
展开全部Iusually cleaning onweekend

  第1讲 日常生活
  the room
  fly a kite
  sweep the floor
  go dancing
  mop the floor
  see a film
  do homework
  take a walk
  cook the meal
  wash/do the dishes
  go fishing
  water flowers
  surf the Internet
  afternoon tea
  read newspapers/books
  do some sports
  What are you doing? / What is the boy/girl doing?
  What do they do on weekends? / What will they do this weekend?
  Why didn’t the man/woman…yesterday?
  Where do you want to go this weekend?
  How does the man look?
  What are they talking about?
  When will they…?
  Do you often do some housework in your spare time?
  When I get home, I always do my homework first.
  When do you get up?
  Let’s go swimming.
  It takes me half an hour to go for a walk after supper.
  In the morning, I get up at eight.
  In the evening, I either watch TV or play video games.
  I like to spend time with my grandparents on Sundays.
  ---What are you doing? ---I’m watching TV.
  ---Is he reading a newspaper/book? ---Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
  ---What do they do on weekends? ---They often help with housework.
  ---Do you want to join us for dinner? ---Yeah. I’d love to.
  ---How do you get to school? ---On foot. How about you?
  ---How long does it take to get to school? ---It takes about 15 minutes.
  ---How far is it from your home to school? ---It’s only about two kilometers.
  ---Does Jane walk to school? ---No, she doesn’t.
  In the mid 17th century, the concept of “afternoon tea” first appeared in the UK. It was invented by Anna, Duchess of Bedford, wife of the 7th Duke. She found this new habit difficult to break and soon invited other ladies to join her. Traditional afternoon tea is typically served between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. It consists of sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries. There is a definite order to take tea, but the actual drinking of tea can take place throughout the “meal”.
  A. B. C.
  本题考查家庭生活内容。选项中三幅图片分别是三种活动:reading a book, watching TV, playing computer games. 根据听力材料“I was playing computer games”,可知选C。
  read books/newspapers, do some sports, watch TV, see a film, take a walk, play football/basketball, play video games, play chess, ride a bike/horse, water flowers, fly a kite, listen to the music/radio, go dancing, play the piano, do homework, go fishing, surf the Internet等。
  W: What’s wrong? You look very tired.
  M: Nothing serious. I just went to bed too late last night. I was playing video games.
  A. B. C.
  本题考查家庭活动。选项中三幅图片分别为reading books, cleaning the room, play the piano。根据听力材料“He is cleaning the room” 可知,本题选B。
  常见的家务有:do some cleaning/washing/cooking, clean/tidy the room, do housework, sweep the floor, mop the floor, dump, cook the meal, wash the dishes等。
  M: What is Mike doing?
  W: He is cleaning the room.
  How does the man feel now?
  A. Worried. B. Very well. C. Very excited.
  【例题精析】本题考查人物的状态。根据听力材料“I am afraid I will be late for an important meeting.”可知,男士很担心迟到,故选A。
  常见的描述人物状态的词汇有:excited, pleased, upset, happy, serious, strict, angry, worried, surprised, afraid, tired, clever, smart, outgoing, easygoing, relaxed, nervous, friendly, helpful, kind等。
  W: why are you in such hurry?
  M: I overslept this morning, I am afraid I will be late for an important meeting.
  Why didn’t the woman answer the phone?
  A. She wasn’t in. B. She didn’t want to. C. She was washing her hair.
  本题考查事件原因,根据听力材料“When the phone rang, I was washing my hair”, 可知选择C。
  M: Where were you last night?
  W: I was at home all the evening. When the phone rang, I was washing my hair. I couldn’t answer it. I’m sorry.
  What time is it?
  ①__________ o’clock.
  What day is it?
  Where to visit?
  The art ③__________.
  Ask him what to do.
  Turn off the ④__________.
  What to do before sleeping?
  Read a ⑤__________ book.
