west marine 在中国有美国公司在宁波的采购办事处处吗

户外公司上半年收入大盘点(11)- West Marine
  截止7月3日,West Marine公司2010上半年总收入为3.429亿美元,同比上涨2660万美元,09年上半年为3.163亿美元,主要受店销售额上涨的影响。户外店销售额同比上涨2420万美元,或9.1%。
  West Marine2010第一季度总收入同比上涨8.5%
  2010年第一季度,West Marine公司总收入为1.096亿美元,同比上涨8.5%,09年同期为1.01亿美元。其中,专卖店销售额同比上涨690万美元。2009年的专卖店关闭而导致390万美元的损失。West Marine专卖店总收入为9640万美元,同比上涨810万美元。批发总收入为670万美元,同比下降1.6%。直营净收入为650万美元,同比上涨60万美元。
  West Marine公司首席执行官Geoff Eisenberg对此表示,“很高兴看到第一季度的收入,出人意料。这些成果主要受几方面的影响:主要产品的销售额同比有所上涨、更多的人购买船舶准备出行、一些船舶和汽艇等需求有所增加、还有就是我们的专业服装迎合顾客的需求。我们的发展还受2010年第一季度天气的影响。从竞争角度看,我们从关闭专卖店中收益。我们的库存满足了顾客的需求,还会继续增加库存。在过去一年的经济危机中,我们制定一些政策,其中一条就是生产高质产品,现在这些产品满足顾客日益增加的需求。很感谢全体员工的努力,大家的努力是我们取得第一季度收入的关键因素。”
  West Marine第二季度收入是第七个保持上涨季度
  2010年第二季度,West Marine公司总收入为2.334亿美元,同比上涨1800万美元,09年同期为2.154亿美元,其中专卖店收入同比上涨1730万美元。。批发总额为930万美元,同比上涨40万美元。直营总额为1150万美元,同比下降40万美元。税前收入为3600万美元,同比上涨370万美元,这是该公司连续第7个季度保持增长。净收入为3510万美元,每股收益为1.52美元,09年同期净收入为3250万美元,每股收益为1.46美元。毛利润为8250万美元,同比上涨940万美元,其中上涨的0.9%受降低购买和批发费用的影响。
  第二季度的收入受东北地区良好天气的影响以及船舶市场发展良好,批发额增长幅度较高。在东南地区的收入同比下降,主要受墨西哥海湾污染的影响。West Marine公司在罗德岛纽波特开设第5家旗舰店。
  West Marine公司首席执行官Geoff Eisenberg对此表示,“2010年第二季度是第7个持续保持增长的季度,对于本季度的收入我们感到很满意,第二季度也是今年业务比较繁忙的一个季度。第一季度的收入令人鼓舞,为第二季度的良好发展奠定了基础。从全国地区来看,由于受天气的影响,东北地区的销售比以往要高。在东南部,由于受墨西哥海湾漏油的影响,禁止海上船舶活动,销售额同比有所下降。直营销售的收入不尽人意,同比有所下降,主要是修建网站,转移网站暂时会影响我们的销售,但是我们相信短期的损失是为了长远的发展。新的网站完善搜索功能、提升登录速度、添加一些内容等。”
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The owner of this website (www.allonlinecoupons.com) has banned your access based on your browser's signature (43cd9bf58fd877ea-ua98).From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
boat manufacturer company see:
Not to be confused with .
West Marine is an
company based in , which operates a chain of
supply and
retail stores. The company has nearly 300 retail stores in , including Puerto Rico and Canada, and previously had seven franchised stores in Turkey.
was founded in 1968 by Randy Repass in , with the name West Coast Ropes, selling
from Repass' garage. The first retail West Coast Ropes store opened in 1975 in . With the acquisition of assets from West Products in 1977, the company changed its name to West Marine Products, Inc. In 1978
West Marine established a
division called Port Supply. In 1991, the first West Marine stores opened on the , in Miami and Annapolis, Maryland. In 1993 the company went public on the
exchange (symbol WMAR).
In 1996, West Marine merged with , to target a larger customer base of power boat enthusiasts. In 2003 the company acquired the .
In December 2007, Geoff Eisenberg replaced Peter Harris as the company's president and chief executive officer.
By 2009, the company was more than three times as large as its nearest competitor, , which closed that year, shutting all its stores nationwide.
In April 2012 the company announced that Eisenberg planned to resign. In June 2012, Matt Hyde, a 26-year veteran of , became the new president and CEO.
In 2017, West Marine was acquired by private equity firm Monomoy Capital Partners for $338 million in cash.
In October 2017 the company announced that Hyde had left the company.
West Marine currently offers more than 75,000 products online, in stores, and via .
In July 2008, West Marine opened its first franchise store in Istanbul, Turkey. The newly formed company, East Marine Denizcilik ve Turizm A.? trades as West Marine Turkey and was majority owned by
and ?brahim Yaz?c?. In March 2009, the second store was opened in Kalam?? and June 2009 saw the opening of the third franchise store in . The fourth store, in Marmaris, opened in October 2010 with more stores planned around the coast of Turkey. On January 1, 2015, all seven West Marine Franchise stores in Turkey separated from West Marine and became Eastmarine.
In October 2014, West Marine announced that it would close all of its Canadian stores by 2019 as
seven of the ten stores in Canada were to close in 2015.
In September 2017 the company announced it was acquired by Monomoy Capital Partners in a transaction valued at $328m.
. www.westmarine.com 2017.
. BYM Product and Industry News. December 11, .
. West Marine: Press Releases. May 17, .
. 5 July 2017.
. www.westmarine.com.
www.eastmarine.com.tr 2017.
. Boating Business. October 28, .
. www.westmarine.com.
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