htc m8 m9 买哪个One M9 与 M8 差在哪

HTC One M9 vs. One (M8) and One (M7)
- March 4, 2015
Gizmag compares the features and specs of the HTC One M9 (far left), HTC One M8 (middle) and HTC One M7
(22 images)
Two years ago, a struggling HTC rebranded itself with an outstanding (not to mention gorgeous) flagship smartphone, the . Today, though the company is still making stunning handsets, it also looks hesitant to depart too far from that formula, as we now have the second iterative update to that original design, the . Let's compare the three generations of the One.
The HTC One M9 is roughly the same size as last year's . Compared to 2013's One M7, though, the M9 is 6 percent taller and 3 percent wider.
The HTC One is the rare mobile product lineup that has actually gotten a little thicker every year.
The HTC One M9 is a smidge lighter than last year's model, but it's still 10 percent heavier than the smaller M7.
That aluminum unibody build is no less stunning two years later, but it is a lot more familiar. It also makes us wonder how long HTC is going to cling to this same basic design scheme. On one hand, you could say "if it ain't broke" ... but on the other, we have to wonder if the company is becoming a little risk-averse with its flagship.
The new model does have some subtle design changes, like a more square-ish camera hole and a two-toned finish with different colored edges.
Three of the four colors are the same with the M9 as they are with the M8, with a pink option standing as the only newcomer.
Display (size)
No screen size change for the M9, as it sticks with the 5-incher we saw last year. The M7 only gives you 88 percent as much screen area.
Navigation buttons
The original HTC One did, however, have capacitive keys below its screen, rather than the onscreen navigation buttons we've seen the last two generations. In most places, that has all three phones' available screen real estate coming out around the same size.
... the exception is when Android's Immersive Mode kicks in (places like e-reading and video apps) to fade out those buttons, letting you use the full 5 inches in the M8 and M9.
Display (resolution)
This could be the biggest disappointment with the One M9, as it stands pat with 1080p resolution – even as many Android flagships are moving into Quad HD land.
These phones' full HD is still very sharp, but the Quad HD displays in rivals like the
give you more eye candy.
Unless HTC adds different variants later, it's going to stand as the rare mobile flagship that's only being offered in one storage tier.
MicroSD card
The One M9 and M8, though, do let you complement that internal storage by popping in a microSD card (sold separately).
In several of these categories, it almost looks like the product hasn't evolved ... but its performance certainly has. The 64-bit, octa-core Snapdragon 810 in the new model should be a significant upgrade over last year's CPU.
The M9 is also the first HTC flagship to jump into 3 GB of RAM.
These capacities don't necessarily mea stay tuned for our full review for the low-down on the M9's battery life.
Last year's M8 had some of the best battery life of any 2014 flagship, so it will be interesting to see if HTC improved on it with the 2015 model.
Camera megapixels (rear)
Remember the last two years, when HTC insisted that the megapixel argument was a bunch of baloney? Well, the company would probably like you to forget that now, as the M9 drops the "Ultrapixel" (fewer, but bigger, pixels) camera in favor of a much higher-resolution 20 MP sensor.
Camera megapixels (front)
The Ultrapixel camera does live on, though, on the front of the M9. How humiliating: once touted as a groundbreaking rear camera, it's now been demoted to selfie duty.
Camera aperture
The older models' rear cameras did have wider apertures than you'll find in the One M9.
Depth sensor
Though it was a little hit-or-miss, we enjoyed playing with the depth effects made possible by the second camera on the One M8's backside. We'll have to find other ways to entertain ourselves this year, as HTC dropped the polarizing feature.
If you own the HTC One M7, you're likely still waiting for the
update, but at least the unlocked version is already running Google's latest.
The One M9 will launch with the latest version of HTC's custom UI, Sense 7. We'll have more on that when we get a review unit in hand.
Windows Phone variant
We're only looking at the original (Android) version here, but there is also a
of the One M8. Who knows, maybe we'll eventually see a -running One M9.
What do you say we get together in March of next year to ring in the arrival of the HTC One M10?
Starting price (at launch, full retail)
HTC hasn't announced pricing for the One M9 yet, but if past is prologue, you can probably guess what it will cost off-contract.
Starting price (at launch, on-contract)
... ditto for on-contract pricing.
