为帮助国资委做出正确的决定,我们提出如下要求:(一)中国化工集团2006年成为美国孟山都草甘膦除草剂农达等“农化”农药在中国的独家经销商,对农达在中国“农药登记”持续延长到2018年造成的全部危害负有不可推卸责任。特此要求国资委责成中国化工集团必须公布草甘膦除草剂获得“农药登记”依据的全部毒理学动物试验报告,认清孟山都欺骗中国政府与中国人民的真相。(二)先正达公司是“危害祖国的安全”、“损害公民身体健康”毒性除草剂阿特拉津(Atrazine)(莠去津)、百草枯(Paraquat)、麦草畏(dicamba)在中国泛滥的罪魁祸首。特此要求国资委责成先正达必须公布他们当初在中国为阿特拉津、百草枯、麦草畏申请“农药登记”时提交的毒理学动物试验报告等安全评估文件,认清先正达欺骗中国政府与中国人民的真相。(三)国资委就中国化工集团以430亿美元(约3000亿人民币)并购先正达案组织公开、透明、公正的听证会,邀请全国人大代表、全国政协委员、各民主党派与消费者代表出席,就此巨额并购案就孟山都、先正达欺骗中国政府与中国人民的罪证向中国化工集团董事会、向国资委提出质询。(四)我们在此强烈要求国资委各位领导,坚决制止这场灾难性的跨国邪恶并购!如果我们今天不能阻止这场灾难性并购,中华民族乃至整个人类都将被其荼毒而在劫难逃!中国人民及全人类绝不应为先正达陪葬!(五)如果国资委拒绝我们上述四点要求的话,要求国资委向我们做出详尽解释答复。
秦仲达(92岁,前化工部部长)、陈一文、张勤德、顾秀林、杨晓陆、罗其云、何承高、吕永岩、赵华、徐飞、巩献田、默明哲、李香珍、田香萍、刘立文、孙燕英、周靖东、陈武阳、刘芳、杨进志、马婷娜、肖向阳、朱景国、陈彦东、钟全英、戴小舟、余景兵、杨昌显、陈磊、曾令政、陈东宁、曹志安、刘现华、张立昆、王辉安、欧阳巧梅、陈福乐、杨东辉、赵荣来、邱允浩、张金宝、刘镇宝、萧世宽、廖章鼎、余兴、刘锦意、王勇、潘任远、李南、王鑫、杨松、李文、赵志涛、张凤苹、杜继红、徐红日、王新华、钟方婷、彭向发、傅传国、林茜、李松华、叶水涛、许志坚、杨丽、尹丽霞、何秀梅、刘朝晖、曹景官、魏本志、桂英、谢靖、姜华、张定坤、松涛、唐乐腾、张为民、潘奕达、丁肇峰、彭科华、苏群、战锤、正浩、吕志刚、张明、胡子瑜、胡津瑜、刘云辉、鄢浪云、邓绍伟、冯明喜、吴思仪、孙华、李长宽、张桂平、黄莉、梅钱旺、肖正秀、丁肇峰、徐小东、张西平、刘富贤、齐柳叶、田军保、梁文、梁清龙、聂虹、李高明、李润、李赢才、杨率、张定光、詹瀚、匡鹏程、王月霞、朝露、王明红、李树泉、赵鑫原、陈明、王茹、桂学峰、张琳娜、李裕来、李尚华、温永瑞、郎玉山、李全雪、陈华岳、王金涛、沈美丽、曹文质、杨昌河、陈晶、邱贻国、赵俊文、付欣雨、曹幸仁、尚凯、张超、张小林、李晶、邹丽萍、吕中、刘彩霞、任勇、鲍锋、梁美娟、李嘉雯、张化伟、尹帅军、孙又根、辛桂华、滕夫生、刁淑珍、李晨光、黄调泉、王海平、朱文琳、王晓红、李顺、马古林、黄泽元、秦珏、王建英、王德义、黎光寿、朱明、顾晓东、张二林、赵崑、董泽秀、王宏亮、沙维林、马为民、郭润祥、李晓辉、陈鸿、董建、高宽、骆玉涛、刘珊、高亚彬、邱红、钟方妤、李依临、王连朝、蒋学超、李月、董明、万山红、杨远祥、李小东、丁兰珍、王梦连、刘家全、石青华、冷颜、刘守康、王兆宏、马俊祥、康秀峰、肖琼、孔石红、许志坚、王永波、唐京波、赵德通、李中华、任娜、王志兵、薛红、徐惠萍、赵勇、万联平、张丹燕、王森、姚久民、邓荣伟、张光平、史鹏、王永涛、申明霞、薛晓东、邹长江、李志明、马月玲、冯军、李宏才、高玉娥、赵淑霞、王丽萍、张平、史思、王彦辉、陈航、何川、王美丽、薛晓方、王红莲、金顺爱、高雷红、宋小萍、 孙萌、陈巧兰、黄兰兰、王升营、李新、葛旭红、王薇、于秋会、唐煜森、伊璇、王芳、郭慧平、刘雪冰、徐凯军、王革、梁伟、韩雪、刘黎平、任旋、徐军、张喜悦、夏嫜娇、徐静、何青、赵力波、王春红、刘雨、宋晓明、张郡、刘慧、魏英杰、梁萌盟、王代可、张倩、李玉梅、王彦昆、沙乐平、韩昭云、周伟丽、刘莹、张菲、刘洋、于洪涛、谭文秀、赵玉海、桑丽珠、魏西海、赵小龙、李亚斌、吴金泽、孟天华、赵海平、王立征、周美彤、蔡燕、杨红、初晴、向朝霞、丁其兵、王红转、李田、冯思琪、王大力、周玉秋、陆晓红、徐秀花、罗晓、谢伟、王静、常红、周建伟、闵苏尔、陈津、张京梅、宋美娟、王大权、胡小燕、金桂金、张利华、薛羽、桑宏阳、马小封、杜秋玲、王巨潮、李改珍、徐绍峰、邹雷英、王占朝、黄英、常方、石连贵、徐晖、徐丽、王传宾、陈建忠、何青、王为民、孙素芳、王宁、刘黎红、李毅明、王玉红、葛晓青、杨晓晋、梁金梅、吴卫平、张梦飞、王吉娜、王福习、周立蓉、吉范梁、李尚润、王军霞、裘渊、王红云、周启公、王延吾、赵利群、李作华、朱守英、王伟娜、张建国、王继华、田小辉、金玉、王维娜、盛德平、王立涛、孙晋海、马京训、谷粒勇、王红梅、韩振刚、李振、王风连、董慧超、冯志民、王梦朝、韩振京、刘宝柱、王立营、韩瑞强、王换季、盛晓霞、孟曙光、李丽、王升根、盛文龙、王格格、罗珍、王云、孟成、黄兰珍、王传周、曾琴、孙梦圆、张晓平、王劲松、胡乃国、王锦洲、韩闵影、马海英、胡昭迎、王洪川、史青华、王大国、马双青、王娜娜、马海平、王登攀、董云婷、王贵忠、梁伟、卢燕、盛晓东、王小琴、张建、吴盟、王帅、马林、韩素敏、王忠友、马桂堂、王帅奇、王玉和、胡乃镇、温宝平、崔娟、王彦军、尹传霞、王彦坡、王云霞、韩振花、郭炳菊、王玉海、郭丽丽、韩素荣、冯现民、谷城山、耿慧杰、王信、韩西花、张桂英、王艳华、刘利刚、韩永强、谷晓磊、侯平军、顾增军、董云鹏、王志军、韩焕超、李继正、王宏凯、刘丽萍、李婴、冯仕凯 联系人:杨晓陆
