ig 中国从粗放型经济向 九年级

考前冲刺 | IG经济考前基础知识
本篇推送重点针对AO1 Understanding,AO2 Application, AO3 Analysis, 对应卷子必答题当中2分-6分的题目,以及选答题中前2-3个小题。在答题时也有一定的技巧,参考评分标准我们可以看到,有些题目问某个概念的两个特点,或两个原因,分值为4分,我们在做题时一定要注意对每个点的解释,并且注意使用术语。以下是老师结合了近几年IG经济卷子,对于常考基础知识点的整理,以应对前三个评分标准对我们的要求。
Section I The Basic Economic Problem
What is opportunity cost?
next best alternative foregone
Section II Allocation of resource
What are the reasons why the supply of a product may be price-inelastic?
o It may take time to produce the product. this means that it will take time to adjust
supply in response to a change in price / example of a product that it takes time to
o It may not be possible to store the product. this means that it cannot be taken out of
storage when price rises / products cannot be put into storage when price falls
o It may be costly to adjust supply e.g. it might be necessary to build new factories and
this may discourage firms from adjusting supply
o The supply of a natural resource may become limited e.g. gold maybe close to
What are the causes of market failure?
oFailure to take into account all costs and benefits/ external costs and benefits/ under-consumed/ underproduced/ over-consumption/ over-production
oinformation failure
opublic goods are not produced in a market system
oabuse of market power
olack of mobility of resources
Section III The individual as Producer, Consumer and Borrower
What are the function of money?
oStore of value
oUnit of account
oMedium of exchange
oStandard for deferred payment
What are the functions of the central bank?
oLender of last resort
oPrinting notes and minting coins
oSetting interest rates
oSupervising monetary policy
oBanker for commercial banks and government
oManage international financial system
Define ‘stock exchange’
An organisation/ market for the sale and purchase of shares
What are the functions of trade unions?
oNegotiating wages and other non-wage benefits
oDefending employee rights and jobs
oImproving pay and other benefits
oImproving working conditions
oIncrease worker participation in business decisions
oDevelop skills of union members
Section IV The Private Firm as Producer and Employer
What are the economies of scale?
oFinancial economies
oTechnical economies
oRisk-bearing economies
oMarketing economies
What are the internal diseconomies of scale that a large firm may experience?
oDifficulties controlling/ managing the firm/ managerial diseconomies as there are more layers of management in a large firm so ti may take longer to make decisions
ocommunication problems as there are more layers of communication and communication may be indirect. messages may be misinterpreted and it takes time to reach recipients
olabour diseconomies: workers may feel less appreciated/ have low morale so may become demotivated which could reduce labour productivity/ efficiency
opoor industrial relations: there may be industrial action such as strikes
What are the advantages that firms may gain from a horizontal merger?
oTake advantages of economies of scale, reduce average costs
oIncreased market share as a direct competitor is eliminated
oexchange ideas and gain technology so that to increase innovation and produce with better quality
What are the advantages of a sole proprietor?
oProfit incentive/all profits go to the sole proprietor, do not have to share with partners
oand/or shareholders
oFlexible as no one else to consult/quick to make decisions
oProvides personal services/has personal contact with consumers (1) can pick up changes in
odemand/target products
oLow start up costs/easy to set up, eases entry into the market/limited legal requirements
oOwn boss, no-one to take orders from
What is multinational company?
a company that has its headquarters/is based in a country but produces in a number
of countries
What are the characteristics of perfect competition?
omany buyers and sellers, making each firm a price taker
ofree entry and exit, absence of barriers to entry and exit/ results in only normal profits being earned in the long run
ohomogeneous product, demand for one firm’s product will be perfectly elastic
operfect knowledge, firms and buyers aware of profits
Define ‘monopoly’
A market with one seller/ single supplier
A price maker/ a firm with market power/ dominant firm/ has barriers to entry
Section V Role of Government in an Economy
What are the aims of government?
ofull employment
oprice stability
oeconomic growth
oredistribution of income
ostability of balance of payment
What are the types of direct taxes?
oincome tax
ocorporation tax
ocapital gains tax
oinheritance tax
What are the types of indirect taxes?
osale tax/ value added tax
oexcise duties
ocustoms duties/ tariff
How supply-side policy measures could increase productivity?
oimproved education/training, may raise workers’ skills, increase output per worker hour
o privatisation may increase competitive pressure on firms to keep costs low, encourage more investment, and increase output per factor hour
o reforming trade unions may reduce restrictive practices, this may allow firms to
use their workers more efficiently increase output per worker hour
o cutting corporation tax may increase profit, increase investment and increase
output per factor hour
o giving subsidies to encourage firms to invest in advanced technology, engage in
research and development and/or train workers
Section VI Economic Indicators
What are the types of unemployment?
oSeasonal/ Casual
What are the causes of inflation
What are the indicators of living standards?
oGDP per capita
oHDI takes into account income, education and life expectancy
Section VII Developing and Developed Countries
What is absolute poverty?
oA lack of access to basic necessities e.g. food/clothing/housing
oLiving on less than e.g. US$1.25 a day
What are the characteristics of a rapidly developing economy?