Stay tuned for our full review of the One M9. In the meantime, you can revisit our reviews of the
About the Author
Will Shanklin is Gizmag's Mobile Tech Editor, and has been part of the team since 2012. He covers a broad range of consumer tech, from phones and tablets to laptops, smartwatches and virtual reality.
do you think maybe the new processor, combined with larger battery and not upping the ppi should get better battery life? I sure do and I think that's why they aren't upgrading the screen to be the "eye candy". the ppi at 12" is well above retina display and like TVs, the quality is still limited to the source. Just curious, how many people actually watch 2K videos on their phone??
Good comparison guide to later models but I wouldn't be so quick to judge that they aren't updating things because they "aren't" broken. Maybe they have their reasons.
Matt Sedore
Amazing what they can put in phones now.
But do I really want to carry a device that cost more then my desktop in my pocket?
Nokia lumia 520 is nothing spec wise compared to these.
1Ghz dual core, Win8 phone, 4.0" IPS 15:9 LCD
800 x 480, 24-bit
235 ppi display screen.
But it is only $70 unlocked on amazon and it works.
Email, web browse, camera, phone calls and text.
It works, if it breaks, well I can get 8 more for price of one of these.
Would like to see more from Will!
Great for the OCD Type-A personalities among us.
Thanks, Will!
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HTC的 Peter Chou希望他们的手机能成为智能手机界的揽胜。
做出一个持久的设计正是HTC One M9要做的,HTC最新的手机款式和之前的HTC One M8十分相似。台湾智能手机制造商信誓旦旦的表示消费者还是喜欢金属机壳,就像M8一样的设计,M9将于本月晚些时候上市。
但是批评者和HTC的铁杆粉丝都都对手机设计缺乏变化而感到十分失望,&这种整体相互类似的设计更像是同一种产品,而不是生产了新的手机,&CNET的编辑Andrew Hoyle表示。
HTC改进机身的举动和三星殊途同归,三星的Galaxy S6 Edge的弯曲边缘更加独特。三星抛弃了塑料材质,在正面和背面都采用了金属框架和玻璃,创造了一个醒目的新手机。
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HTC官方:One M9/M8傻傻分不清楚
3月27日消息,HTC&在本月初发布新一代旗舰&One&M9&时,相信有不少“肠粉”对这款手机的外形颇有微辞,尽管在质感上相比&One&M8&的确有了改进,但毕竟二者长得太像了,有时分不清谁是谁的恐怕还不止我们。▲HTC One M9HTC即将在美国上市了,按照习惯会在当地媒体上放出一些宣传图(下图)预热,但今天&HTC&USA&的&Facebook&让人感到有点困惑。我们知道,HTC&One&M9&的&BoomSound&扬声器集成了能让立体声音质更出众的杜比环绕声技术,文中提到了这一点但却用了一张&One&M8&的图片。▲HTC One M8也许是临时工所为,但这张图片截止至本文发稿前依然“屹立不倒”。若是细心留意,从正面来看还是可以区分出&One&M8&和&One&M9&的,比如之前顶部的电源键被移到了右侧音量键下方,“HTC”标志处的黑带变得更窄,边框的撞色设计等。更精确地说,One&M9&的扬声器孔扩大了&0.03&毫米。  当然,要是翻到背面就一目了然了,HTC&One&M9&仅一颗&2000&万像素主镜头,且改为类似方形的设计。
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HTC One M9对比HTC One M8视频赏
&发表于: 00:10:22
全新HTC One M9智能手机即将正式对外铺货,Dospy获悉,今日外媒提前放出了HTC One M9对比HTC One M8的视频,让我们先睹为快。
视频出自PocketNow,我们不难看出,HTC One M9与HTC One M8在外形方面有着异曲同工之妙。不同的是,HTC One M9的硬件配置较现有机型而言,得到了很大程度提升。
关于HTC One M9,该机采用了5英寸、分辨率为 FHD显示屏,搭载高通骁龙810八核处理器。
其他参数,HTC One M9配置3GB RAM+64GB内存组合,前400万像素、后2000万像素摄像头,预装Android 5.0 Lollipop操作系统,支持4G LTE、WiFi和蓝牙,该机将于下月在美国上市。


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