2016年3月26日 Protest Inquiry Letter toState Council State-Owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission Regarding ChinaChem Massive Funds Acquisition of GM/ Toxin Company Syngenta(Submitted Date: ) Respectful leading officials of State Council State-Owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission, In Feb. 2016 ChinaChem Group announced that they will acquire Syngenta for U.S. Dollars 43 billion (about RMB300 billion). Media reports disclose evil backstage manipulator promoting this acquisition: The Blackwater Group, and JP Morgan - Chase involved in arranging U.S. Dollar 50 billion loans financing.Syngenta, previously headquartered in Switzerland, is the third largest GM seed company of the world and is notorious in the introduction of the first generation GM crops. Syngenta is active in developing the next generation of GM crops, such as GM soybeans SYHT0H2, RR2 Yield-SCN, GM maize Agrisure VipteraG(MIR162)and Golden Rice. They might cause even greater risks, and will cause widespread and uncontrollable contamination to Chinese staple crops, and cause serious harm to the health of Chinese consumers, to food safety and to the livelihood of Chinese farmers.Syngenta is also the developer and main producer of Atrazine (called You Qu Jin in China), Paraquat (Gramoxone), Dicamba and other high-risk pesticides.The herbicide Atrazine (You Qu Jin) is an Endocrine Disruptor. It can harm the reproduction system, increase risk of cancer, and cause great harm to human health and the ecological system. It thus was banned by the EU in 2005. Deceived and misled by Syngenta's propaganda for years, China at present has over 600 herbicide products containing You Qu Jin (Atrazine) "pesticide registered" in China, widespread without control!Paraquat is another highly dangerous pesticide sold worldwide by Syngenta under name G Because of its cumulative harm, including eye injury, skin calcination and stimulation, even death, etc., 36 countries have already banned Paraquat.