  【答案】①Ten ②Friday ③museum ④light ⑤picture
  本题分别考查时间、地点、事物。根据听力材料“It’s already ten o’clock”可知,第①小题填ten。根据听力材料“it is Friday night”可知,第②小题填Friday。根据听力材料“tomorrow you’ll have to get up early and go to visit the art museum.”可知,第③小题填museum。根据听力材料“Why don’t you turn off the light”可知,第④小题填light。根据听力材料“I want to read a picture book for a while”可知,第⑤小题填picture。
  W: Peter! It’s your bed time. Go to bed.
  M: Oh, mom! Do I have to? It’s still early.
  W: Look at your watch. It’s already ten o’clock.
  M: But it is Friday night. There will be no class tomorrow.
  W: Yes, but tomorrow you’ll have to get up early and go to visit the art museum.
  M: I forgot that, mom. Do I have to take a wash tonight?
  W: Of course you do. Don’t forget to wash your feet. Be sure to brush your teeth.
  M: I’ve done all that, mom, Good night.
  W: Why don’t you turn off the light, Peter?
  M: I want to read a picture book for a while. I have a habit to read something before I go to sleep.
  W: Bad habit!
  ①It was yesterday.
  A. cold B. cool C. hot
  ②On Saturday morning, Bill .
  A. helped his mom clean the house
  B. went to the library
  C. did his homework
  ③Bill went to the library .
  A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot
  ④It took Bill minutes to get to the library.
  A. 20 B. 25 C. 30
  ⑤In the Library Bill met his .
  A. friend B. teacher C. cousin
  本题考查天气状况、周末活动、交通方式、时间和人物关系。第①小题考查天气,根据短文第二句The weather was cool可知选择B;第②小题考查周末活动,根据短文第四句In the morning he helped his mother clean the house可知选择A;第③小题考查交通方式,根据短文第七句So they decided to walk there可知选择C;第④小题考查时间,根据短文第八句It took them twenty-five minutes to walk there.可知选择B;第⑤小题考查任务关系,根据短文In the library they met their cousin Peter可知选择C。
  It was Saturday yesterday. The weather was cool. Bill didn’t go to school. In the morning he helped his mother clean the house. In the afternoon he went to the library with his sister. The library is three miles from their house. So they decided to walk there. It took them twenty-five minutes to walk there. In the library they met their cousin Peter. Peter was very happy to see them. Bill read a book about Chinese history there. At about five o’clock he went home with his sister by bus.
  1. 听短对话,选出与你所听到对话内容相匹配的图片。每段对话读两遍。
  W: Do you often do the housework?
  M: Yes. I clean the room whenever I’m free.
  A. B. C.
  W: What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday?
  M: I was listening to music
  B. C.【答案】C
  M: What are you going to do after school?
  W: Oh, we’re going to dance in the club.
  A. B. C.
  W: What do you often do at weekend?
  M: I ride my bike with my friends. It’s good exercise.
  ⑤ What is the boy doing in the evening recently?
  A. B. C.
  M: Lily, it’s time to go to bed.
  W: Dad, I see. But I have to finish my homework first.
  ⑥ (2017东莞市) Where is Jane going to meet her friend?
  Jane is going to meet her friend at the coffee shop after work.
  ⑦ (2017东莞市) What is Sarah doing?
  A B C
  Sarah is reading a story book while his pet cat is sleeping near her.
  2. 听短对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
  ①What’s the girl doing?
  A. She’s shopping. B. She’s doing her homework. C. She’s watching TV.
  M: Let’s go swimming.
  W: Sorry, I’m doing my homework.
  ②What was the girl doing?
  A. She was looking through the newspaper.
  B. She was cooking in the kitchen.
  C. She was talking on the phone.
  M: Were you cooking in the kitchen when I called you yesterday?
  W: Yes, I was.
  ③Why can’t they go to see the play on Sunday?
  A. Because it will be snowy. B. Because it will be rainy. C. Because it will be windy.
  W: Hey, why can’t we go to see the play on Sunday?
  M: Because the weather report says it will be rainy on Sunday.
  ④Why will the man sell the house?
  A. Because he bought a new one.
  B. Because he will move to another place.
  C. Because he doesn’t like his old house.
  M: May I put an ad in your newspaper, please?
  W: Sure, what is it for?
  M: I want to sell my house. I will go abroad.