ohigh increase in real GDP per head will increase living standards by investment
osignificant improvements in healthcare will increase life expectancy cause by increased spending on hospitals
osignificant improvements in education will raise workers skills
ohigh proportion of workers employed in the tertiary sector . as countries develops, workers tent to move from primary and secondary sectors to the tertiary sector
olow rates of population growth. as countries develop, the birth rate tends to fall faster than the death rate
ohigh spending on luxury products
oencouragement of MNCs to set up as it may reduce unemployment
新东方国际学科会计组教研负责人。主教科目:A-Level/ IGCSE会计/经济/文学,雅思写作。获得ACCA会计职业评估,授课思路清晰简明,鼓励学生提问和自主探究,同时结合考试,着重分析和解决难点易错点,帮助学生获得理想成绩和学习体验。
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第 9 课 西欧和日本经济的发展知识点一、战后欧洲的崛起 (一) 、二战后欧洲经济的恢复与发展 (1) 、战后西欧经济恢复和发展的表现? ①20 世纪 50 年代初,各国的工业生产已经大体达到甚至超过了战前水平; ②50―70 年代西欧经济持续繁荣。 (2) 、二战后西欧经济迅速恢复和发展的原因? ①美国的大力援助-马歇尔计划(外部原因) ②西欧国家发挥高素质的劳动力优势(历史原因) ③西欧国家积极采用最先进的科技成果(主观原因) ④西欧国家制定恰当的经济发展政策(主观原因) ⑤第三次科技革命的推动。 (客观条件) (二) 、欧洲走向联合 1、表现:①1967 年,法国和联邦德国等西欧国家成立了“欧洲共同体”组织。(基础) ②1993 年,西欧国家在欧洲共同体的基础上成立欧洲联盟,简称“欧盟”(EU) 。 总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔,到 2007 年欧盟共有 27 个成员国。 2、联合原因(欧共体成立的原因) : ①西欧经济得到恢复和发展。 ②西欧各国联系日益密切,为促进经济的发展和加强团结合作。 ③美苏争霸的两极格局中,西欧为维护自身安全和提升国际地位的需要。 3.性质:欧盟成为世界上最大的经济体 4.欧盟作用(欧盟成立的作用) : ①对欧洲;促进各成员国经济的发展和一体化的发展,有利于提高西欧的国际地位。 ②对资本主义世界:动摇了美国的霸主地位,随着欧盟、日本的崛起,资本主义世界形成了三足鼎立的局 面。 ③对世界格局:促进世界多极格局和经济全球化的发展。 5.发展趋势:政治经济一体化 6、欧盟成员国人们生活会有哪些变化呢? ①欧盟各国逐步使用统一货币---欧元。 (口袋里的欧洲) ②欧盟成员国内部人员、资本和货物可以自由流通。 ③不同国家的人可以自由地在任何一个成员国工作、学习或居住。 ④欧盟还力求在外交和国家安全等方面步调一致。 7、二战后西欧经济迅速恢复和发展给我们的启示 ①抓住机遇机遇②科学技术是第一生产力③科教兴国④引进技术 ④坚持改革⑤根据国情搞建设。 8、欧洲的崛起―欧洲的联合给我们的启示 ①和平发展是当今世界的主流。要走和平崛起之路。 ②人类不应有太多的仇恨,化干戈为玉帛是历史的进步。 ③国家之间的合作可以实现“双赢”和“多赢” 。 ④我国应该加强与世界各国交流与合作,谋求共同发展。 二、战后日本的崛起(一) 、二战后初期的日本恢复发展的原因①战后美国在日本进行社会改革,并推行非军事化政策。 (外因) ②战后美国对日本的扶持。 (外因) ③日本政府制定适当的经济发展政策,引进最新的科学技术,发展教育和科学技术。 (内因) ④第三次科技革命的推动。 (外因) (二) 、战后日本经济发展的概况1 ①20 世纪 50 年代中期日本经济恢复到战前水平。 ② 20 世纪 50 年代中期以后的近 20 年间,日本经济成为仅次于美国的第二大资本主义国家,日本国民生 产总值年均增长率,居资本主义大国之首。 ③
年的经济危机使日本经济经济发展速度放缓。 ④ 80 年代中期以后,日本实行“科技立国”政策,促进了经济的发展。 (三) 、战后日本国际地位加强的表现 ① 1964 年,日本东京成功地举办了奥运会。 ②20 世纪七八十年代以来,日本谋求政治大国欲望不断膨胀,军费开支不断增。(四) 、目前日本与邻国关系存在什么严重问题?中国如何应对?存在问题:①日本谋求政治大国欲望膨胀,企图成为联合国安理会常任理事国。 ②军费支出不断增加,加强与美国军事合作,引起与邻国关系紧张。 ③领土问题,日本不顾邻国抗议,党方面提出竹岛、钓鱼岛是日本领土。 ④日本没有彻底消除和反省二战中的历史问题,参拜靖国神社,篡改教科书。 如何应对: ①发展与日本经济文化交流和友好合作稳定的政治经济秩序。 ②要区别对待日本人民和少数军国主义分子,时刻警惕军国主义和法西斯主义复活。 ③努力学习科学文化知识,发展经济,提高综合国力,把祖国建设的繁荣富强。 ④日本应正视历史,以史为鉴,反省战争中犯下的罪行,做一个负责任的大国与周边地区和国家 友好相处。三、二战后西欧国家和日本经济迅速发展的共同原因及给我们的启示共同原因: ①都得到了美国在经济上的援助或扶植②都大力引进最先进的科学技术,发展教育,培养人才。③都制 定了恰当的经济发展政策。 ④都抓住了第三次科技革命的机遇。 借鉴(对中国的启示) : ①要善于抓住机遇,注意加强国际间经济联系②要大力发展教育,培养人才,积极引进先进 科技,大胆创新③坚持改革开放,制定适合本国国情的经济发展战略。2
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