On April 24, 2012, A No.1745 Announcement was jointly announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Industry & Information, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China: "Stop approving newly added Paraquat production, formulation facilities". Davor Pisk, chief operation officer of Syngenta expressed their opinion on the China's Paraquat banning statement: "We do not consider that the policy of the Chinese government is appropriate", and resisted in action: The Syngenta Nantong wholly-owned company in 2015 expanded their "4000 tons/year Paraquat production" to "10,000 tons/year Paraquat production"!Syngenta in fact has descended into a "Banished": The Swiss Federal Council on Dec. 18, 2015 decided to extend the ban on GM crops to 2012! EU and Switzerland in Oct. 2003 decided to stop using Atrazine herbicide, a main product of Syngenta! In May 2013, the EU announced a ban on three new neonicotinoid insecticides containing Thiamethoxam amine, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam oxazine (for comparison, many pesticides and seed coatings that Syngenta promotes in China contain thiamethoxam oxazine)! As Syngenta can’t maintain operations in Europe, it moved to the USA.Syngenta is also one of the most vicious transnational corporations like Monsanto, with rogue corporate culture: it uses rogue means to persecute Prof. Tyrone Hayes hired by Syngenta to evaluate the safety of A it persecutes the German farmer who revealed the harm that Syngenta's GM maize Bt176 has caused to the health of his cows.Almost all European countries and some other developed nations, as well as many developing countries, are driving GM seed companies out of their markets and establishing laws to tightly restrict or ban cultivation of GM crops. Even the USA is quietly moving away from GM agriculture. Facing growing resistance by people around the world, corporations such as Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and other GM/agrochemical companies try desperately to reverse their decline and recover their massive investment falling into the garbage bin.
Under such a situation, Syngenta colludes with Monsanto, and the Blackwater, JP Morgan Chase, manipulator behind the screen, together with traitors in China, creates this transnational merge and acquisitions behind multiple layers of black curtains, with Monsanto's false bidding (in fact helping Syngenta to increase their price) and JP Morgan Chase claimed U.S. dollars 50 billion "financing", intend to sell this worthless Syngenta at a skyrocketing price of 43 billion to ChinaChem. However, this does not only involve money.ChinaChem is exclusive distributor of Monsanto's Roundup -- a glyphosate herbicide, classified by WHO IARC as "probable carcinogen to humans" -- in China (including Taiwan), India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand, Bangladesh, Australia and New Zealand. ChinaChem has direct legal responsibility for poisoning humans and the environment in these regions!ChinaChem's merge - acquisition of Syngenta, predictably, will sink China's agriculture deeper into the GM-agrochem garbage trap! It will forever nourish Monsanto and Syngenta with the Chinese people's hard-earned money and enable Monsanto and Syngenta to continually poison all of mankind with these huge GM tumors!The practice of the past 20 years has proved GM agriculture bound together with agrochemicals has brought innumerable harm to human health and ecological safety. ChinaChem’s acquisition of Syngenta, the wide-spread promotion of GM -- agrochemical agriculture and sales of GM food will completely destroy China's agriculture and food security, and thoroughly destroy our nation and people!Therefore, the Chinese people and people worldwide are strongly opposed to this transnational acquisition! ChinaChem must immediately stop this suicidal acquisition that will cause a genociding disaster to the Chinese nation!The People's Republic of China Constitution Clause 21 stipulates: "The state develops medical and health undertakings and... encourages and supports various types of health care facilities organized by the rural collective economic organizations, state enterprises, organizations and streets organizations, to