  ⑤ (2017西安市) A. A blue one. B. A white one. C. A black one.
  M: Can I help you?
  W: Yes, please. I’m looking for a black T-shirt.
  Q: What T-shirt does the woman want?
  ⑥ (2017西安市)
  A. She’s going to write an article.
  B. She’s going fishing.
  C. She’s going to do housework.
  M: Rose, would you like to go fishing with me this afternoon?
  W: I’d love to, but I have to write an article for our school paper.
  Q: What is Rose going to do this afternoon?
  ⑦ (2017西安市) A. For 45 minutes. B. For 15 minutes. C. For 30 minutes.
  M: Are we late for the movie?
  W: I think so. It began at 7:30. Now it’s 7:45.
  Q: How long has the movie been on?
  ⑧ (2017石家庄市) A. July 2nd B. June 12th C June 20th
   The accident happened on June 20th, 2016.
   The accident happened on June 20th, 2016.
  ⑨ (2017福州市) When did Jane take part in the activity?
  A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Sunday.www.21
  M: Hi, Jane! When did you take part in the community service activity?
  W: Last Sunday.
  ⑩ (2017宁波市) What does Ben do every weekend?
  A. Play basketball. B. Play volleyball. C. Play badminton.
  W: What do you do on weekends, Ben?
  M: I play basketball with my classmates every weekend. Do you want to join us this Sunday?
  W: I’d love to, but I have to play badminton.
  ①What will they do this weekend?
  A. Nothing. B. Go for a bike ride. C. Have lunch in the McDonald’s.
  ②Where are they going?
  A. To the River Park. B. To the McDonald’s. C. To Amy’s home.
  ③What will they take for the picnic?
  A. Nothing. B. Some hamburgers. C. Some drinks and snacks.
  ④When will they meet?
  A. At 8:00 this Saturday. B. At 8:10 this Sunday. C. At 7:50 this Saturday.
  ⑤Will the girl get to the McDonald’s on time?
  A. No, she won’t. B. Yes, she will. C. We don’t know.
  M: Hi, Amy! What are you busy with this weekend?
  W: Nothing special. What for?
  M: I’m going for a bike ride with some friends this weekend. Do you want to join us?
  W: Maybe. I like to be outside in spring. Where are you going?
  M: We are going to the River Park.
  W: That park is beautiful in spring. Sure, I will go. What about having a picnic in the park?
  M: Good idea.
  W: What should I take?
  M: Something to drink and some snacks. We won’t be outside for a long time.
  W: That’s great. Where shall we meet ?
  M: In front of the McDonald’s, OK?
  W: Sure. The McDonald’s is not far from my home. I can ride there in ten minutes. And when shall we meet?
  M: At 8 o’clock this Saturday.
  W: Oh. That’s early for me.
  M: Come on , get up for a beautiful spring.
  W: OK. No problem. I love spring. I love the sunshine.
  ⑥What kind of movies are they talking about?
  A. Fiction movies. B. Action movies. C. Comedy movies.
  ⑦What did the woman think of the movie?
  A. Wonderful. B. Great. C. Awful.
  ⑧Which actor did the man like?
  A. Jackie Chan. B. Jet Li. C. Mr. Bean.
  W: How do you like that action movie, Rush Hour?
  M: I like it very much.
  W: You must be joking! The acting was awful!
  M: I don’t think so. Jackie Chan, he is very cool.
  W: The only good thing was my popcorn, very tasty.
  M: You must have been hungry. You ate it all yourself!
  W: Well, you were too busy laughing all the time.
  M: I couldn’t help. I think Jackie Chan is really funny.
  ⑨ (2017上海市)
  A. In a hotel. B. In a bookshop.
  C. In a cinema. D. In a classroom.
  M: Good evening. We’ve booked two rooms online.
  W: May I know your name, please?
  Q: Johnson, David Johnson.
  W: Let me see……Yes! Here we are. Two double rooms for three nights, right?
  Q: Where is Mr. Johnson now?
  ⑩ (2017河北省) Which jacket does the boy like best?
  A. The white one. B. The red one. C. The green one.
   Of the three jackets we saw yesterday, which do you like best?
   I think the white one is more beautiful than the red one, but the green one has three pockets, so I like it best.
   Question: Which jacket does the boy like best?
   Question: Which jacket does the boy like best?
  A. His pen. B. His notebook. C. His dictionary. D. His desk.
  M: Did you see my notebook?
  W: Yes. I saw it on the desk, next to the dictionary.
  M: Oh, there it is. Thanks.
  Q: What is the man looking for?
  4. 听长对话,根据对话内容完成下列表格。对话读两遍。
  Charlie’s Free Time
  In the past
  At present
  He had much free time. He used to play ①______ a lot,watch TV for about ②______ hours and play
  soccer every day.
  He has a lot of homework and can’t do many ③______ things. He can ④______ only once a week.
  One thing is the same: he does some ⑤______ at the weekends.
  【答案】①games ②four/4 ③fun ④swim ⑤reading
  W: So, Charlie, could you please tell me about your free time?
  M: Well, five years ago, when I was nine, I had much free time and I used to play games a lot. And I used to watch TV for about four hours every day.
  W: Four hours? That’s a lot of TV!
  M: Yes, but now I haven’t got time for TV. I have a lot of homework and I can’t do many fun things.
  W: It’s sad but that’s life.
  M: I think so. Now I can swim only once a week. But I used to play soccer every day.
  W: Is there one thing you used to do when you were nine and you still do now?
  M: Well, one thing is the same! I do some reading at the weekends.
  W: OK, thank you, Charlie.
  5. 听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。
  ①When do children in western countries usually start to do chores to get money?
  A. When they’re 6. B. When they’re 10. C. When they’re 12.
  ②Children do chores only on weekends because__________.
  A. they have to study from Monday to Friday
  B. they want to play from Monday to Friday
  C. they have nothing to do on weekends
  ③Which of the following do younger kids often do?
  A. Cook dinner for the family. B. Cut grass. C. Feed the family cat or dog.
  ④Older kids have to do more chores to__________.
  A. give the younger ones more candy
  B. get more money
  C. have more candy
  ⑤The writer wants to tell us that__________.
  A. getting money is not easy B. doing chores takes time C. doing chores is good for kids
  In western countries, many children do chores to get money. They usually start to do this at the age of 10.
  School students have to do homework and study for exams. They don’t have free time from Monday to Friday. So they do chores only on weekends.
  Younger kids only do easy chores. So they don’t get much money. But that’s OK. Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap! They help do the dishes after dinner, and feed the family cat or dog.
  When they get older, kids want to buy more things. They want things that are more expensive than candy. Then they have to work harder! They often wash the family car, cut the grass, walk the dog or cook dinner.
  Doing chores is a good way for kids to learn new things, for example, they can learn how to cut grass or how to cook, of course, their parents help them at first.
  I get up at six in the morning. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After a quick breakfast, I go to school by bus. It takes us more than ten minutes to get there.
  We have four hours’ classes in the morning. I have lunch at my grandparents’, because their home is nearer to my school.
  After two classes in the afternoon, school is over. Then we clean our classroom.
  I get home at about half past five. We have supper at seven. After dinner I do my homework. I go to bed at half past nine or ten in the evening.
  问题1.What do you usually do on weekends?
  【标准答案】I usually visit some of my parents’ old friends and go to the library to study.
  【加分答案】I usually spend weekends with my family or my friends. Sometimes my parents take me on a visit to their old friends. Sometimes I go to the library to study or borrow some books so that I can gain much knowledge. I also go to see various exhibitions to broaden my vision. Weekends are always enjoyable for me.
  【点睛之笔】内容方面,加分表达从概括和实例两个角度对周末常做的事情进行了阐述,比较详细地列举了一些周末经常做的活动。语言方面运用了:take…on a visit,so that 从句等,为表达增添了色彩。
  问题2.Do you often do some housework for your mother?
  【标准答案】Yes, I often do some housework for my mother.
  【加分答案】Yes, I often do some housework for my mother. She used to take care of everyone and did nearly all the housework. Now as I grow up, I start to realize that I need to help my mother with some chores. I often help my mother do some housework like cooking dishes, sweeping floors, washing clothes and so on. She looks so happy and I feel proud of myself.