carry out mass health activities, to protect people's health";Clause 36 stipulates: "nobody is allowed to ...... damage citizens’ physical health";Clause 54 stipulates: "Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the obligation to safeguard the security, honor and interests of the motherland, must not in any way endanger the security, honor and interests of the motherland."The main responsibilities announced by the State Council State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission: "(3) Guidance to promote state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring, to promote the construction of modern enterprise system of the state-owned enterprises, perfect the corporate governance structure, promoting the strategic adjustment of state-owned economic layout and structure."According to the spirit stipulated by the constitution, the State Council State-owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission (Commision) and each of its officials, when they examine ChinaChem's U.S. Dollar 43 billion acquisition - merging with Syngenta, it must assure that this acquisition -- the most massive value acquisition on China's state-owned history -- "Protects the safety of the motherland", places "protect people's health" at priority position, and absolutely does not make decisions forming the constitution of crimes that "endanger the safety of the motherland", "damage citizen's physical health" which will surely cause all the people of the Chinese to vehemently oppose!In order to help the Commission make the correct decision, we put forward the following requests: (1) The ChinaChem Group in 2006 became the exclusive distributor of glyphosate herbicide Roundup and other Monsanto agrochemicals, has unshirkable responsibility to all the harm caused by extending Roundup's Pesticide Registration in China to 2018. We therefore request the Commission to instruct China chemical group to release all the toxicology animal test reports, i.e. the basis for extending the Pesticide Registration of glyphosate herbicide, enabling us to recognize the truth of how Monsanto deceived the Chinese government and Chinese people! (2) Syngenta is the culprit causing the flooding of Atrazine (You Qu Jin), Paraquat and Dicamba in China "endangering the safety of the motherland", "damaging citizens’ physical health". We herewith request the Commission to instruct Syngenta to release all the toxicology animal test reports and other safety evaluation documents for the basis of Atrazine (You Qu Jin), Paraquat and Dicamba Pesticide Registration in China, enabling us to recognize the truth of how Syngenta deceived the Chinese government and Chinese people! (3) Request the Commission to organize an open, transparent and fair hearing on the case of which ChinaChem intends to acquire - merge Syngenta at U.S. Dollars 43 billion (about RMB300 billion), invite people's congress representatives, committee members of CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference), representatives of the democratic parties and consumers, question the ChinaChem Group Board of Directors and the Commission on the case of ChinaChem's acquisition - merge with Syngenta and criminal evidence how Syngenta deceived the Chinese government and Chinese people!(4) We herewith strongly request the officials of the Commission, to resolutely put a stop to the disastrous evil multinational acquisition! If we can't stop this disastrous evil multinational acquisition - merge today, the whole Chinese nation and even global mankind will be disastrously harmed! The Chinese people and global mankind should not be sacrificed for Syngenta!
(5) If the Commission refuses our above four requests, we request a provision of a detailed explanation in response to us.
Question Inquiry Person:
Qin Zhong-da (92 years old, former Minister of Ministry of Chemical Industry), Chen I-wan, Zhang De-qin, Gu Xiu-lin, Yang Xiao-lu, Luo Qi-yun, He Cheng-gao, Lv Yong-nian, Zhao Hua and over 400 individuals.Contact person: Yang Xiao-lu, phone: 130- March 26, 2016本文系转载,不代表转基因观察观点。转基因观察(微信公众号:zhuanjiy),转基因报道第一媒体,中国最大的民间转基因问题研究社区,作者遍布全球各地,为你搜罗报道最新的转基因新闻,一切为了公众知情权!这里有你不知道的真相!微信ID:zhuanjiy长按二维码关注转基因观察
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