  【点睛之笔】内容安排方面,加分表达直接对问题进行回答,语言运用方面使用了chores, help…with, grow up, feel proud of 等表达,使回答更完善,是非常好的加分点。
  问题3.How long do you read books every day?
  【标准答案】I read books for two hours every day.
  【加分答案】It takes me two hours to read books every day/ I spend two hours reading books every day.
  【点睛之笔】从语言运用方面加分答案更符合欧美的表达习惯。It takes somebody some time to do sth或者spend…(in) doing sth. 的运用使语言精炼。
  watch TV
  in the evening
  at home
  play video games
  on Sunday
  in her sister’s room
  go shopping
  on Saturday
  on Center Street
  Hello, everyone! I’m Jack. Last weekend I did a survey about free-time activities…
  One possible version:
  I asked Lucy about it, she said she usually watched TV at home until 11 o’clock every day. I don’t believe what she said, because she is a top student in our class and she studies so hard. So I think it impossible for her to watch TV. And next one is my best friend Paul. He often plays video games in his sister Kate’s room on Sunday. It’s true. He concentrates more on games than study. Of course his parents are unhappy with him. But he doesn’t seem to care about it. As for his sister Lily, she likes going shopping with her friends on Saturday on Center Street.
  Many students suffer from stress in their daily lives. They are under stress because their lives are not balanced. They focus too much on studying, dealing with peer pressure and worrying about what others think, but not enough on other things. You may wonder whether stress is a serious matter. The answer is yes. You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to begin to guard against stress from a young age.
  问题1.Why didn’t you go to park with us yesterday?
  【标准答案】Because I had a lot of homework to do and my mother and father didn’t allow me to go out.
  【加分答案】I would like to go with you. But there were lots of homework for me to do. Neither my mother nor my father allowed me to go out before I finished my homework.
  【点睛之笔】从内容方面,加分答案点明了不能去公园的原因。语言运用方面用了there be 句型, neither…nor…句式和before引导的时间状语从句,这些表达更符合英语表达习惯。
  问题2.Do you usually get up early and do some morning exercises?
  【标准答案】Yes, I often get up very early on weekends and do some morning exercises.
  【加分答案】Yes, I usually get up at six o’clock on weekends. Then I will do some exercises such as jogging. After that, it is time for me to walk my dog. It is the most relaxing time for me. Getting up early is very good for my health.
  【点睛之笔】加分表达的内容给出了具体早晨活动的例子,使内容更详实。语言运用方面使用了it is time for sb. to do something 和most relaxing time 等结构,给整个语段增添了色彩。
  问题3.Describe an activity you took part in on weekends.
  【标准答案】My parents and I went on a picnic in the park. My mom prepared some food. She made some sandwiches. We also brought some fruit with us. We sat on the grass and ate lunch in the park. My dad taught me how to fly a kite.
  【加分答案】It was a sunny day last Saturday. My parents and I went on a picnic in the park. My mom prepared some delicious food such as sandwiches, toast, ham, chocolate and so on. We also brought some fruit we like. We sat on the green grass and ate lunch happily in the park. My dad taught me how to fly a kite. That Saturday was very interesting.
  【点睛之笔】加分答案运用了“it was a sunny day last Saturday”, “this Saturday was very interesting”等句型,使整个描述过程丰富多彩。
  请根据以下提示内容,描述一下Lucy和Paul一天的活动。You may begin like this:
  Lucy and Paul had a busy weekend…
  One possible version:
  Lucy and Paul had a busy weekend. Last Sunday morning Lucy went out to see a funny film with Lily, a friend of hers. After seeing the film, they went to a shop nearby and each of them bought some school things, like rulers, notebooks, pencils and so on. They went back home early in the afternoon. In the evening, Lucy just stayed at home and watched TV. Paul had a busy weekend at home, too. In the morning, he read his history book because he had to study for his history exam the following Monday. In the afternoon, he did homework for his English lesson. In the evening, he sent an e-mail to Wei Gang, his Chinese pen friend. Anyway, he had a very busy weekend.


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